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884 lines (718 loc) · 44.7 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

3.13.0 Releases

3.12.0 Releases

3.11.3 Releases

3.11.2 Releases

3.11.1 Releases

3.11.0 Releases

3.10.1 Releases

3.10.0 Releases

3.9.2 Releases

3.9.1 Releases

3.9.0 Releases

3.8.3 Releases

3.8.2 Releases

3.8.1 Releases

3.8.0 Releases

3.7.0 Releases

3.6.0 Releases

3.5.0 Releases

3.4.0 Releases

3.3.0 Releases

3.2.1 Releases

3.2.0 Releases

3.1.0 Releases

3.0.0 Releases

2.8.0 Releases

2.7.0 Releases

2.6.0 Releases

2.5.0 Releases

2.4.0 Releases

2.3.0 Releases

2.1.0 Releases

2.0.0 Releases

1.4.1 Releases

1.4.0 Releases

1.3.1 Releases

1.3.0 Releases

1.2.0 Releases

1.1.0 Releases

1.0.0 Releases

0.9.149 Releases

0.9.148 Releases

0.9.147 Releases

0.9.146 Releases

0.9.137 Releases

Released on 21 Aug, 2024.


  • New Enum RecordAudioDumpResult to represent error while doing audio dump related operations.
  • New API added Call.isRecordingAudioDump to check if the audio dump is being recorded for ongoing meeting/call.
  • New API added Call.canStartRecordingAudioDump(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) to check if the audio dump can be recorded for ongoing meeting/call.
  • New API added Call.startRecordingAudioDump(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) to start recording the audio dump for ongoing meeting/call.
  • New API added Call.stopRecordingAudioDump(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) to stop recording the audio dump.


  • Fixed a bug related to deleting virtual background which is set for preview.

Released on 08 Jul, 2024.


  • New Class CameraDeviceManager to manage the external camera related operations.
  • New Struct Camera to represent camera devices either built-in or externally attached.
  • New Enum CompanionMode to set the companion mode for Move Meeting.
  • New Enum UpdateSystemCameraResult to represent error while updating system preferred camera.
  • New Callback Call.onMoveMeetingFailed: (() -> Void)? when an attempt to move meeting fails for the call.
  • New Callback CameraDeviceManager.onExternalCameraDeviceConnected: ((_ camera: Camera) -> Void) when external camera is connected.
  • New Callback CameraDeviceManager.onExternalCameraDeviceDisconnected: (() -> Void)? when external camera is disconnected.
  • New API added Phone.updateSystemPreferredCamera(camera: Camera, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to update the system preferred camera.
  • New API added Phone.getListOfCameras() -> [Camera] to get the list of all available cameras.
  • New API added Phone.isMoveMeetingSupported(meetingId : String) -> Bool to check if the move meeting feature is supported for the given meeting.


  • isOngoingMeeting and eventId fields are added to the Meeting struct.
  • companionMode field added to the MediaOption struct.

Released on 6 Jun, 2024.


  • The dial & dialPhoneNumber APIs will have the error description in case of failure.
  • Access token invalidation or expiry will result in the SDK APIs returning Unauthorized error inside the completion handlers.


  • The Phone.processPushNotification(msg : String, handler: CompletionHandler<PushNotificationResult>) handler to return error in case of any failure. The error object will have the error code and error description.
  • Completion handlers returning InternalError will have error descriptions.

Released on 7 May, 2024.


  • New delegate WebexAuthDelegate to receive all authentication related event callbacks.
  • New delegate function onReLoginRequired() in WebexAuthDelegate to notify when user auth token becomes stale or revoked and re login is required.

Released on 8 April, 2024.


  • Added iOS Privacy Manifest file.
  • H264 prompt is removed for video and screen share flows.
  • Made Webex class singleton.
  • Made webex.initialize() method thread safe and added check to avoid multiple initializations.
  • Fixed: Call Failed issue during rejoin after host ends the meeting for all and starts again.

Released on 13 Feb, 2024.


  • New Enum InviteParticipantError to represent error while adding a participant to the call.
  • New Enum MakeHostError to represent error while making a participant host in the call.
  • New Enum ReclaimHostError to represent error while reclaiming the host role in the call.
  • New API added Call.inviteParticipant(participant: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to invite a participant to the call.
  • New API added Call.reclaimHost(hostKey: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to reclaim the host role using the host key.
  • New API added Call.makeHost(participantId: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to assign the host role to a participant.


  • isPresenter,isCohost and isHost fields are added to the CallMembership struct.
  • New Enum case CallError.cannotStartInstantMeeting to represent error cannot start instant meeting.
  • Messaging module removed in size optimized WxC SDK.


  • Added parent field in postMessage APIs in MessageClient to reply to a message thread.

