All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- New filtering options for
- When files are removed from sets while their uploads are still queued, they no longer remain in the queue forever.
- Admin-only filestatus sub-command to print out the status of a file for each set the file appears in.
- Admin-only summary sub-command to summarise usage of all sets.
- Dependencies updated to avoid potential security vulnerabilites.
- Inodes that get re-used won't be mis-characterised as hardlinks, nor will we over-write existing backup data for hardlinks with different hardlink data for a re-used inode.
- Non-regular, non-symlink files are marked as 'abnormal' and not uploaded if specified in a fofn, and ignored completely if in a directory.
- Broken symlinks now get uploaded.
- First release version. Copy from local disk to iRODS implemented, manually and via client->server. Hardlink and symlink support.