A Helm chart for the deployment of WSO2 API Manager all-in-one distribution.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
aws.efs.accessPoints | object | {"carbonDb":"","solr":""} |
EFS Access Points for static provisioning |
aws.efs.capacity | string | "" |
EFS capacity |
aws.efs.directoryPerms | string | "0777" |
EFS directory permissions |
aws.efs.fileSystemId | string | "" |
EFS file system ID for mounting the persistent volume |
aws.enabled | bool | true |
If AWS is used as the cloud provider |
aws.region | string | "" |
AWS region |
aws.secretsManager.secretIdentifiers.internalKeystorePassword | object | {"secretKey":"","secretName":""} |
Internal keystore password identifier in secrets manager |
aws.secretsManager.secretIdentifiers.internalKeystorePassword.secretKey | string | "" |
AWS Secrets Manager secret key |
aws.secretsManager.secretIdentifiers.internalKeystorePassword.secretName | string | "" |
AWS Secrets Manager secret name |
aws.secretsManager.secretProviderClass | string | "wso2am-am-secret-provider-class" |
AWS Secrets Manager secret provider class name |
aws.serviceAccountName | string | "" |
azure.enabled | bool | false |
If Azure is used as the cloud provider |
azure.keyVault.activeDirectory.servicePrincipal | object | {"appId":"","clientSecretName":"","credentialsSecretName":""} |
Service Principal created for transacting with the target Azure Key Vault For advanced details refer to official documentation (https://github.com/Azure/secrets-store-csi-driver-provider-azure/blob/master/docs/service-principal-mode.md) |
azure.keyVault.activeDirectory.servicePrincipal.appId | string | "" |
Application ID of the service principal used in secret-store-csi |
azure.keyVault.activeDirectory.servicePrincipal.clientSecretName | string | "" |
Client secret name of the service principal used in secret-store-csi |
azure.keyVault.activeDirectory.servicePrincipal.credentialsSecretName | string | "" |
Credentials secret name of the service principal used as nodePublisherRef |
azure.keyVault.activeDirectory.tenantId | string | "" |
Azure Active Directory tenant ID of the target Key Vault |
azure.keyVault.name | string | "" |
Azure Key vault used for credential management |
azure.keyVault.resourceManager.resourceGroup | string | "" |
Name of the Azure Resource Group to which the target Azure Key Vault belongs |
azure.keyVault.resourceManager.subscriptionId | string | "" |
Subscription ID of the target Azure Key Vault |
azure.keyVault.secretIdentifiers.internalKeystoreKeyPassword | string | "" |
Internal keystore key password identifier in keyvault |
azure.keyVault.secretIdentifiers.internalKeystorePassword | string | "" |
Internal keystore password identifier in keyvault |
azure.keyVault.secretProviderClass | string | "wso2am-secret-provider-class" |
Azure Key vault secret provider class name |
azure.persistence.capacity | string | "" |
Persistent volume capacity |
azure.persistence.fileShare | string | "" |
Azure fileshare name |
azure.persistence.secretName | string | "" |
Azure file secret name |
azure.persistence.storageClass | string | "" |
Persistent volume storage class |
azure.serviceAccount | string | "wso2am-all-in-one-svc-account" |
gcp.enabled | bool | true |
If GCP is used as the cloud provider |
gcp.fs | object | {"capacity":"","fileshares":{"carbonDB":{"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""},"solr":{"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""}},"location":"","network":"","tier":""} |
File Store configuration parameters |
gcp.fs.capacity | string | "" |
Storage capacity of the file system (in GB or other appropriate units) |
gcp.fs.fileshares | object | {"carbonDB":{"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""},"solr":{"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""}} |
FileStore configuration for specific services |
gcp.fs.fileshares.carbonDB | object | {"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""} |
FileShare configs for CarbonDB persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.carbonDB.fileShareName | string | "" |
FileShare of the CarbonDB persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.carbonDB.fileStoreName | string | "" |
FileStore of the CarbonDB persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.carbonDB.ip | string | "" |
IP of the CarbonDB persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.solr | object | {"fileShareName":"","fileStoreName":"","ip":""} |
FileShare configs for Solr persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.solr.fileShareName | string | "" |
FileShare of the Solr persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.solr.fileStoreName | string | "" |
FileStore of the Solr persistent storage |
gcp.fs.fileshares.solr.ip | string | "" |
IP of the Solr persistent storage |
gcp.fs.location | string | "" |
Region of the FileStore |
gcp.fs.network | string | "" |
Network of the FileStore |
gcp.fs.tier | string | "" |
Tier of the FileStore |
gcp.secretsManager | object | {"projectId":"","secret":{"secretName":"","secretVersion":""},"secretProviderClass":""} |
Secrets Manager configuration parameters |
gcp.secretsManager.projectId | string | "" |
Project ID |
gcp.secretsManager.secret.secretName | string | "" |
Name of the secret |
gcp.secretsManager.secret.secretVersion | string | "" |
Version of the secret |
gcp.secretsManager.secretProviderClass | string | "" |
Secret provider class |
gcp.serviceAccountName | string | "" |
Service Account with access to read secrets |
