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129 lines (123 loc) · 6.07 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (123 loc) · 6.07 KB


Seed repository for proper Sass and JavaScript coding standards, best practices, proper commenting, and file architecture.


Download and extract the ZIP or clone this repo to your project and then rename the folder accordingly to your needs (e.g: assets/). The directory structure is as follows:

|-- dist/ ------------------ Distribution folder of production-ready assets
|  |-- css/ ---------------- Minified CSS files
|  |-- js/ ----------------- Minified JS files
|-- docs/ ------------------ Documentation folder; see index.html file
|  |-- dist/
|  |  |-- js/ -------------- Auto-generated endpoint directory for jsDoc
|  |  |-- sass/ ------------ Auto-generated endpoint directory for SassDoc
|  |-- themes/
|  |  |-- assets/ ---------- Doc-specific assets for our index.html page
|  |  |-- docdash/ --------- Docdash theme for jsDoc
|  |  |-- herman/ ---------- Herman theme for SassDoc [deprecated]
|  |  |-- sassdoc/ --------- SassDoc's default theme with custom extensions
|-- src/ ------------------- Source file directory; i.e. working files
|  |-- js/ ----------------- Root JavaScript file directory
|  |-- scss/ --------------- Root Sass file directory
| ...


cd to your project directory and then simply npm run gulp in your CLI to run through the entire build process of minification, docs compilation, and BrowserSync watching.

If you want to run a single gulp task, such as only re-compiling SassDoc and jsDoc, you can gulp --tasks to see all available tasks.

SassDoc Annotation Syntax

Annotation Description
@access Access of the documented item.
@alias Whether the documented item is an alias of another item.
@author Author of the documented item.
@content Whether the documented mixin uses the @content directive.
@deprecated Whether the documented item is deprecated.
@example Example for the documented item.
@group Group the documented item belongs to.
@ignore Ignored content.
@link Link related to the documented item.
@name Name of the documented item.
@output Output from the documented mixin.
@param Parameters from the documented mixin or function.
@prop Property of the documented map.
@requires Requirements from the documented item.
@returns Return from the documented function.
@see Resource related to the documented item.
@since Changelog for the documented item.
@throws Exceptions raised by the documented item.
@todo Things to do related to the documented item.
@type Describes the type of a variable.

jsDoc Annotation Syntax

Annotation Description
@abstract Identifies members that must be implemented (or overridden) by objects that inherit the member.
@access Specify the access level of this member (private, package-private, public, or protected).
@alias Treat a member as if it had a different name.
@async Indicate that a function is asynchronous.
@augments Indicate that a symbol inherits from, and adds to, a parent symbol.
@author Identify the author of an item.
@borrows This object uses something from another object.
@callback Document a callback function.
@class This function is intended to be called with the "new" keyword.
@classdesc Use the following text to describe the entire class.
@constant Document an object as a constant.
@constructs This function member will be the constructor for the previous class.
@copyright Document some copyright information.
@default Document the default value.
@deprecated Document that this is no longer the preferred way.
@description Describe a symbol.
@enum Document a collection of related properties.
@event Document an event.
@example Provide an example of how to use a documented item.
@exports Identify the member that is exported by a JavaScript module.
@external Identifies an external class, namespace, or module.
@file Describe a file.
@fires Describe the events this method may fire.
@function Describe a function or method.
@generator Indicate that a function is a generator function.
@global Document a global object.
@hideconstructor Indicate that the constructor should not be displayed.
@ignore Omit a symbol from the documentation.
@implements This symbol implements an interface.
@inheritdoc Indicate that a symbol should inherit its parent's documentation.
@inner Document an inner object.
@instance Document an instance member.
@interface This symbol is an interface that others can implement.
@kind What kind of symbol is this?
@lends Document properties on an object literal as if they belonged to a symbol with a given name.
@license Identify the license that applies to this code.
@listens List the events that a symbol listens for.
@member Document a member.
@memberof This symbol belongs to a parent symbol.
@mixes This object mixes in all the members from another object.
@mixin Document a mixin object.
@module Document a JavaScript module.
@name Document the name of an object.
@namespace Document a namespace object.
@override Indicate that a symbol overrides its parent.
@package This symbol is meant to be package-private.
@param Document the parameter to a function.
@private This symbol is meant to be private.
@prop Document a property of an object.
@protected This symbol is meant to be protected.
@public This symbol is meant to be public.
@readonly This symbol is meant to be read-only.
@requires This file requires a JavaScript module.
@returns Document the return value of a function.
@see Refer to some other documentation for more information.
@since When was this feature added?
@static Document a static member.
@summary A shorter version of the full description.
@this What does the 'this' keyword refer to here?
@throws Describe what errors could be thrown.
@todo Document tasks to be completed.
@tutorial Insert a link to an included tutorial file.
@type Document the type of an object.
@typedef Document a custom type.
@variation Distinguish different objects with the same name.
@version Documents the version number of an item.
@yields Document the value yielded by a generator function.