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Game of Life on FPGA4U

In this project, we implement the game of life on the FPGA4U. The final result features a high-resolution VGA controller, an RS232 UART, and an SDRAM controller. It allows uploading game of life patterns and eight-color high resolution images. It is possible to run the game step by step or in continuous mode. The VHDL design is entirely configurable: baud rate, VGA resolution, and grid size are customizable. The project uses two different PLLs for the VGA controller and the SDRAM to allow high screen refresh rates without being limited by the SDRAM speed.

This project was originally done in spring semester 2007 at the Logic Systems Laboratory, EPFL (Lausanne) under the supervision of Prof. Eduardo Sanchez.



Two kinds of FPGAs were available for this project:

  • Cyclone 2 EP2C20F484C8N
  • EP20K200EFC484-2X

The first one is used by the FPGA4U board, which can be connected to a computer via the USB port. The second board is older and can be connected via the parallel port.

At the beginning of the project, we tried to develop the project on both of them. Then we decided to concentrate on the FPGA4U. This board has large internal memories that can be accessed in one clock cycle. They can also be initialized from the Quartus IDE, which helps with testing.

Our project fulfills following criteria:

  • Flexibility: the use of generics is allows configuring different paramaters of the game, such as the number of cells in a row or column, the size of the uploaded images, etc. This avoids the need of modifying the parameters in the source code and allows fast testing in various configurations.
  • Scalability: the design accommodates any resolution provided that memory and chip speed are suitable.
  • Speed: one cell is updated per clock cycle, which allows as many images per second as the refresh rate of the VGA controller allows.

The Game of Life

The game of life is a cellular automaton. It is a two dimensional grid that may be theoretically infinite. In practice, it has a finite width and height and can form a torus. Each cell of the grid has two distinct states: dead or alive.

The rules to determine the new state of a cell given the state of the neighbours are the following:

  • If a cell is dead but has three alive cells around it, it gets alive at the next step.
  • If a cell is alive, it stays alive at the next step only if it has two or three alive cells around it.
  • If a cell is surrounded by zero or one live cell, it will be dead at the next step (death by isolation).
  • If a cell is surrounded by more than three live cells, it will be dead at the next step (death by over population).

System Layout

The system displays a background 8-color image and overlays the game of life grid on top of that image. Both the grid and the image can be uploaded through an UART port. The system is composed of the following components.

  • The VGA controller (vga.vhd)
  • The SDRAM controller which stores the uploaded image (sdram.vhd)
  • The background picture module, display and download (sdram_picture.vhd)
  • The grid downloader (file_downloader.vhd)
  • The grid display module (gol2_grid.vhd)
  • The grid compute module (gol2_compute.vhd)

The diagram below shows the overall system organization. The design of each part will be discussed in the following sections.

There are two distinct blocks in the system. The first block is responsible for handling the background image stored in SDRAM (upper part of the diagram), while the second block takes care of the game of life (lower part). The multiplexer before the VGA controller selects the right color to display: if the grid has an empty cell, the background image is selected, otherwise the color corresponding to the filled cell is taken.

Display Subsystem Layout

VGA Controller

The VGA controller interfaces the FPGA with an external VGA monitor. It provides a 1-bit output for each primary color (read, green, blue), allowing it to display 8 colors. This requires a simple daughter board with one diode per color in order to generate the correct voltage (0.7V) for the monitor. The vertical and horizontal sync signals can be connected directly to the monitor.

The VGA controller interfaces with the rest of the design as follows. It provides the coordinates of the row and column to be displayed and expects to get the corresponding color data on the next cycle. We decided to use a one cycle delay because it is exactly the delay of the on-chip memory. The controller also generates horizontal and vertical refresh signals. These signals are used by the image and game of life display modules to synchronize their operations.

SDRAM Controller

This controller provides an interface to the SDRAM chip on the FPGA4U. The chip is an ISSI 42S32800B with 2M words * 32 bits * 4 banks. Each bank is organized in 4096 rows of 512 32-bit columns. Our implementation supports full page burst reads and writes. Refreshes are also handled. The maximum clock speed that the FPGA supports is 96 MHz. Above this limit, the SDRAM returns corrupted data.

The problem with our initial single-clock implementation was that a low speed limited the refresh rate of the VGA controller. To solve this issue, we used a separate clock for the SDRAM controller, running at a slower speed. This raises a synchronization issue between different clock domains. We shall explain the solution in the following sections.

Image Display Controller

Each row of the bank zero of the SDRAM contains the corresponding row of the image. Each column contains 8 pixels (8 * 4bpp). Pixels are aligned on a 4 bit boundary to simplify handling, even if only 3 bits are used for the color. Thus, the maximum size of a screen row is limited by the number of columns of the SDRAM. Our implementation supports images of up to 4096 pixels wide, which is enough considering the typical resolution of today's monitors.

