This guide describes the dependencies of this repository and their purpose.
Peer dependencies are package dependencies that the library depends on but are not included as part of the library's final production bundle.
Usually peer dependencies are packages that would-be users would already have or need as part of their own applications, and hence, no need to include them as part of the library code.
- rxjs: RxJS core package
Development dependencies are package dependencies used while developing library code but are not part of the library's final production bundle.
Babel is a compiler that allows developers to use new JavaScript features that are not yet available in all browsers.
- @babel/core: Compiler core package
- @babel/preset-env: Pre-set of JavaScript features babel should compile
commitlint checks commit messages to make sure they follow commit message guidelines.
- @commitlint/cli: commitlint core package
- @commitlint/config-conventional: commitlint enforcer of conventional commit guidelines
ESLint is a static analysis tool that enforces code styles and patterns.
- eslint: ESLint core package
- eslint-config-airbnb-base: Airbnb's JavaScript style guide configurations
- eslint-plugin-import: Plugin that enforces import/export styles
- eslint-plugin-jest: Plugin that enforces standard Jest styles
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc: Plugin that enforces standard JSDoc styles
Husky simplifies running scripts in Git hooks.
- husky - Husky core package
Jest is a testing framework and runner. Used for unit tests.
- jest: Jest core package
- jest-junit: Plugin that allows for JUnit-style reporting
Rollup is a JavaScript module bundler.
- rollup: Rollup core package
- rollup-plugin-terser: Plugin to create minified bundles
semantic-release automates the versioning and release process. semantic-release using semantic versioning to find the next version. It also takes care of updating all packages, pushing back to Git and publishing to NPM.
- semantic-release: semantic-release core package
- @semantic-release/changelog: Plugin to generate the changelog
- @semantic-release/git: Plugin to commit release assets into a Git repository