📦 It is probably the best SDK in the world for developing Wechat App.
Special thanks to the generous sponsorship by:
- 命名不那么乱七八糟;
- 隐藏开发者不需要关注的细节;
- 方法使用更优雅,不必再去研究那些奇怪的的方法名或者类名是做啥用的;
- 自定义缓存方式;
- 符合 PSR 标准,你可以各种方便的与你的框架集成;
- 高度抽象的消息类,免去各种拼json与xml的痛苦;
- 详细 Debug 日志,一切交互都一目了然;
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- composer
- openssl 拓展
- fileinfo 拓展(素材管理模块需要用到)
SDK 对所使用的框架并无特别要求
composer require "overtrue/wechat:~3.1" -vvv
use EasyWeChat\Application;
$options = [
'debug' => true,
'app_id' => 'wx3cf0f39249eb0e60',
'secret' => 'f1c242f4f28f735d4687abb469072a29',
'token' => 'easywechat',
'log' => [
'level' => 'debug',
'file' => '/tmp/easywechat.log',
// ...
$app = new Application($options);
$server = $app->server;
$user = $app->user;
$server->setMessageHandler(function($message) use ($user) {
$fromUser = $user->get($message->FromUserName);
return "{$fromUser->nickname} 您好!欢迎关注 overtrue!";
- Homepage: http://easywechat.org
- Forum: https://forum.easywechat.org
- 微信公众平台文档: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki
- WeChat Official Documentation: http://admin.wechat.com/wiki
强烈建议看懂微信文档后再来使用本 SDK。
Laravel 5 拓展包: overtrue/laravel-wechat