Recurrent neural network to detect code blocks. Runs on Tensorflow. It is trained in two stages.
First stage is pre-training the character level RNN with two branches - before and after:
my code : FooBar
------> x <------
We assign recurrent branches to different GPUs to train faster. I set 512 LSTM neurons and reach 89% validation accuracy over 200 most frequent character classes:
The second stage is training the same network but with the different dense layer which predicts only 3 classes: code block begins, code block ends and no-op. The prediction scheme changes: now we look at the adjacent chars and decide if there is a code boundary between them or not.
It is much faster to train and it reaches ~99.2% validation accuracy.
StackSample questions and answers, processed with
unzip -p Answers(Questions) | ./dataset | sed -r -e '/^$/d' -e '/\x03/ {N; s/\x03\s*\n/\x03/g}' | gzip >> Dataset.txt.gz
model_LSTM_600_0.9924.pb - reaches 99.2% accuracy on validation. The model in Tensorflow "GraphDef" protobuf format.
Pretraining was performed with 20% validation on the first 8000000 bytes of the uncompressed questions. Training was performed with 20% validation and 90% negative samples on the first 256000000 bytes of the uncompressed questions. This means I was lazy to wait a week for it to train on the whole dataset - you are encouraged to experiment.
Try to run it:
cat sample.txt | python3 -m model_LSTM_600_0.9924.pb
You should see:
Here is my Python code, it is awesome and easy to read:
<code>def main():
print("Hello, world!")
</code>Please say what you think about it. Mad skills. Here is another one,
<code>func main() {
println("Hello, world!")
</code>As you see, I know Go too. Some more text to provide enough context.
Visualize the trained model:
python3 --model-dir model_LSTM_600_0.9924.pb --log-dir tb_logs
tensorboard --logdir=tb_logs
go get
cat sample.txt | $(go env GOPATH)/bin/codetect
import ""
func main() {
session, _ := codetect.OpenSession()
textBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")
result, _ := codetect.Run(string(textBytes), session)
go-bindata -nomemcopy -nometadata -pkg assets -o assets/bindata.go model.pb