The image display controller uses the full-page burst capability of the SDRAM controller. It reads an entire row of the image in one operation during the horizontal refresh right before the VGA controller is about to display it. For example, if the VGA controller has just finished displaying row 5, the image display controller will preload row 6 during the horizontal refresh at the end of row 5. Likewise, the first row of the picture is preloaded when the last one is finished, that is during the vertical refresh.

The image controller stores each row in the on-chip memory of the FPGA so that it is ready to be read by the VGA controller. This intermediate memory is a dual-port dual-clock memory: it can be accessed independently by modules located in different clock domains. The VGA controller provides its clock and address on input A and reads output on port A. The image controller loads the data on port B, and provides its own clock, which is shared with the SDRAM controller and the image downloader.

When the FPGA is turned on, the SDRAM is initialized with an initial background pattern. It is necessary to provide a means of uploading different images. We achieve this by using an RS232 UART controller. The image downloader has its own on-chip dual-port memory block whose size corresponds to the size of a row (e.g., 1024 pixels or 4Kbits). It constantly polls the ready signal of the UART. When 4 bytes are read, the word is written to this memory. When the whole line has been read, the controller signals to the image display controller that it can copy this line to the SDRAM. The image controller then inserts a write burst on the next horizontal refresh, just after it has read the next line to be displayed (displayed data has priority over uploaded data). It also must be ready to write the available line during the vertical refresh to avoid data loss (the vertical refresh has a long delay).

The current implementation works up to 921600 baud per second. This limit is set by the MAX232 chip used to convert RS232 signals. Considering the high baud rate, it is necessary to compute maximum delays to avoid losing incoming bytes. At 96 Mhz, 921600 bps, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits and 1 parity (11 bits), each byte is received after a 96MHz/921600*11=1154 clock cycles. A word is ready every 4616 cycles. This means that the image display controller has to begin the copy to SDRAM no later than 4616 cycles after the last byte is received otherwise data loss occurs (the buffer is overwritten with new data). This is enough, considering that each line has 1280 pixels and 408 horizontal refresh cycles. To avoid slowing down operations, we have chosen a dual port memory block for the download buffer. It can be easily shared between the display and the download module.

Game-of-Life Subsystem Layout

This section describes the different modules composing the game of life subsystem as well as their interactions.

The subsystem is comprised of two memory buffers: the first buffer contains the current state of the grid, while the second one contains the next state. After the next state is computed, the buffers are switched and the process repeats again.

The display module sends line information from the first buffer after the compute module has finished calculating it. The figure below summarizes the layout.

Display Module

This module reads the incoming row and column from the VGA controller and gives back the corresponding color on the next clock cycle. This color is either transparent or opaque, depending on the state of the current cell.

Cells can be larger than one pixel. In this case, the horizontal retrace signal does not always correspond to the end of a grid line. The display module keeps track of the actual grid line and signals to the compute module when the VGA controller has finished displaying it, so that the new state of the next row can be computed.

Compute Module

This module takes the current state of the grid and computes the next state of each cell. To compute the next state of a cell, we must know the states of the eight cells surrounding the current cell and also the state of the current cell. The responsible entity for computing the grid is gol2_computegrid.vhd.

A straightforward solution would issue 9 memory accesses to read the state of the 8 neighbouring cells and write the result, which takes in total 18 clock cycles. Unfortunately, this solution turned out to be two slow and could not reach the monitor's refresh rate (i.e., 60-70 grid updates per second).

The optimized solution uses a sliding window comprised of nine flip-flops. Each flip-flop contains the state of a cell. This sliding buffer covers the whole grid of the game and is used to compute the state of the current cell. You can see the buffer in the figure below, each flip-flop contains the state of a cell. CUR is the state of the current cell and NE, N, NW, W, E, SW, S and SE contain the state of the cells around the current one.

To compute the state of a line, the buffer moves from the left to the right. At the beginning of the line, the compute module loads all cell states in the buffer. Each time the buffer moves one cell to the right, the last column of the buffer is shifted to the left and we load the next three states needed for in NE, E, and SE. You can see this process on the diagram below.

Optimizing Memory Accesses

If we use a single port memory, this buffer requires three memory accesses (four clock cycles to compute the state of the current cell using pipelined reads). A solution to make this faster is to use a 3-port memory. However, this kind of memory does not exist in Quartus, so we need to emulate a triple-port memory by optimizing the grid layout using normal dual-port memories.

We observe that using the buffering technique shown above requires one read per line at each new step. If we calculate the state of the cell at line 6 and column 5 we must load the state of the cell at (5,6), (6,6) and (7,6).

To optimize this, we split the grid across three memory blocks, all of which can be accessed in parallel. The idea is to have three single port memories, each 3rd line being stored in a different memory bank, as shown in the figure below. For example, the state of the cell (3,10) is stored in the memory bank 0. The column determines the offset inside the memory bank.

The compute module uses a module 3 counter in order to determine which bank to use for the current cell. This is easier to implement than a combinatorial module operation. The counter is located in gol2_m3counter.vhd`.

