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Hi, I've noticed that this collection is getting quite popular, this means links are getting blocked faster and faster. Having an archive of links is dangerous and admins can easily copy and paste this list and block them.
Basically, this collection is public to everyone, and it is very easy to access and could be very bad in the wrong hands.
On this page, I'm going to give you some other resources to find proxies that are hidden to the public eye (the same resources I use to get my links), so
- You can get the freshest links that are more likely to be unblocked.
- Those links are more likely to stay being unblocked
- and I can do less work :)
After joining these servers (make sure you have a discord account first), you can verify and access plenty of links.
Usually, these servers have a channel called community links
where people would post fresh links that they made.
They also have things called link dispensers, these links are NOT public, 100% working, and probably the most secure links.
They also have instructions for BYOD, meaning creating your own proxy site, and you could follow their instructions too (or follow mine here).
Interstellar: https://discord.gg/interstellar
Mercury Workshop Public: https://discord.gg/unblock
Shuttle Network: https://discord.gg/xi
Rammerhead: https://discord.gg/VNT4E7gN5Y
Art Class: https://discord.gg/desmos
Kazwire: https://discord.gg/kazwire
Utopia: https://discord.gg/hFZC5cgsmq
Astroid: https://discord.gg/nowgg
Doge Unblocker: https://discord.gg/unblocking
Tinf0il: https://discord.gg/aluminum
Nebula Services: https://discord.gg/unblocker
Shadow: https://discord.gg/goshadow
Selenite: https://discord.gg/NGqUsuTd2M
Surfskip: https://discord.gg/vgEbRmzsaF
Night: https://discord.gg/7SCnPUM5S6
Kitty Cat Club (server is a little dead): https://discord.gg/rqBgxP9Gnj
Platformer: https://discord.gg/sSWRxaHhvA
Xenon: https://discord.gg/DyaVHTxng4
Aether Network (This includes proxies like Snorlax's Cave, Sunset Network): https://discord.gg/AQ6vHADqj4
Night Network: https://discord.com/invite/2xtRtawncs
Arsenic: https://discord.gg/VA2JXq52j4
Szvy Central: discord.gg/szvy
Delusions: (includes emerald, Gimkit, and phantom games): https://discord.com/invite/Dpj8C8SAmH
Plexile Arcade: https://dsc.gg/plexilenetwork
BowlDog Games: https://discord.gg/8xNzWjYU
PlayVera: https://discord.gg/nova-949081080571494450
Universal Network: https://discord.gg/nX6sWSa9HE
To the left is the proxy name, to the right is the discord invite link (some may not work)
You can even make your own links with a specific domain.
This means if a specific domain is unblocked for you, you could try making more proxies with the same domain, which will all be unblocked.
You could see the instructions here, or join some of the above discord servers with more specific instructions (and if you need help)
There are many other proxy collections like this one, but maybe not as popular (or more popular)
Popular Google Doc Networks:
Untitled Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BkBoYlJm47LXQ7fnZG3dtyU8I6RTYKgjO8Is6DBiBhI/edit
Battle Dragon's Netowrk: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kg6Uuspd1LBNAS_rLKCLVefSXvxjh3VwcUjB3zmSRog/edit
JNT Networks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fybE49es_jt61A4SxWOmX1RQSJulSYjxwZNsHkl72W8/edit
Dark Networks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NLl3X_RuvMlCDHfzKcB2LLIL2fD2vZ0M6Yzfg2V-D0o/preview
Primal Networks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R_Rifi41XLgtTFCve8g5-2ugAEnOcDT5XB1_G5ykVag/edit
Genesis Hyperspace: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j0pBEDT-zs5LghhN3OdrUwsrIfaUgU3wE3uj1nL7SEI/edit
Freddy's Internet (Lots of links): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AwSTQ3l6Oy_l4I-ABgbrkS1oSAPuZPwgKZNFDvEx4FU/edit?tab=t.0
Other Google Doc Networks (too lazy to put their names):
Anyways, thats it, hope you explored all of these proxy hubs and got some links. Also make sure to not publicly share the link dispenser links, there are rules against that, and they will ban you if you do so.