1. How long did you spend on the technical test? What would you add to your solution if you had more time? If you did not spend much time on the technical test then use this as an opportunity to explain what you would add.
I took 4.5 hours to do this and still can do the following improvements:
a. Resizing browser is not working
b. Works only in Chrome.
c. sikuli integration is still intermittent
d. Report shows only failed scenarios unless all the scenarios get passed
2. What do you think is the most interesting trend in test
a. AI space is getting very interesting in Quality
engineering b. DevOps space is getting narrowed down with QE space which
gives more challenging tasks
3. Please describe yourself using JSON.
“firstname": “Vijay”,
"lastname": “Vedachalam”,
"age": 45,
"nationality": “British",
“Housenumber": “245”,
“City": “Croydon”,
“degree": [
“BSc Physics”,
“BTech Instrumentation”
“Languages": [
“tools": [
“Strengths": [
“Good mentor”,
“Can do attitude”,
“Team amalgamator”
Tests can be run with Maven or with Intellij