Released on 12 Dec, 2023.


  • New Struct ProductCapability which represents the product capabilities for the logged in user.
  • New API added Person.getProductCapability() -> ProductCapability to get the supported capability of the current user.


  • General improvements and bug fixes.

Released on 16 Oct, 2023.


  • New Struct Presence which represents Presence info for a person.
  • New Struct PresenceHandle which represents the contacts whose presence status are being watched.
  • New Struct VoicePushInfo which represents the caller related information received from VoIP payload.
  • New Struct LanguageItem represents LanguageItem of ClosedCaption of a call.
  • New Struct ClosedCaptionsInfo represents ClosedCaptionsInfo of a call.
  • New Struct CaptionItem represents CaptionItem of ClosedCaption of a call.
  • New Enum AudioOutputMode options to switch audio output during a call.
  • New Enum PresenceStatus indicating the Presence status of a person.
  • New Enum SpokenLanguageSelectionError to represent error for setting current spoken language.
  • New Enum TranslationLanguageSelectionError to represent error for setting current translation language.
  • New API added Person.startWatchingPresences(contactIds: [String], completionHandler: @escaping (Presence) -> Void) -> [PresenceHandle] to start watching presence status update of the list of contact ids that are provided as input.
  • New API added Person.stopWatchingPresences(presenceHandles: [PresenceHandle]) to stop watching presence status of the list of presence handle that are provided as input.
  • New API added Call.callerNumber: String caller number of the active WebexCalling or CUCM call.
  • New API added Call.getCurrentAudioOutput() -> AudioOutputMode to get the current audio output device for the call.
  • New API added Call.setAudioOutput(mode: AudioOutputMode, completion: (Result<Bool>) -> ()) to set the current audio output device for the call.
  • New API added Call.isClosedCaptionAllowed: Bool Returns if Closed Caption allowed or not for this Call.
  • New API added Call.isClosedCaptionEnabled: Bool to let you know current state of the closed caption.
  • New API added Call.toggleClosedCaption(enable: Bool, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void ) to toggle ClosedCaption on/off for this Call.
  • New API added Call.getClosedCaptionsInfo() -> ClosedCaptionsInfo to get the ClosedCaptionsInfo of this Call.
  • New API added Phone.isH264LicenseActivated() -> Bool to indicate the status of H264 license prompt acceptance.
  • New API added Webex.parseVoIPPayload(payload: PKPushPayload) -> VoicePushInfo? to parses and returns the caller related information from the VoIP notification.
  • New Callback added Call.onClosedCaptionsInfoChanged: ((ClosedCaptionsInfo) -> Void)? to notify when ClosedCaptionsInfo changes for this Call.
  • Ability to support assisted transfer when the SDK client already has 2 active calls.
  • Subscribing for certain call events via mercury is now supported.
  • Optimised WxC Calling only sdk for runtime performance.


  • FIXED: Made MediaRenderView optional while setting MediaOption.
  • FIXED: activeSpeakerChangedEvent event notified when the active speaker changes in the meeting

Released on 11 Aug, 2023.


  • New API added Phone.dialPhoneNumber(_ address: String, option: MediaOption, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Call>) -> Void) to dial only phone numbers.
  • New API CallHistoryRecord.isPhoneNumber to denote if the number dialled in call record was a phone number.


  • FIXED: Enabling preservation of AVRoutePickerView choices for audio/video output in pre-meeting/call screens.
  • FIXED: Removed Camera permissions and H264 prompt for audio only flows.
  • FIXED: Call failed or meeting failure issue due to mediaTimeout.

Released on 19 June, 2023.


  • New API added Call.externalTrackingId to get the external tracking id for corresponding call. Applicable only for WxC calls.
  • Webhook URL can be set to get incoming WxC calls.


  • FIXED: Self video turning off in case of poor uplink event.

Released on 5 June, 2023.


  • New SDK variant Webex/Wxc, a light weight SDK for WebexCalling.
  • New struct ShareConfig a data type to represent the share screen configuration.
  • New Callback Call.onStartRinger: ((RingerType) -> Void) when a ringer has to be started.
  • New Callback Call.onStopRinger: ((RingerType) -> Void) when a ringer has to be stopped.
  • New Enum Call.RingerType for a ringerType to denote the type of tone to be played / stopped.
  • New Enum CallMembership.DeviceType for device types.
  • New Enum ShareOptimizeType to represent the OptimiseType for share screen.
  • New API Person.encodedId to get base64 encoded Id of the person.
  • New API CallMembership.deviceType to get device type joined by this CallMembership.
  • New API CallMembership.pairedMemberships to get all memberships joined using deviceType Room.
  • New API Call.isVideoEnabled to Indicate whether video calling is enabled for the user in Control hub.
  • New API Call.getShareConfig() to get the share screen optimisation type of the call.
  • New Feature to support multiple active Webex calls.
  • New Feature to support end-to-end encrypted meetings.
  • Authorization code can be set using call.send(dtmf: String, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?) API for Wxc calls.
  • New API Call.receivingNoiseInfo to get the info object which contains information on Receiving noise removal state.
  • New API Call.enableReceivingNoiseRemoval(shouldEnable: Bool) to enable or disable receiving noise removal functionality for incoming PSTN calls.


