Live wall/ photo feed of clothing labels for Fashion Revolution Day for Fashion Revolution. People will be taking photos of their clothing labels, we would like them to all upload onto a live feed.
##Team ###Backend
##Project Setup
- Get the code:
git clone
- Get Virtual Env
- Get virtualend wrapper
- Create a new virtual enviroment for the project
mkvirtualenv fashrevwall
- Use this enviroment or change to this from another by using:
workon fashrevwall
- Go to project folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get Postgres
- Create empty db for now locally,
createdb fashrevwall
- Start the server:
python runserver
- First you will need to install NPM to manage packages
- Install Grunt
- Go to
folder and runnpm install
to install all the front end dependencies.
- Create a Heroku account and get added to the app
- Download Heroku Toolbeit
- Login:
heroku login
- Add a new remote to push to Heroku:
git remote add heroku-remote [email protected]:fashion-revolution-wall.git
- You may need to add ssh keys
heroku keys:add
if this is a machine that has not had heroku setup before - When you have changed ready to push, your working directory must be clean then do
git push heroku-remote master
- See the pushed changes:
heroku open
- If any issues, view the logs:
heroku logs