Here you will find a number of helpful examples of how you can use spreak.
Follow these setup to run the helloworld
- Get the code
$ git clone
- Run the code
cd spreak/examples/helloworld
go run main.go
Unless otherwise required for the demonstration, all .pot
files and the associated translations are
stored in the folder locale
- Simple example to demonstrate how spreak can be used
- xspreak command
xspreak -e -D helloworld/ -p locale/ -d helloworld
- Advanced example to demonstrate how spreak can be used with xspreak
- xspreak command
xspreak -e -D dayinfo/ -p locale/ -d dayinfo
httptempl: Example of how to use spreak with a web server and
jhttptempl: Example of how to use spreak with a web server, json and
embed: Example how spreak can be used with the embed api
errors: Example how errors can be translated with spreak and xspreak
loaders: Example how to load PO files from other sources
resolver: Example how to resolve the path to a file with translations.
printer: Example how to use your own printer
decoder: Example of implementation of a decoder and a catalog for importing JSON files for translation.