kubernetes.ingress.gateway.annotations | object | {"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol":"HTTPS","nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffer-size":"8k","nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-buffering":"on"} |
Ingress annotations for Gateway pass-through |
kubernetes.ingress.gateway.enabled | bool | true |
kubernetes.ingress.gateway.hostname | string | "gw.wso2.com" |
Ingress hostname for Gateway pass-through |
kubernetes.ingress.management.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity" | string | "cookie" |
kubernetes.ingress.management.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol" | string | "HTTPS" |
kubernetes.ingress.management.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-hash" | string | "sha1" |
kubernetes.ingress.management.annotations."nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name" | string | "route" |
kubernetes.ingress.management.enabled | bool | true |
kubernetes.ingress.management.hostname | string | "am.wso2.com" |
kubernetes.ingress.ratelimit.burstLimit | string | "" |
Ingress ratelimit burst limit |
kubernetes.ingress.ratelimit.enabled | bool | false |
Ingress rate limit |
kubernetes.ingress.ratelimit.zoneName | string | "" |
Ingress ratelimit zone name |
kubernetes.ingress.tlsSecret | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret created for Ingress TLS |
kubernetes.ingress.websocket.annotations | string | nil |
Ingress annotations for Websocket |
kubernetes.ingress.websocket.enabled | bool | true |
kubernetes.ingress.websocket.hostname | string | "websocket.wso2.com" |
Ingress hostname for Websocket |
kubernetes.ingress.websub.annotations | string | nil |
Ingress annotations for Websub |
kubernetes.ingress.websub.enabled | bool | true |
kubernetes.ingress.websub.hostname | string | "websub.wso2.com" |
Ingress hostname for Websub |
kubernetes.ingressClass | string | "nginx" |
Ingress class to be used for the ingress resource |
kubernetes.securityContext.runAsGroup | int | 10001 |
kubernetes.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 10001 |
User ID of the container |
wso2.ELKAnalytics | object | {"enabled":false} |
ELK Analytics Parameters |
wso2.apim.configurations.adminPassword | string | "admin" |
Super admin password |
wso2.apim.configurations.adminUsername | string | "admin" |
Super admin username |
wso2.apim.configurations.ai | object | {"enabled":false,"endpoint":"","token":""} |
APIM AI related configurations |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.gateway_token.enabled | bool | true |
Gateway token cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.gateway_token.expiryTime | string | "15m" |
Gateway token cache expiration time |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.jwt_claim.enabled | bool | true |
Gateway JWT claim cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.jwt_claim.expiryTime | string | "15m" |
Gateway JWT claim cache expiration time |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.km_token.enabled | bool | true |
Gateway KM token cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.km_token.expiryTime | string | "15m" |
Gateway KM token cache expiration time |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.publisher_roles.enabled | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.recent_apis.enabled | bool | false |
Gateway recent APIs cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.resource.enabled | bool | true |
Gateway resource cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.resource.expiryTime | string | "900s" |
Gateway resource cache expiration time |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.scopes.enabled | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.tags.enabled | bool | true |
Gateway tags cache enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.cache.tags.expiryTime | string | "2m" |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.allowCredentials | bool | false |
CORS Access-Control-Allow-Credentials |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.allowHeaders | list | ["authorization","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Content-Type","SOAPAction","apikey","Internal-Key"] |
CORS Access-Control-Allow-Headers |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.allowMethods | list | ["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS"] |
CORS Access-Control-Allow-Methods |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.allowOrigins | list | ["*"] |
CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.enableForWS | bool | false |
Enable CORS for Websockets |
wso2.apim.configurations.cors.enabled | bool | true |
CORS configuration enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.apim_db | object | {"password":"","poolParameters":{"defaultAutoCommit":false,"maxActive":100,"maxWait":60000,"minIdle":5,"testOnBorrow":true,"testWhileIdle":true,"validationInterval":30000},"url":"","username":""} |
APIM APIMDB configurations. This is required for gateway only in a multi-tenancy scenario |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.apim_db.password | string | "" |
APIM APIMDB password |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.apim_db.poolParameters | object | {"defaultAutoCommit":false,"maxActive":100,"maxWait":60000,"minIdle":5,"testOnBorrow":true,"testWhileIdle":true,"validationInterval":30000} |
APIM database JDBC pool parameters |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.apim_db.url | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.apim_db.username | string | "" |
APIM APIMDB username |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.jdbc.driver | string | "" |
