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235 lines (164 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (164 loc) · 5.31 KB
  • Start Date: 2020-09-06
  • Target Major Version: 3.x
  • Reference Issues: #135, #210


Provide the ability for components to control what is publicly exposed on its component instance. This proposal unifies #135 and #210 with additional details.

Basic example

Options API

export default {
  expose: ['increment'],

  data() {
    return {
      count: 0
  methods: {
    increment() {

Composition API

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup(props, { expose }) {
    const count = ref(0)

    function increment() {

    // public

    // private
    return { increment, count }

Here in the both cases, other components would only be able to access the increment method from this component, and nothing else.


In Vue, we have a few ways to retrieve the "public instance" of a component:

  • Via template refs
  • Via the $parent or $root properties

Up until now, the concept of the "public instance" is equivalent to the this context inside a component. However, this creates a number of issues:

  1. A component's public and internal interface isn't always the same. A component may have internal properties that it doesn't want to expose to other components. In other cases a component may want to expose methods that are specifically meant to be used by other components.

  2. A component returning render function from setup() encloses all its state inside the setup() closure, so nothing is exposed on the public instance, and there's currently no way to selectively expose properties while using this pattern.

  3. <script setup> is also compiled into (2) so has the same issue.

The proposed APIs solve these issues by giving components the ability to explicitly declare publicly exposed properties.

Detailed design

Options API

A new option, expose is introduced. It expects an array of property keys to be exposed:

// Child.vue
export default {
  expose: ['increment'],

  data() {
    return {
      count: 0
  methods: {
    increment() {

In a parent component:

<Child ref="child" />
this.$refs.child.increment() // ok
this.$refs.child.count // undefined

If expose is an empty array, then the component would be considered "closed" and no properties would be exposed.

Note: expose option is only respected in the base component and ignored when used in mixins.

Composition API

In Composition API, the 2nd argument of setup (aka the "setup context") now also provides the expose method:

import { ref } from 'vue'

export default {
  setup(props, { expose }) {
    const count = ref(0)

    function increment() {

    // public

    // private
    return { increment, count }

The expose method expects an object of the actual values to be exposed.

In <script setup>

The defineExpose() macro compiles into runtime expose() call.

<script setup>
  const count = ref(0)

  function increment() {


See relevant section in the <script setup> RFC.

Exposed Ref Unwrapping Behavior

Note the exposed instance unwraps refs similar to the normal public instance:

// in child
const count = ref(0)
// in parent
this.$refs.child.count // 0

Limiting Expose Control to Base Component

As raised in the discussions for a previous draft (#210), it would be very confusing if mixins and external composition functions are able to expose arbitrary properties. Therefore, the API is designed to restrict the capability to the base component only:

  • The expose option is ignored when encountered in mixins or extends sources.
  • The Composition API expose function is provided via the setup context instead of a global API (so that it cannot be imported in external composition functions) and can only be called once.

Additionally Exposed Properties

An experimental implementation has been shipped in prior versions and we found in some cases there are patterns or tools (e.g. vue-test-utils) that relies on the presence of Vue built-in instance properties like $el or $refs.

The public instance with explicit expose thus still exposes these built-in instance properties.





Adoption strategy

This feature is additive and doesn't affect existing usage.

Unresolved Questions

Type Inference

Currently no Vue tooling has the ability to infer types of child component instances obtained from a ref.

A workaround is to explicitly export the public interface from the child component:

<!-- Child.vue -->
<script lang="ts">
  export interface Api {
    // ...

In parent:

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { ref } from 'vue'
  import Child from './Child.vue'
  import type { Api } from './Child.vue'

  const childRef = ref<Api>()

  <Child ref="childRef" />

The above does not affect the runtime API design and therefore should not block this RFC from being merged.