- Reading Group: Thursday 2PM - 3PM, Whittmore Hall 654
- Study Group: Friday 2PM - 3PM, Whittmore Hall 457B
- Current Schedule (Fall 2019)
- Previous Meetings
- Mailing List
- Presenter
- Related Links
- About Us
- Suggested Papers
Please let Jinwoo know what paper you are going to present and your summary by the end of Sunday of your presentation week.
Date | Presenter | Topic |
09/05 | Joseph Messou | Fashion Retrieval via Graph Reasoning Networks on a Similarity Pyramid [Kuang et al., ICCV2019] [slides] |
09/12 | Jinwoo Choi | Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation [Chen et al., ICCV2019 Oral] [slides] |
09/19 | Esther Robb | AutoGAN: Neural Architecture Search for Generative Adversarial Networks [Gong et al., ICCV2019] [slides] |
09/26 | Yuliang Zou | Learning Spatial Common Sense with Geometry-Aware Recurrent Networks [Tung et al. CVPR2019 Oral] [slides] |
10/03 | Chen Gao | Learning Correspondence from the Cycle-consistency of Time [Wang et al., CVPR2019] [slides] |
10/10 | Xiaolong Li | Self-Supervised Correspondence in Visuomotor Policy Learning [Peter et al.] |
10/17 | Shih-Yang Su | MCP: Learning Composable Hierarchical Control with Multiplicative Compositional Policies [Peng et al., NeurIPS2019] [slides] |
10/24 | Badour AlBahar | StructureFlow: Image Inpainting via Structure-aware Appearance Flow [Ren et al., ICCV2019][slides] |
10/31 | Si Chen | GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for End-to-end Stereo Matching [Zhang et al., CVPR2019] [slides] |
11/07 | - | No meeting - CVPR2020 deadline |
11/14 | - | No meeting - CVPR2020 deadline |
11/21 | - | No meeting - CVPR2020 supplementary deadline |
11/28 | - | No meeting - Happy Thanksgiving! |
Date | Instructor | Topic |
09/06 | Yann LeCun | Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, and Self-Supervised Learning |
09/13 | Oriol Vinyals | DeepMind AlphaStar, StarCraft, and Language |
09/20 | Peter Bartlett | Geometry of Deep Learning [Day 1 Part 1] |
09/27 | Yisong Yue | New Frontiers in Imitation Learning |
10/04 | N/A | Cancelled due to Aayush Bansal's visit |
10/11 | Jitendra Malik | AI Panel: Collins, Jordan, LeCun, Malik, Shenker |
10/18 | Jure Leskovec | Graph Representation Learning |
10/25 | Eric Jang | Tutorial on Normalizing Flows |
11/01 | Geoffrey Hinton | Andrew Ng interviews Geoffrey Hinton |
11/08 | - | No meeting - CVPR2020 deadline |
11/15 | - | No meeting - CVPR2020 deadline |
11/22 | TBD | TBD |
11/29 | - | No meeting - Happy Thanksgiving! |
12/06 | Abhinav Gupta | What is missing in learning and reasoning with visual knowledge? |
We use Google Groups to manage the mailing list: (link). You can click "Join Group" when you sign in with your Virginia Tech account.
Please let Jinwoo know what paper you are going to present and your summary by the end of Sunday of your presentation week. Also, please send your slides or a link to them to Jinwoo once you finish preparing them.
- Badour AlBahar
- Si Chen
- Jinwoo Choi
- Chen Gao
- Xiaolong Li
- Joseph Messou
- Esther Robb
- Shih-Yang Su
- Jiarui Xu
- Yuliang Zou
Please contact Jinwoo if you want to be a presenter this semester!
- MIT Vision Seminars
- UIUC Vision Lunch
- UT-Austin CV Reading Group
- CMU VASC Seminar Series
- CMU ML Reading Group
- Advanced Computer Vision (Jia-Bin Huang, Virginia Tech)
- Object and Activity Recognition Seminar (Trevor Darrell, UC Berkeley)
- Visual Learning and Recognition (Abhinav Gupta, CMU)
- Visual Recognition (Kristen Grauman, UT Austin)
- Advanced Computer Vision (Devi Parikh, Georgia Tech)
- Cutting-Edge Trends in Deep Learning and Recognition (Svetlana Lazebnik, UIUC)
The presenters' order is generated from the presenters' list in a FIFO manner (but the list is initially generated randomly).
As early as possible, let the group organizer (ylzou -at- vt.edu) know about your situation. Also contact other presenters to see if they are willing to swap dates with you.
Then ask by sending an e-mail to the mailing list (vt-vision-and-learning-reading-group-g -at- vt.edu).
We are a group that meets about once a week to discuss one to three relevant papers. For every meeting, one person will be in charge of selecting the paper(s) for that meeting, thoroughly understanding the work, and leading the discussion (either informally or via a presentation, whatever the leader thinks is best). The rest of the members will read over the paper(s) beforehand to gain a basic idea of the work. Then, on the day of the meeting, we will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and techniques of the paper(s).
NOTE: Please tell the group organizer (chengao -at- vt.edu) which paper(s) you are going to present, and summarize the paper/talk in several sentences, before Monday of that week.
We will be reading papers appearing in the leading computer vision conferences (e.g., CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia) and machine learning conferences (e.g., NIPS, ICML, ICLR, UAI, AAAI, IJCAI, AISTATS). Members are free to choose which paper(s) they will present (we can also provide suggestions), thus the specific topics will vary based on the members' interests.
We are open to everyone who is interested, whether you are an undergrad, a grad student, or VT staff, regardless of department. Anyone else in the Blacksburg area is also welcome. As long as you are interested in learning more about the fields (by reading cutting-edge research papers), you are welcome to join.
We maintain a pool of suggested papers here.
Credits: The contents and formats were modified from VT CVMLP Reading Group.