JDBC driver class name |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.shared_db.password | string | "" |
APIM SharedDB password |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.shared_db.poolParameters | object | {"defaultAutoCommit":false,"maxActive":100,"maxWait":60000,"minIdle":5,"testOnBorrow":true,"testWhileIdle":true,"validationInterval":30000} |
APIM database JDBC pool parameters |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.shared_db.url | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.shared_db.username | string | "" |
APIM SharedDB username |
wso2.apim.configurations.databases.type | string | "" |
Database type. eg: mysql, oracle, mssql, postgres |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.applicationSharingImpl | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.applicationSharingType | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.create_default_application | string | nil |
Whether to create default application |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.defaultReservedUsername | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.displayDeprecatedApis | string | nil |
Whether to display deprecated APIs |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.displayMultipleVersions | string | nil |
Whether to display multiple versions of same API or only showing the latest version of an API |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableAnonymousMode | string | nil |
Whether anonymous mode is enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableApplicationSharing | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableComments | string | nil |
Whether to display comments for API |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableCrossTenantSubscriptions | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableForum | string | nil |
Whether to display forum for API |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableKeyProvisioning | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.enableRatings | string | nil |
Whether to display ratings for API |
wso2.apim.configurations.devportal.loginUsernameCaseInsensitive | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventHandlers[0].name | string | "userPostSelfRegistration" |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventHandlers[0].subscriptions[0] | string | "POST_ADD_USER" |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventListeners[0].id | string | "token_revocation" |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventListeners[0].name | string | "org.wso2.is.notification.ApimOauthEventInterceptor" |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventListeners[0].order | int | 1 |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventListeners[0].properties.notificationEndpoint | string | "https://localhost:${mgt.transport.https.port}/internal/data/v1/notify" |
wso2.apim.configurations.eventListeners[0].type | string | "org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityHandler" |
wso2.apim.configurations.gateway.environments | list | [{"description":"This is a hybrid gateway that handles both production and sandbox token traffic.","displayInApiConsole":true,"gatewayType":"Regular","httpHostname":"gw.wso2.com","name":"Default","provider":"wso2","serviceName":"wso2am-gateway-service","servicePort":9443,"showAsTokenEndpointUrl":true,"type":"hybrid","websubHostname":"websub.wso2.com","wsHostname":"websocket.wso2.com"}] |
APIM Gateway environments |
wso2.apim.configurations.gatewayType | string | "Regular" |
wso2.apim.configurations.iskm.enabled | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.iskm.revokeURL | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.iskm.serviceName | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.claimDialect | string | "http://wso2.org/claims" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.claimsExtractorImpl | string | "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.DefaultClaimsRetriever" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.enableUserClaims | string | "false" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.enabled | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.encoding | string | "base64" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.generatorImpl | string | "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.token.JWTGenerator" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.header | string | "X-JWT-Assertion" |
wso2.apim.configurations.jwt.signingAlgorithm | string | "SHA256withRSA" |
wso2.apim.configurations.keyManager.allowSubscriptionValidationDisabling | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.keyManager.enableLightweightAPIKeyGeneration | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.enableAuthentication | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.enableStartTls | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.fromAddress | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.hostname | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.password | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.port | int | 25 |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.signature | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.notification.username | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.authHeader | string | "Authorization" |
OAuth authorization header name |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.enableTokenEncryption | bool | false |
Enable token encryption |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.enableTokenHashing | bool | false |
