- Ask a clarifying question about what to type
- Type something you disagree with
- Use a new keyboard shortcut
- Learn something new about tooling
- Ignore a direct instruction from someone who isn't the Navigator
- Ask for ideas
- Filter the mob's ideas then tell the Driver exactly what to type
- Tell the Driver only your high-level intent and have them implement the details
- Create a failing test. Make it pass. Refactor.
- Yield to the less-privileged voice
- Contribute an idea
- Ask questions till you understand
- Listen on the edge of your seat
- Find and share relevant information from documentation
- Find and share relevant information from a blog
- Find and share relevant information from a coding forum
- Amplify the unheard voice
- Pick the mobber with the least privilege (gender/race/class/seniority/etc) and support their contributions
- Celebrate moments of excellence
- Quietly speak into the navigators ear
- Give the smallest cue necessary to move the Navigator forward through the problem
- Navigate the navigator at the highest level of abstraction they can successfully implement
- Point out a repeated task in a tool
- Point out a repeated aspect of team process
- Point out possible boiler plate code
- Propose an automation for a repeated task
- Point out a long line of code
- Point out a complex conditional
- Point out duplication
- Point out an unnamed variable or method
- Propose an action for deodorizing the code
- propose a quick retrospective
- the quick retro turns up the good
- Record solution alternatives on a big visible chart or whiteboard so they’re not forgotten
- Express an idea as it is taking shape on a big visible chart or whiteboard
- Articulate the current task at hand and make it visible to the entire mob
- Capture design decisions and other technical details for the team*
- Suggest a relevant new process or working agreement
- Point out when the team violates a process or working agreement
- Suggest a way to help the team remember to follow a process or working agreement
- Point out when a process or working agreement is no longer needed
- Record history of the team in an easily accessible artifact
- Facilitate reflection on a new mob habit
- Make an artifact to support addition and education of new mob members
- Submit a pull request for a new role to the Mob Programming RPG
- Remind the group to check if the tests pass.
- Remind the group to write a test before writing code.
- Remind the group to not refactor if the tests are red.
- Remind the group to refactor when the bar is green.
- Take 2 or more ideas from other people in the mob and discard the first.
- Ask and get an idea from someone in the mob who has been quiet.
- Make a totally ridiculous suggestion and ask for people’s options.
- Defer to junior or least privileged voice for suggestion on next move.
- Verbalize to the mob pain felt in the process, tools, interpersonal interactions
- Notice pain being felt by others in the mob. Ask about it and show empathy.
- Amplify pain that is being ignored by the mob (e.g. repeating issues)
- Call for a retrospective on a pain point to inspect and adapt on
- Show appreciation to another mobber or to a stakeholder (e.g. using the SBI model)
- Verbalize something about mobbing or the work that gives you joy
- Notice happiness expressed by others in the mob and ask about it
- Call for a retrospective on a something good that occurred recently to see how it can be turned up
*Major Pain and Dr. Feel Good from https://www.agilealliance.org/resources/experience-reports/harvesting-mob-programming-patterns-observing-how-we-work/