  • Updated Message.Text.plain, Message.Text.html and Message.Text.markdown from internal to public private(set) access.
  • Screen sharing now have optimisation options as part of share config in startSharing()
  • Now FedRamp can be enabled through authenticators.
  • Now DisconnectReason.RemoteCancel event will be fired when host ends meeting for all or kicked by host.
  • FIXED: Unable to connect with bluetooth devices for call issue.
  • FIXED: Webex calling failures for certificate issues.
  • FIXED : MessagesUpdate callback getting called for internal provisional messages.
  • FIXED : MessagesUpdate callback not getting called with decrypted content in some cases, after list message API was called.

Released on 16 Mar, 2023.


  • FIXED - Fixed an issue where the SDK logs not showing in Xcode console.

Released on 17 Feb, 2023.


  • FIXED - Fixed an issue where the SDK wasn't working for Xcode simulators.

Released on 08 Feb, 2023.


  • FIXED - Fixed an issue where the SDK wasn't compiling for Xcode versions below Xcode14.

Released on 25 January, 2023.


  • New SDK variant WebexSDK/Meeting, a light weighted meeting-only SDK(doesn’t include calling).
  • New API setCallServiceCredential(username: String, password: String) to set username and password for authentication with calling service.
  • New API Message.isContentDecrypted: Bool to denote if the content of the message is decrypted.
  • New API CallHistoryRecord.isMissedCall: Bool to denote if a CallHistoryRecord is a missed call.
  • New API Phone.connectPhoneServices(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to connect from the server for CallingType.WebexCalling and CallingType.WebexForBroadworks.
  • New API Phone.disconnectPhoneServices(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to disconnect from the server for CallingType.WebexCalling and CallingType.WebexForBroadworks.
  • New API Phone.setPushTokens(bundleId: String, deviceId: String, deviceToken: String, voipToken: String) to set the tokens for the notification.
  • New API Phone.processPushNotification(message: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) to process the push notification to trigger incoming call callback.
  • New API Call.isWebexCallingOrWebexForBroadworks: Bool to denote if this call is Webex or Broadworks call.
  • New API Call.isAudioOnly: Bool to denite if this is an audio-only call.
  • New API Call.directTransferCall(toPhoneNumber: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) to directly transfer a call.
  • New API Call.switchToVideoCall(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to switch the current Webex Calling call to a Video call.
  • New API Call.switchToAudioCall(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void>) -> Void) to switch the current Webex Calling call to an Audio-only call.
  • New API SpaceClient.isSpacesSyncCompleted: Bool to denote if syncing latest conversations to local data warehouse is complete.
  • New callback SpaceClient.onSyncingSpacesStatusChanged: ((_ isSyncInProgress: Bool) -> Void)? to notify when syncing status for spaces changes.
  • New callback Webex.onInitialSpacesSyncCompleted: (() -> Void)? to denote if syncing latest conversations to local data warehouse is complete.
  • Added new enum UCLoginFailureReason to denote the failure reason while logging in to CUCM.
  • Added new enum PhoneConnectionError to denote the error while connecting to phone services.
  • Added new enum CallingType to represent calling feature type enabled for current logged in user.


  • In WebexUCLoginDelegate.onUCLoginFailed failureReason field is added.
  • FIXED - Crash while applying Virtual Background
  • FIXED - Intermittent crash during calling


  • Deprecated API setCUCMCredential(username: String, password: String) instead use setCallServiceCredential(username: String, password: String)

Released on 30 September, 2022.


