Glorix is a Python library written in Rust for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- Clone this repo
- Install Python (3.10+)
- Create a virtual environment -
python3 -m venv env
- Activate the environment -
. env/bin/activate
- Update pip if needed -
pip install -U pip
- Install maturin -
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build the crate and python wrapper -
maturin develop
The last step will compile the Rust crate and create a Python wheel and install glorix in the virtual environment.
- Install Python (3.10+)
- Create a virtual environment -
python3 -m venv env
- Activate the environment -
. env/bin/activate
- Update pip if needed -
pip install -U pip
- Install glorix -
pip install glorix
The last step will compile the Rust crate and create a Python wheel and install glorix in the virtual environment.
from glorix import print as lprint
lprint("Hello, [bold][underline yellow]World[/underline yellow][/bold]!")
lprint("Hello, [bold green]World[/bold green]! [italic red]This is italic red[/italic red].")
lprint("Hello, [i][b cyan]World[/b cyan][/i]! Color shoud be white")
lprint("Hello, [strike]World[/strike]!")
lprint("Hello, [i][b red][strike]World[/strike][/b red][i]! [s]Example for strike[/s]")