Releases: winstonjs/winston-mongodb
Releases · winstonjs/winston-mongodb
Hotfix release
- added support of passing promises objects which will be resolved with
pre-connected db object in options.db; - fixed issue when events logged sometime between authorizeDb and
processOpQuery calls may be lost; - renamed default log collection to 'log' because it makes more sense than
'logs' ('log' is a list of messages already, plural form would imply
multiple of such lists).
- migrated to mongodb 2.x driver;
- changed configuration format to MongoDB uri string;
- added support of passing preconnected db object instead of MongoDB uri string;
- added support of passing MongoDB connection parameters in options property;
- added support of replica sets through new options and db properties;
- migrated to Semantic Versioning in package versions names;
- changed comments format to JSDoc;
- removed authDb from configuration options (it's impossible to handle all
possible authorization scenarios, so, if you need to use complicated
authorization pattern, please provide winston-mongodb with already prepared
db connection object).
Added replica sets support