Enable token hashing |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.oauth2JWKSUrl | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.removeOutboundAuthHeader | bool | true |
Remove auth header from outgoing requests |
wso2.apim.configurations.oauth_config.revokeEndpoint | string | "" |
OAuth revoke endpoint |
wso2.apim.configurations.publisher.enablePortalConfigurationOnlyMode | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.publisher.internalKeyIssuer | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.publisher.supportedDocumentTypes | string | "" |
Supported document types in Publisher. This should be used only if there are additional document types to be supported. |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.jksSecretName | string | "" |
Kubernetes secret containing the keystores and truststore |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.internal.alias | string | "wso2carbon" |
Internal keystore alias |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.internal.enabled | bool | false |
Internal keystore enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.internal.keyPassword | string | "" |
Internal keystore key password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.internal.name | string | "wso2carbon.jks" |
Internal keystore name |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.internal.password | string | "" |
Internal keystore password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.primary.alias | string | "wso2carbon" |
Primary keystore alias |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.primary.enabled | bool | false |
Primary keystore enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.primary.keyPassword | string | "" |
Primary keystore key password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.primary.name | string | "wso2carbon.jks" |
Primary keystore name |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.primary.password | string | "" |
Primary keystore password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.tls.alias | string | "wso2carbon" |
TLS keystore alias |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.tls.enabled | bool | true |
TLS keystore enabled |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.tls.keyPassword | string | "wso2carbon" |
TLS keystore key password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.tls.name | string | "wso2carbon.jks" |
TLS keystore name |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.keystores.tls.password | string | "wso2carbon" |
TLS keystore password |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.truststore.name | string | "client-truststore.jks" |
Truststore name |
wso2.apim.configurations.security.truststore.password | string | "" |
Truststore password |
wso2.apim.configurations.serviceProvider.spNameRegex | string | "^[\\sa-zA-Z0-9._-]*$" |
wso2.apim.configurations.syncRuntimeArtifacts.gateway.labels | list | ["Default"] |
Gateway label used to filter out artifact retrieval |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.blacklistCondition.period | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.blacklistCondition.startDelay | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableBlacklistCondition | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableDataPublishing | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableHeaderBasedThrottling | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableJwtClaimBasedThrottling | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enablePersistence | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enablePolicyDeploy | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableQueryParamBasedThrottling | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.enableUnlimitedTier | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.eventManagement.hostname | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.eventManagement.port | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.eventSync.hostname | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.eventSync.port | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.jms.startDelay | string | nil |
wso2.apim.configurations.throttling.throttleDecisionEndpoints | list | [] |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.EnablePersistentNotifier | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.EnableRealtimeNotifier | bool | true |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.NotifierImpl | string | "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.events.TokenRevocationNotifierImpl" |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.PersistentNotifierHostname | string | "https://localhost:2379/v2/keys/jti/" |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.PersistentNotifierPassword | string | "root" |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.PersistentNotifierTtl | int | 5000 |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.PersistentNotifierUsername | string | "root" |
wso2.apim.configurations.token.revocation.RealtimeNotifierTtl | int | 5000 |