  • New struct Captcha to represent the Captcha object.
  • New struct Breakout A data type to represent the breakout.
  • New struct BreakoutSession A data type to represent the breakout session.
  • New case forbidden in enum CreatePersonError, UpdatePersonError
  • Three new cases invalidPassword(reason: String), captchaRequired(captcha: Phone.Captcha), invalidPasswordWithCaptcha(captcha: Phone.Captcha) to enum WebexError
  • New API Phone.isRestrictedNetwork: Bool to check whether the device is in a restricted network.
  • New API Call.joinBreakoutSession(session: BreakoutSession) to join the Breakout Session manually by passing the BreakoutSession if host has enabled allow join session later.
  • New API Call.returnToMainSession() to return to main session.
  • New API Phone.refreshMeetingCaptcha(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Captcha>) -> Void) to refresh the Captcha object to get a new Captcha code.
  • New API Call.correlationId: String? to get the correlationId for that particular call.
  • New API MediaOption.captchaId: String? to get & set unique id for the captcha.
  • New API MediaOption.captchaVerifyCode: String? to get & set captcha verification code to be entered by user.
  • New API Space.isExternallyOwned: Bool? It will be true If a space is owned/created by non-org/external user.
  • New callback onRestrictedNetworkStatusChanged: ((_ status: Bool) -> Void)? to monitor restricted network status changes.
  • New callback Call.onBreakoutErrorHappened: ((BreakoutError) -> Void)? to notify when any breakout api returns error.
  • New callback Call.onBreakoutUpdated: ((Breakout) -> Void)? to notify when Breakout is updated.
  • New callback Call.onBroadcastMessageReceivedFromHost: ((String) -> Void)? to notify when host broadcast the message to the session.
  • New callback Call.onHostAskingReturnToMainSession: (() -> Void)? to notify when host is asking participants to return to main meeting.
  • New callback Call.onJoinableSessionListUpdated: (([BreakoutSession]) -> Void)? to notify when list of join breakout session changes.
  • New callback Call.onJoinedSessionUpdated: ((BreakoutSession) -> Void)? to notify when joined Breakout session is updated.
  • New callback Call.onReturnedToMainSession: (() -> Void)? to notify when returned to main session.
  • New callback Call.onSessionClosing: (() -> Void)? to notify when Breakout session is closing.
  • New callback Call.onSessionEnabled: (() -> Void)? to notify when Breakout session is enabled.
  • New callback Call.onSessionJoined: ((BreakoutSession) -> Void)? to notify when Breakout session is joined.
  • New callback Call.onSessionStarted: ((Breakout) -> Void)? to notify when Breakout session is started.


  • roles,licenses and siteUrls fields are added to the Person class.
  • In Person.update displayName field is not optional now

Released on 2022-08-24


  • Added new API call.setMediaStreamCategoryC(participantId: String, quality: MediaStreamQuality) to pin the participant's tream with the specified params if it does not already exist. Otherwise, update the pinned participant's stream with the specified params
  • Added new API call.removeMediaStreamCategoryC(participantId: String) to remove the pinning of a participant's stream
  • Added new API Webex.startUCServices() to start login process of CUCM
  • Added new API Webex.retryUCSSOLogin() in case UC sso login expires or requires a retry
  • Added new API Webex.forceRegisterPhoneServices() to handle RegisteredElsewhere error
  • Added new struct CallHistoryRecord
  • Added new callback onUCSSOLoginFailed(failureReason: UCSSOFailureReason) to notify app when SSO login fails.


  • Added Support for message with video and thumbnail
  • Post message api was returning the message object with mentions as empty array
  • List message api bug fixes to return correct data before a provided date or time and honouring max value
  • Fixed a condition where the sdk crashes because of unguarded null pointer access on logout
  • Fixed an issue with space ID encoding when a meeting is started
  • Fixed CUCM login for SSO authentication
  • Fixed CUCM call history
  • Renamed callback showUCSSOLoginView(to url: String) to loadUCSSOView(to url: String)
  • Refactored Phone.getCallHistory() to return CallHistoryRecords instead of Spaces

Released on 2022-06-07


  • Added new enum MediaStream to denote the Media stream
  • Added new enum MediaStreamQuality to denote the Media stream quality
  • Added new enum MediaStreamChangeEventType to denote the MediaStreamChangeEvent type
  • Added new enum MediaStreamChangeEventInfo to denote the changed event information
  • Added new API 'call.mediaStreams' to get all opened auxiliary streams
  • Added new API call.onMediaStreamAvailabilityListener to notify when media stream is available/unavailable
  • Added new API stream.setOnMediaStreamInfoChanged to notify when media stream info is change
  • Added new API call.setMediaStreamCategoryA(duplicate: Bool, quality: MediaStreamQuality) to add the Active Speaker stream with the specified params if it does not already exist. Otherwise, update the Active Speaker stream with the specified params.
  • Added new API call.setMediaStreamsCategoryB(numStreams: Int, quality: MediaStreamQuality) to set all category B streams to the specified params
  • Added new API call.removeMediaStreamCategoryA() to remove the Active Speaker stream
  • Added new API call.removeMediaStreamsCategoryB() to remove all category B streams


