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Use QtAV In Your Projects

WangBin edited this page Oct 10, 2015 · 24 revisions

For QtAV version >= 1.3.4, QtAV can be installed as Qt5 modules easily. Integrating QtAV in your project is very easy.

First, you have to install QtAV SDK. Read to install without building QtAV. You can also use the latest code and build yourself. Then go to building directory, you will find and (sdk_install.bat and sdk_uninstall.bat on windows). Run or sdk_install.bat to install QtAV as a Qt module.

OSX is a little different because the shared library id must be modified but just simply copy files. you have to run QtAV/tools/ Assume your Qt is installed in $HOME/Qt5.3, then run

qtav_src_dir/  qtav_build_dir/lib_mac_x86_64/QtAV*.framework  ~/Qt5.3/5.3/clang_64/lib

To use QtAV, just add the following line in your Qt4 project

CONFIG += avwidgets

or add the following line in your Qt5 project

QT += avwidgets

(In Qt5, if QtWidgets module and QtAV widget based renderers are not required by your project, you can simply add QT += av)

In your C++ files, add

#include <QtAV>
#include <QtAVWidgets>

Make sure QtAV::Widgets::registerRenderers() is called before creating a renderer.

Try the Example

In the latest code, examples/simpleplayer_sdk is a complete example to show how to use QtAV SDK to write an multimedia app. You can use as a template.

Link Error

Because qt automatically rename the module if it's name contains Qt, so you may get cannot find -lQt5AVWidgets. As a temporary workaround, please manually rename to (windows is Qt5AV.lib or Qt5AV.a) in $QTDIR/lib. -lQt5AV error is the same.

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