wso2.apim.configurations.transactionCounter.enabled | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.transactionCounter.serverId | string | "Gateway" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.ciphers[0] | string | "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.ciphers[1] | string | "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.keystore.fileName | string | "$ref{keystore.tls.file_name}" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.keystore.password | string | "$ref{keystore.tls.password}" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sessionTimeout | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sslEnabledProtocols[0] | string | "TLSv1" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sslEnabledProtocols[1] | string | "TLSv1.1" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sslEnabledProtocols[2] | string | "TLSv1.2" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sslPort | int | 9711 |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.sslReceiverThreadPoolSize | int | 100 |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.tcpPort | int | 9611 |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.tcpReceiverThreadPoolSize | int | 100 |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.type | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.transport.receiver.workerThreads | int | 10 |
wso2.apim.configurations.userStore.properties | string | nil |
User store properties |
wso2.apim.configurations.userStore.type | string | "database_unique_id" |
User store type. https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/administer/managing-users-and-roles/managing-user-stores/configure-primary-user-store/configuring-the-primary-user-store/ |
wso2.apim.configurations.workflow.callbackEndpoint | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.workflow.clientRegistrationEndpoint | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.workflow.enable | bool | false |
wso2.apim.configurations.workflow.serviceUrl | string | "" |
wso2.apim.configurations.workflow.tokenEndpoint | string | "" |
wso2.apim.log4j2.appenders | string | "" |
Appenders |
wso2.apim.log4j2.loggers | string | "" |
wso2.apim.mountStartupScript | bool | false |
Startup script mount status |
wso2.apim.portOffset | int | 0 |
Port Offset for APIM deployment |
wso2.apim.secureVaultEnabled | bool | false |
Secure vauld enabled |
wso2.apim.startupArgs | string | "" |
Startup arguments for APIM |
wso2.apim.version | string | "4.5.0" |
APIM version |
wso2.choreoAnalytics | object | {"enabled":false,"endpoint":"","onpremKey":""} |
WSO2 Choreo Analytics Parameters If provided, these parameters will be used publish analytics data to Choreo Analytics environment (https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/observe/api-manager-analytics/configure-analytics/register-for-analytics/). |
wso2.choreoAnalytics.endpoint | string | "" |
Choreo Analytics cloud service endpoint |
wso2.choreoAnalytics.onpremKey | string | "" |
On-premise key for Choreo Analytics |
wso2.deployment.image.digest | string | "" |
Docker image digest |
wso2.deployment.image.imagePullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Refer to the Kubernetes documentation on updating images (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#updating-images) |
wso2.deployment.image.registry | string | "" |
Registry containing the image |
wso2.deployment.image.repository | string | "" |
Repository name consisting the image |
wso2.deployment.lifecycle.preStopHook.sleepSeconds | int | 10 |
Time to wait until the apim is terminated gracefully |
wso2.deployment.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
wso2.deployment.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 60 |
Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated |
wso2.deployment.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
wso2.deployment.minAvailable | string | "50%" |
Minimum available pod counts for PDB |
wso2.deployment.nodeSelector | string | nil |
Node selector to deploy pod in selected node. Add label to the node and specify the label here. |
wso2.deployment.persistence.solrIndexing | object | {"capacity":{"carbonDatabase":"50M","solrIndexedData":"50M"},"enabled":false} |
Persistent runtime artifacts for Apache Solr-based indexing |
wso2.deployment.persistence.solrIndexing.capacity.carbonDatabase | string | "50M" |
For persisting the H2 based local Carbon database file |
wso2.deployment.persistence.solrIndexing.capacity.solrIndexedData | string | "50M" |
For persisting the indexed solr data |
wso2.deployment.persistence.solrIndexing.enabled | bool | false |
Indicates if persistence of the runtime artifacts for Apache Solr-based indexing is enabled By default, this is disabled |
wso2.deployment.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
wso2.deployment.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 60 |
Number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated |
wso2.deployment.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
wso2.deployment.resources.jvm.memory.xms | string | "2048m" |
JVM heap memory Xms |
wso2.deployment.resources.jvm.memory.xmx | string | "2048m" |
JVM heap memory Xmx |
wso2.deployment.resources.limits.cpu | string | "3000m" |
CPU limit for API Manager |
wso2.deployment.resources.limits.memory | string | "3Gi" |
Memory limit for API Manager |
wso2.deployment.resources.requests.cpu | string | "2000m" |
CPU request for API Manager |
wso2.deployment.resources.requests.memory | string | "2Gi" |
Memory request for API Manager |
wso2.deployment.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 5 |
Minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed |
wso2.deployment.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 60 |
Number of seconds after the container has started before startup probes are initiated |
wso2.deployment.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
How often (in seconds) to perform the probe |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2