Support for 1080p video resolution

  • = Phone.DefaultBandwidth.maxBandwidth1080p.rawValue to capture Full HD resolution video
  • = Phone.DefaultBandwidth.maxBandwidth1080p.rawValue To receive Full HD resolution video
  • FIXED - VBG issues
  • FIXED - postToPerson api issue fixed for JWT users

Released on 2022-04-19


  • Added new enum MediaQualityInfo to denote the media quality
  • Added new API Call.onMediaQualityInfoChanged() to notify when media quality is changed
  • Added new API Message.Text.html(html: String) -> Text
  • Added new API Message.Text.markdown(markdown: String) -> Text


  • Fixed - Crash when remote user starts or stops sharing
  • Fixed - Call pipeline improvement
  • Fixed - List messages before messageId not returning messages
  • Fixed - Text object type incorrect on received messages-
  • Fixed - Message sender details incorrect in integration use case


  • Sending multiple formats of text in the same message is not supported. Below Text constructors are deprecated
    • Message.Text.html(html: String, plain: String? = nil) -> Text
    • Message.Text.markdown(markdown: String, html: String, plain: String? = nil) -> Text

Released on 2022-02-15


  • Added new API Call.wxa for Webex assistant and real time transcription controls
  • Added new API Call.cameraTorchMode
  • Added new API Call.cameraFlashMode
  • Added new API Call.zoomFactor
  • Added new API Call.exposureDuration
  • Added new API Call.exposureISO
  • Added new API Call.exposureTargetBias
  • Added new API Call.setCameraFocusAtPoint(:pointX:pointY)
  • Added new API Call.setCameraCustomExposure(:duration:iso)
  • Added new API Call.setCameraAutoExposure(:targetBias)
  • Added new API Call.takePhoto()


  • Enhanced documentation coverage
  • Decoupled WebexBroadcastExtensionKit from WebexSDK
  • Fixed thumbnail for high resolution images not loading
  • Fixed decoding of special characters in urlencoded Guest issuer JWT token
  • Made exp field as optional in Guest Issuer JWT
  • Fixed callback not being fired for deleting self membership from space
  • Fixed an issue with fetching inter-cluster team memberships

Released on 2021-11-30


  • Added new API Call.forceSendingVideoLandscape(forceLandscape:completionHandler:) to set local video view in landscape


  • Added new field locusUrl to Call struct

Released on 2021-10-18


  • Added new TokenAuthenticator for authenticating with external guest access token
  • Added VirtualBackground support
  • Added new API Phone.isVirtualBackgroundSupported to check whether your device supports virtual background feature
  • Added new API Phone.virtualBackgroundLimit to get/set the limit of custom virtual background
  • Added new API Phone.fetchVirtualBackgrounds(:completionHandler) API to get all virtual backgrounds
  • Added new API Phone.addVirtualBackground(:image:completionHandler) API to add new virtual background image
  • Added new API Phone.removeVirtualBackground(:background:completionHandler) API to delete selected virtual background item
  • Added new API Phone.applyVirtualBackground(:background:mode:completionHandler) API to apply virtual background for 'Preview' or 'Call'
  • Added new API Call.onCpuHitThreshold() to notify when CPU reaches threshold
  • Added new struct Phone.VirtualBackground to denote the virtual background item
  • Added new struct Phone.VirtualBackgroundThumbnail to denote the thumbnail of virtual background item
  • Added new enum Phone.VirtualBackgroundTypeto denote the type of virtual background item among None, Blur and Custom
  • Added new enum Phone.VirtualBackgroundMode to denote the mode for applying virtual background for Preview or Call
  • Added new enum FetchVirtualBackgroundError
  • Added new enum AddVirtualBackgroundError
  • Added new enum RemoveVirtualBackgroundError
  • Added new enum ApplyVirtualBackgroundError
  • Added new API CalendarMeetings.list(:startDate:endDate:callback) to list all calendar meetings in a date range
  • Added new API CalendarMeetings.get(:meetingId:callback) to fetch a single calendar meeting by meetingId
  • Added new struct Meeting to represent a Calendar Meeting item
  • Added new struct MeetingInvitee to represent a person invited to a calendar meeting
  • Added new enum InviteeResponse to represent the response of a meeting invitee
  • Added new API CalendarMeetings.onEvent to register a callback to be fired when a calendar meeting event occurs
  • Added new enum CalendarMeetingEvent to represent a scheduled calendar meeting event


  • Updated WME to
  • Added new field meetingId to Call struct
  • Added public constructor for RemoteFile struct
  • Added public constructor for RemoteFile.Thumbnail struct

Released on 2021-08-16


  • Added FedRAMP support
  • Added new API OAuthAuthenticator.getAuthorizationUrl(:completionHandler) to get a valid authorization URL to initate OAuth
  • Added new API OAuthAuthenticator.authorize(:oauthCode:completionHandler) to authorize with auth code from OAuth first leg
  • Added new API Phone.getServiceUrl(:ServiceUrlType) API
  • Added back scope argument to OAuthAuthenticator. This serves to add additional scopes that the developer might want the access token to have. Now developers have to provide spark:all scope always to this argument
  • Added new API Call.isSpaceMeeting to denote the call is space backed meeting type
  • Added new API Call.isSelfCreator to denote if self is the initiator of the call
  • Added new API Call.hasAnyoneJoinedto denote if anyone joined the meeting, excluding self
  • Added new API Call.isPmr to denote the call is a personal meeting room
  • Added new API Call.isMeeting to differentiate between meetings and calls
  • Added new API Call.isScheduledMeeting to differentiate between scheduled meetings and ad-hoc meetings
  • Added new enum Base64EncodeError
  • Added new enum TokenLoginError
  • Added new case .personNotFound to DeletePersonError enum
  • Added new case .badRequest to following enums: ListMembershipsError, ListTeamMembershipResult, DeleteSpaceResult, ListWebhooksResult, GetWebhookByIdResult, CreateWebhookResult, UpdateWebhookByIdResult and DeleteWebhookByIdResult


  • base64Encode(resourceType: ResourceType, resource: String, completionHandler: @escaping (String, SpaceApiErrorInfo, Bool) -> Void) to base64Encode(resourceType: ResourceType, resource: String, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<String>) -> Void)
  • The completion handlers for the following methods have been updated to accept a Result object instead of bare token string: Authenticator.accessToken(:completionHandler), JWTAuthenticator.authorizedWith(:jwt:completionHandler), JWTAuthenticator.accessToken(:completionHandler), JWTAuthenticator.refreshToken(:completionHandler), OAuthAuthenticator.accessToken(:completionHandler)


  • Removed Phone.connected API
  • Removed SpaceApiErrorInfo struct

Released on 2021-05-24


  • Major rewrite of the SDK.
  • Ability to make calls via CUCM.
  • Receive push notification for incoming CUCM calls.
  • Added new API Webex.setUCDomainServerUrl(ucDomain: String, serverUrl: String ) for CUCM
  • Added new API Webex.setCUCMCredential(username: String, password: String ) for CUCM
  • Added new API Webex.getUCSSOLoginView() for CUCM SSO login
  • Added new API Webex.ucCancelSSOLogin() to cancel CUCM SSO login
  • Added new API Webex.isUCLoggedIn() for CUCM
  • Added new API Webex.getUCServerConnectionStatus() for CUCM
  • Added new Webex.initialize that sets up the SDK and automatically logs in a previously logged in user
  • Added new API Webex.base64Encode(resourceType: ResourceType, resource: String, completionHandler: handler) to encode UUID as Base64
  • Added new API Webex.base64Decode(encodedResource: String) to decode Base64 to Resource
  • Added new API SpaceClient.filter to fetch person and bots based on the given query
  • Added new API Phone.getCallHistory to get collection of Space which contains call history of One to One Spaces as well as Group type Spaces
  • Added new API Webex.getLogFileUrl to get file URI of where all the logs are stored
  • Added new struct Message.MentionPos to describe the position of a Mention
  • Added new property Call.schedules to get the the schedules of a call if the call has one or more schedules.
  • Added Call.startAssociatedCall() for CUCM calls
  • Added CallAssociationType enum to indicate whether call is of type Transfer or merge
  • Added Call.transferCall() for CUCM calls
  • Added Call.mergeCall() for CUCM calls
  • Added Call.holdCall() for CUCM calls
  • Added Call.isOnHold() for CUCM calls
  • Added new API Call.onFailed to notify that a call has failed
  • Added new API Call.onInfoChanged() to notify when call object changes
  • Added new API Call.setParticipantAudioMuteState() to mute particular participant
  • Added new API Call.setAllParticipantAudioMuteState() to control mute state of all participants
  • Added new property CallSchedule.organzier to get organizer of a scheduled call
  • Added new property CallSchedule.meetingId to get meetingId of a scheduled call
  • Added new property to get link of a scheduled call
  • Added new property CallSchedule.subject to get subject of a scheduled call
  • Added new struct Resource to represent a Resource
  • Added new enum ResourceType to represents the type of a Resource
  • Added new delegate WebexUCLoginDelegate to support UC login state changes
  • Added refreshToken() to JWTAuthenticator
  • Introduced new Enum OAuthResult
  • Introduced new Enum NotificationCallType to distinguish between incoming webex calls and CUCM calls
  • Added isGroupCall API
  • Added callEnded in DisconnectReason in onDisconnected event
  • Added Phone.getCallIdFromNotificationId
  • Moved getCallHistory from Webex class to Phone class
  • Added Webex.enableConsoleLogger() to enable/disable console logging
  • Added Webex.logLevel API to set the log levels
  • Added CallEnded to Call.DisconnectReason


