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index 3353bb7..f7fa8ee 100644
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-# winston
+# winston-mongodb
A MongoDB transport for [winston][0].
-Current version supports only mongodb driver version 3.x and winston 3.x. If you want to use
-winston-mongodb with mongodb version 1.4.x use winston-mongodb <1.x. For mongodb 2.x use
-winston-mongodb <3.x.
+Current version supports only mongodb driver version 3.x and newer and winston 3.x and newer.
+If you want to use winston-mongodb with mongodb version 1.4.x use winston-mongodb <1.x.
+For mongodb 2.x use winston-mongodb <3.x.
## Motivation
`tldr;?`: To break the [winston][0] codebase into small modules that work
@@ -17,51 +17,61 @@ and a File is overkill.
## Usage
``` js
- var winston = require('winston');
+const winston = require('winston');
+// Requiring `winston-mongodb` will expose winston.transports.MongoDB`
- /**
- * Requiring `winston-mongodb` will expose
- * `winston.transports.MongoDB`
- */
- require('winston-mongodb');
+const log = winston.createLogger({
+ level: 'info',
+ transports: [
+ // write errors to console too
+ new winston.transports.Console({format: winston.format.simple(), level:'error'})
+ ],
+// logging to console so far
+log.info('Connecting to database...');
+const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
+const url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb";
+const client = new MongoClient(url);
+await client.connect();
+const transportOptions = {
+ db: await Promise.resolve(client),
+ collection: 'log'
+log.add(new winston.transports.MongoDB(transportOptions));
+// following entry should appear in log collection and will contain
+// metadata JSON-property containing url field
+log.info('Connected to database.',{url});
- winston.add(new winston.transports.MongoDB(options));
-The MongoDB transport takes the following options. 'db' is required:
-* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log, defaults to
-* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output, defaults to
-* __db:__ MongoDB connection uri, pre-connected `MongoClient` object or promise
-which resolves to a pre-connected `MongoClient` object.
-* __dbName:__ The database name to connect to, defaults to DB name based on
-connection URI if not provided, ignored if using a pre-connected mongoose connection.
-* __options:__ MongoDB connection parameters (optional, defaults to
-`{poolSize: 2, autoReconnect: true, useNewUrlParser: true}`).
-* __collection__: The name of the collection you want to store log messages in,
-defaults to 'log'.
-* __storeHost:__ Boolean indicating if you want to store machine hostname in
-logs entry, if set to true it populates MongoDB entry with 'hostname' field,
-which stores os.hostname() value.
-* __label:__ Label stored with entry object if defined.
-* __name:__ Transport instance identifier. Useful if you need to create multiple
-MongoDB transports.
-* __capped:__ In case this property is true, winston-mongodb will try to create
-new log collection as capped, defaults to false.
-* __cappedSize:__ Size of logs capped collection in bytes, defaults to 10000000.
-* __cappedMax:__ Size of logs capped collection in number of documents.
-* __tryReconnect:__ Will try to reconnect to the database in case of fail during
-initialization. Works only if __db__ is a string. Defaults to false.
-* __decolorize:__ Will remove color attributes from the log entry message,
-defaults to false.
-* __leaveConnectionOpen:__ Will leave MongoClient connected after transport shut down.
-* __metaKey:__ Configure which key is used to store metadata in the logged info object.
-Defaults to `'metadata'` to remain compatible with the [metadata format](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/blob/master/examples/metadata.js)
-* __expireAfterSeconds:__ Seconds before the entry is removed. Works only if __capped__ is not set.
-*Metadata:* Logged as a native JSON object in 'meta' property.
+The MongoDB transport takes the following options. Only option `db` is required:
+| Option | Description |
+| ------ | :----------------------------------------------- |
+| db | **REQUIRED**. MongoDB connection uri, pre-connected `MongoClient` object or promise which resolves to a pre-connected `MongoClient` object. |
+| dbname | The database name to connect to, defaults to DB name based on connection URI if not provided, ignored if using a pre-connected connection. |
+| options| MongoDB connection parameters. Defaults to `{poolSize: 2, autoReconnect: true, useNewUrlParser: true}`). |
+| collection | The name of the collection you want to store log messages in. Defaults to `log`. |
+| level | Level of messages that this transport should log. Defaults to `info`. |
+| silent | Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output. Defaults to `false`. |
+| storeHost | Boolean indicating if you want to store machine hostname in logs entry, if set to true it populates MongoDB entry with 'hostname' field, which stores os.hostname() value. |
+| label | If set to true, then label attribute content will be stored in `label` field, if detected in meta-data. |
+| name | Transport instance identifier. Useful if you need to create multiple MongoDB transports. |
+| capped | In case this property is true, winston-mongodb will try to create new log collection as capped. Defaults to `false`. |
+| cappedSize | Size of logs capped collection in bytes. Defaults to 10,000,000. |
+| cappedMax | Size of logs capped collection in number of documents. |
+| tryReconnect | Will try to reconnect to the database in case of fail during initialization. Works only if __db__ is a string. Defaults to `false`. |
+| decolorize | Will remove color attributes from the log entry message. Defaults to `false`. |
+| leaveConnectionOpen| Will leave MongoClient connected after transport shuts down. |
+| metaKey | Configure name of the field which is used to store metadata in the logged info object. Defaults to `metadata` to remain compatible with the [metadata format](https://github.com/winstonjs/logform/blob/master/examples/metadata.js) |
+| expireAfterSeconds |Seconds before the entry is removed. Works only if __capped__ is not set. |
*Logging unhandled exceptions:* For logging unhandled exceptions specify
winston-mongodb as `handleExceptions` logger according to winston documentation.
diff --git a/lib/winston-mongodb.d.ts b/lib/winston-mongodb.d.ts
index 4679f04..039966d 100644
--- a/lib/winston-mongodb.d.ts
+++ b/lib/winston-mongodb.d.ts
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ declare module 'winston-mongodb' {
* MongoDB connection uri, pre-connected db object or promise object which will be resolved with pre-connected db object.
- * @type {(string | Promise)}
+ * @type {(string | Promise