- save current tests
- BUG: isolate tests based on project
- delete tests from list
- add user action split option
- BUG: after quitting tests list buffer esc and CR effect remains on main buffer
- delete all relative tests, user callable
- documentation
- delete visually selected tests
- make a already added test in the list favorite
- run test in the list window
- jump to test under the cursor
- delete test in normal mode
- add new tests on top
- run tests by numbers
- close test buffer key
- BUG the project work dir with same name like backend are overlaping
- tests with similat names at beginig are all triggered
- show buffer with all the available test in current folder
- show all tests in whole project
- restore favorite
- jump to first test in buffer even if not added
- highlight tests already in list
- on favorite toggle with multiple tests jump to correct line
- add test file location, and search test location in that file
- add line to the floating buffer with fields to explain
- add all tests in buffer to gtester list
- consider telescope integration
- consider test name change, so delete test if not found