  • Transitioned from using results wrapped in a ServiceResponse to just Result
  • Phone.dial has been modified to support dialing CUCM numbers
  • OAuthAuthenticator.authorize(parentViewController: UIViewController, completionHandler: @escaping ((_ success: Bool) -> Void)) changed to OAuthAuthenticator.authorize(parentViewController: UIViewController, completionHandler: ((_ result: OAuthResult) -> Void)?)
  • JWTAuthenticator.authorizedWith(:jwt) changed to JWTAuthenticator.authorizedWith(:jwt:completionHandler)
  • OAuthAuthenticator.authorize(oauthCode: String, completionHandler: ((_ success: Bool) -> Void)? = nil) changed to OAuthAuthenticator.authorize(oauthCode: String, completionHandler: ((_ result: OAuthResult) -> Void)? = nil)
  • Mention.Person and Mention.all now accept MentionPos instance


  • SSO Authenticator
  • Removed Phone.register(), Phone.registered & Phone.deregister()
  • iOSBroadcastingEvent
  • Removed all third party pod dependencies
  • Removed refreshToken() from Authenticator protocol
  • Removed OAuthAuthenticatorDelegate
  • Removed deprecated field MediaOption.layout
  • Removed deprecated API
  • Removed deprecated API
  • Removed deprecated API
  • Removed Logger. You no longer have to implement this as it's already implemented internally
  • Removed Webex.logger in favor of Webex.getLogFileURL
  • Removed applicationGroupIdentifier param from MediaOption.audioVideoScreenShare(). Instead this needs to be a present in your app's Info.plist with key as GroupIdentifier and value as your app's GroupIdentifier
  • Removed Message.update() as you no longer have to update the Message instance manually.

Released on 2021-04-30.


  • Support Multi-stream.
  • Support message edit.
  • Support meeting with 11 digits meeting number.
  • Add Phone.enableBackgroundConnection( ) function.


  • Removed email from CallMembership, added displayName for CallMembership.
  • Fix video automatically unmute issue after swithing from background.
  • Fix message encryption failures.
  • Fix certain events are not getting triggered after Switching network.
  • Fix sending video issue in 1:1 calls.

Released on 2020-12-14.


  • Support to notify a space call status through SpaceObserver.
  • Support to notify muted by host during a space call.
  • Support to enable Background Noise Removal(BNR), and switch between HP(High Performance) and LP(Low Power) mode.
  • Not sending sensitive headers for unknown site.


  • Update Wme.framework.
  • Update Alamofire dependency to 5.2.0
  • Update ObjectMapper dependency to 4.2.0
  • Remove AlamofireObjectMapper dependency.
  • Fix SpaceClient.listWithActiveCalls() cannot show spaces cross-cluster.
  • Fix App hangs when trying to record a video via UIImagePickerController.

Released on 2020-9-28.


  • Support iOS 14 and XCode 12.
  • Support for incoming call notifications for scheduled sapce call.
  • Support for being notified of the end of a space call.
  • Support to join password-protected meetings.
  • Add a new API Call.videoLayout to change the video layout during a call.
  • Add a new API Call.remoteVideoRenderMode to specify how the remote video adjusts its content to be render in a view.
  • Add a new API Phone.AdvancedSettings.videoMaxTxFPS to change the max sending fps for video.
  • Add a new API Phone.cancel to cancel the currently outgoing call that has not been connected.
  • Add a new API SpaceClient.listWithActiveCalls to get a list of spaces that have ongoing call.
  • Add a new API Message.isAllMentioned to check if the message mentioned everyone in space.
  • Add a new API Message.mentions to get all people mentioned in the message.


  • Improved video and audio quality
  • API enhancements to improve bandwidth control.
  • Update Wme.framework to 10.8.5.
  • Update Starscream.framework to 4.0.4.
  • Fixed unable to remove a Webex object once it has been created.
  • Fixed switch Camera Error
  • Fixed user in EMEAR org cannot message and call the user in US org.
  • Fixed could not get thumbnail of the WORD, POWERPOINT, EXCEL and PDF file in the message.
  • Fixed video received shows as zoomed and cropped when in iPhone/iPad is in portrait mode.
  • Fixed Participant's video in video call is black.

Released on 2020-3-30.


  • Support for threaded messaging.
  • Support compose and render the active speaker video with other attendee video and all the names in one single view.
  • Support single, filmstrip and grid layouts for the composed video view.


  • Update Wme.framework.
  • Update Starscream.framework.
  • Remove deprecated Apple UIWebView API.