With this method an important constraint is that the number of rows must be a multiple of 3. Let us consider three cells (cellX, cellY, and cellZ) as depicted in the figure above. When we want to compute the state of cellX (1,2), we must read the states of the cells located at (0,3), (1,3) and (2,3). The corresponding banks are 0, 1, and 2. For cellY (2,5), we must read cells (1,6), (2,6), and (3,6), their corresponding banks being 1, 2, and 0. For cellZ (4,8), we have to read (3,9), (4,9), and (5,9), their corresponding bank being 2, 0, and 1. The problem arises when we want to compute the state of a cell located at the edges of the grid. If the row count is not a multiple of three, it would take extra hardware to select the line from the right bank (remember that the grid is a kind of sphere, without "edges"). If the line count is a multiple of three, the general case works.


The game-of-life subsystem contains the following state machine:

The state machine is divided in three parts. The first part checks the current operation mode, i.e., single step or not. If it is single step mode, it waits for the user to press a button before starting the computation of the grid. The second part synchronizes itself on the first line. As soon as the first line is being displayed (after a vertical retrace), the state machine issues a preload request to the compute line module. It is necessary to know the state of 9 cells before the sliding can begin. Once the preload is done, the state machine waits for the end of the first row. The last part is a loop, which computes the rest of the grid. When it is finished, it swaps the memories on the vertical refresh.

Memory Usage

It is interesting to compute the maximal size of the grid given the limited memory available on the FPGA. The version of the Cyclone II chip has 52 M4K of 4 Kbits each. Each buffer uses 3 memory banks. The double buffer system has thus 6 banks. This means that each memory bank can use up to 8 M4K, that is 32768 cells. There are 3 memory banks, so the maximal grid size can contain at most 98304 cells.


During development, it happened that the state machine shown above went to an undefined state (all states zero), although it was encoded by Quartus as a one-hot state machine. The machine went to this undefined state during single step mode. Sometimes, when the next frame button was pressed, everything seemed to freeze, and the button did not respond anymore. A careful analysis using the SignalTap logic analyzer allowed us to identify the problem. It was solved by putting a flip-flop between the button and the state machine. The problem was probably caused by metastability: the signal from the button is asynchronous and when pressed at the exact same time a rising edge of the clock occurs it may lead to metastabilty. The extra flip-flop avoids the metastability to reach the state machine.

User Guide

Modes of Operation

The game of life has several modes of operation, which can be selected with on-board switches. See the documentation of the FPGA4U board to locate them. The project uses SWITCH1[7] as single step mode enable, SWITCH1[3] as upload grid enable and Button_n[3] to go to the next frame. The following combinations are possible:

  • You may see the evolution of the pattern step by step by enabling the single step mode. Use the next frame button to go to the next step. To exit this mode, disable the button and push next frame one time to resume the game.
  • To upload a new grid, enable both single step mode and upload grid mode. Upload the new grid via the RS232 interface. Use no flow control, even parity, one stop bit and the baud rate specified at compilation time. The grid will not appear immediately, because it is uploaded to the second buffer of the double buffer. When upload is completed, disable update mode. Use the next frame button to see the new grid or disable single step mode. Note that it is necessary to press one time the next frame button after disabling the single step mode to start the game.
  • If grid upload is disabled, the picture upload is automatically enabled, and vice versa. To upload the picture, set up your terminal program like for the grid update and transfer the binary file containing the picture. The format of the grid and the image are described next.

Image Format

The picture must be in plain binary format to be correctly displayed by the controller. Each byte contains two pixels. The most significant nibble contains even pixels and the least significant nibble has odd pixels. The pixels follow each other until the image is finished. As there is no control data, if the resolution of the screen and the resolution of the binary file differ, the picture will appear distorted on the screen.

Grid format

The grid uses a similar type: plain binary. Each byte contains the state of eight cells. The least significant bit contains the leftmost cell. There are no control bits: you must use the same row size for the file as the one with which the design was configured.

Useful Tools

Image dithering. The VGA controller can only display 8 colors because there is no DAC. The red, green, and blue pins can only be 0 or 1 (0.7V), offering eight combinations. Eight colors may seem to be too little. It is nevertheless possible to greatly improve the quality of pictures by using dithering.


Bitmap to binary converter. The BitmapConverter utility converts a true color bitmap into a 4 bit or 1 bit per pixel binary file, suitable for upload as a background image or as a grid. Please note that in the 4-bit mode, only the first three bits are used, and each one is formed by taking the most significant bit of each original color component. This utility automatically runs dithering on the original image in order to obtain the best results.

Grid parser. The Grid2Bmp tool converts .life files into black and white bitmaps. These files contain a textual description of the grids. Many of them can be downloaded from here.

Serial port uploader. This tool is useful to upload the generated binary files via the serial port. On Windows, COM ports are accessed via \\.\comX where X is the port number.