Release 6.6.8
External Attributes
remove frame around data entry UI
add new "params" format for attribute UI definition (legacy style still supported)
add input file selection new style "param"
allow "param" keys with spaces
add Pylops/ external attribute script
add Pylops/ external attribute script
fix noise added by
replace NaN's in output with OpendTect undefined (1e30)
fix for read/write errors for large data
wmodpy - OpendTect Python Bindings
improve Windows build support
standardise python command naming
add methods to python Wells object to get well log data
add Horizon3D python object for working with OpendTect 3D horizons (names, info and z values)
add Horizon2D python object for working with OpendTect 2D horizons (names only)
remove dependency on GeoPandas
add methods to generate GeoJSON Feature Collections
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