For simplicity export the location to these jars. All examples assume the packages and dataset will be placed in the /opt/xgboost
Download the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark plugin jar
Then download the version of the cudf jar that your version of the accelerator depends on.
Following this guide, you can get sample_xgboost_apps-0.2.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar and copy it to /opt/xgboost
You need to download mortgage dataset to /opt/xgboost
from this site
export SPARK_XGBOOST_DIR=/opt/xgboost
export CUDF_JAR=${SPARK_XGBOOST_DIR}/cudf-21.10.0-cuda11.jar
export RAPIDS_JAR=${SPARK_XGBOOST_DIR}/rapids-4-spark_2.12-21.10.0.jar
export SAMPLE_JAR=${SPARK_XGBOOST_DIR}/sample_xgboost_apps-0.2.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar