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103 lines (87 loc) · 3.45 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (87 loc) · 3.45 KB


JavaScript (ES6) code snippets基础上进行了扩充。感谢@xabikos

Import 和 export

prefix 说明/示例
imp→ import fs from 'fs';
imn→ import 'animate.css'
imd→ import {rename} from 'fs';
ime→ import * as localAlias from 'fs';
ima→ import { rename as localRename } from 'fs';
rqr→ require('fs');
req→ const fs = require('fs');
mde→ module.exports = {};
env→ export const exportVariable = localVariable;
enf→ export const functionName = (params) => {};
edf→ export default function TM_FILENAME_BASE(params) {};
ecl→ export default class className {};
ece→ export default class className extends baseclassName {};

Class helpers

prefix 说明/示例
con→ adds default constructor in the class constructor() {}
met→ creates a method inside a class add() {}
pge→ creates a getter property get propertyName() {return value;}
pse→ creates a setter property set propertyName(value) {}

Various methods

prefix 说明/示例
fre→ forEach循环: array.forEach(currentItem => {})
fof→ for...of循环: for(const item of object) {}
fin→ for...in循环: for(const item in object) {}
anfn→ 箭头函数
nfn→ const name = (params) => {}
dob→ const {propertyName} = objectToDestruct;
dar→ const [propertyName] = arrayToDestruct;
sti→ set interval helper method setInterval(() => {});
sto→ set timeout helper method setTimeout(() => {});


prefix 说明/示例
inc s.includes('Hello', 6)
sw s.startsWith('world', 6
ew s.endsWith('Hello', 5)
rep 'x'.repeat(3)
ois'foo', 'foo')
oa Object.assign(target, source1)
okeys Object.keys(obj)
oval Object.values(obj)
oe Object.entries(object);
ofe Object.fromEntries(arr);
afrom Array.from(object);
aof Array.of();
afind Array.find();
afi Array.findIndex();
afill Array.fill(value);


prefix 说明/示例
afd async 函数声明
afe async 函数表达式
aaf async 箭头函数
oaf async 对象的方法
prom return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {});
cprom const promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {});
proma const p = Promise.all([func1,func2]);
thenc .then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {});
thencf .then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {}).finally(() => {});
patc const p = Promise.all().then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {});


prefix 说明/示例
cas→ onsole.assert(expression, object)
ccl→ console.clear()
cco→ console.count(label)
cdb→ console.debug(object)
cdi→ console.dir
cer→ console.error(object)
cge→ console.groupEnd()
clg→ console.log(object)
clo→ object with name console.log('object :>> ', object);
ctr→ console.trace(object)
cwa→ console.warn
clt→ console.table
cti→ console.time
cte→ console.timeEnd