Released on 2020-1-15.


  • Support to join the meeting where lobby is enabled.
  • Support to let-in waiting people from looby to the meeting.


  • Fixed screen share didn't work.
  • Fixed loud speaker didn't work.

Released on 2019-09-30.


  • Add API to receive membership created/deleted/updated/seen events.
  • Add API to receive room created/updated events.
  • Add API to get last activity status of a space.
  • Add API to get a list of last activity status of all spaces.
  • Add API to get a list of read status of all memberships in a space.
  • Add API to get space meeting details.
  • Add API to send read receipt for message.
  • Add API to get the lastActivity of person.
  • Add API to get the token expiration date for JWTAuthenticator.


  • Support iOS 13.
  • Support Swift5 and Xcode11.
  • Update Wme.framework.
  • Reduce latency when list messages.
  • Fixed camera shows my video as green.

Released on 2019-06-07.


  • Improve API docs.
  • Fixed Broadcast Extension Kit cannot find frameworks.

Released on 2018-10-31.


  • SDK rebranding.
  • Support multi streams in space call.


  • Rename room to space.
  • Upgrade media engine to fix crash issue on CallKit.
  • Fixed crash issue on media cluster discovery.
  • Fixed call event confusion in the large meeting.
  • Refactor code to improve code quality.

Released on 2018-09-29.


  • Support Swift4.2 and Xcode10.


  • Fixed Activity roomtype always be 'group'.
  • Remove Seu umbrella warning.
  • Fixed Spark call crashing on iOS when using CallKit.
  • Speed up reachability check.

Released on 2018-05-15.


  • Support screen sharing for both sending and receiving.
  • A new API to refresh token for authentication.
  • Two properties in Membership: personDisplayName, personOrgId.
  • Support real time message receiving.
  • Support message end to end encription.
  • A few new APIs to do message/file end to end encryption, Mention in message, upload and download encrypted files.
  • Five properties in Person: nickName, firstName, lastName, orgId, type.
  • Three functions to create/update/delete a person for organization's administrator.
  • Support room list ordered by either room ID, lastactivity time or creation time.
  • A new property in TeamMembership: personOrgId.
  • Two new parameters to update webhook : status and secret.


  • Fixed ocassional crash when switching between video call and audio call when CallKit is used.
  • Fixed video freeze when iOS SDK makes a call to JavaScript SDK.
  • Fixed crash issue when invoking Phone.requestMediaAccess function from background thread.
  • Fixed wrong call type for room calling when there are only two people in the call.

Released on 2018-1-12.


      SSO Authenticator

Released on 2017-10-13.

Released on 2017-05-23.

Released on 2016-11-29.


  • Support swift 3.0

Released on 2016-07-25.


  • Travis CI


  • Media engine refactor
  • Use NSDate for object mapper

Released on 2016-07-11.


  • Add Teams and Team Memberships API.
  • Support DTMF feature.


  • Fix Message creation timestamp bug.
  • Fix Room type bug.

Released on 2016-06-23.


  • Suppport customized notification center (CallNotificationCenter/PhoneNotificationCenter) based on protocol (CallObserver/PhoneObserver), to avoid NSNotificationCenter flaws:
    • Pass parameters via a userInfo dicionary, so type info is lost.
    • Use constant string for notification name and parameter key name. It's hard to maintain and document.
    • Must deregister notifications, if not, it may cause crash.
  • Add remote video/audio mute/unmute notifications. New API CallObserver.remoteMediaDidChange() is introduced.
  • Support audio-only call. MediaOption parameter is introduced for it in API Phone.Dail()/Call.Answer().
  • Support media cluster discovery.
  • Support video license activation.
  • Enable hardware acceleration, and support 720p video quality.
  • Support toggling receiving audio and video. New API Call.toggleReceivingVideo()/Call.toggleReceivingAudio() is introduced for it.


  • Refactor storage code logic. defaultFacingMode/defaultLoudSpeaker in Spark.Phone are not persistent, so after restart app, these setting doesn't exist.
  • Fix logging performance issue.
  • Fix missing incoming call issue when start APP from not running status, or switch APP to foreground from background.
  • Update Wme.framework, to fix SIGPIPE signal during debug mode.

Released on 2016-05-25.


  • Use CocoaLumberjack to print SDK log. Introduce new API Spark.toggleConsoleLogger(enable: Bool) to enable/disable SDK console log. SDK console log is enabled by default.
  • Introduce Apache License for SDK.


  • Refactor web socket code logic, to fix some potential issue.
  • Update Wme.framework.

Released on 2016-05-19.


  • Support refreshing token.


  • Refine OAuth flow logic.

Released on 2016-05-12.


  • Initial release of Cisco Spark SDK.