Modify wheneverize to allow for the creating of 'config' directory when not present
Add --crontab-command to whenever binary for overriding the crontab command. [Martin Grandrath]
- Restore compatibility with Capistrano v3; it has a bug which we have to work around [Ben Langfeld, Chris Gunther, Shohei Yamasaki]
- Bypass symlinks when loading Capistrano v3 code, since these symlinks don't work in recent gem releases [Justin Ramos]
Improve documentation [Ben Langfeld, Spencer Fry]
Properly support Solaris / SmartOS [Steven Williamson]
Drop support for Ruby < 1.9.3. Test newer Ruby versions. [Javan Makhmali, Bartłomiej Kozal]
Suport Ruby 2.3.0 and Rails 4 [Vincent Boisard]
correctly in schedule when writing crontab from Capistrano [Ben Langfeld, Lorenzo Manacorda] -
Minor refactoring, avoidance of Ruby warnings, etc [Ben Langfeld, DV Dasari]
Correctly pass through date expressions (e.g.
) inside job definitions [Rafael Sales] -
Prevent writing invalid cron strings [Danny Fallon, Ben Langfeld]
Execute runner with
bundle exec
to ensure presence of app dependencies [Judith Roth]
Fix duplicated command line arguments when deploying to multiple servers with Cap 3. [betesh]
to the current stage before defaulting to production in Cap 3 tasks. [Karthik T]
Drop ActiveSupport dependency [James Healy, Javan Makhmali]
Drop shoulda for tests
Cap 3 task [Javan Makhmali] -
Avoid using tempfiles [ahoward]
- Fix issues generating arguments for
in Capistrano 3 tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
option towhenever
in Capistrano 3 tasks. [betesh, Javan Makhmali] -
Allow setting
for Capistrano 3. [Javan Makhmali] -
command to be mapped in SSHKit. [Javan Makhmali]
Capistrano V3 support. [Philip Hallstrom]
Process params in job templates. [Austin Ziegler]
Don't require schedule file when clearing. [Javan Makhmali]
Use bin/rails when available. [Javan Makhmali]
Improve Cap rollback logic. [Jeroen Jacobs]
Allow configuration of the environment variable. [andfx]
Output option can be a callable Proc. [Li Xiao]
Fix Capistrano host options. [Igor Yamolov, Wes Morgan]
Improve JRuby test support. [Igor Yamolov]
Use correct release path in Cap task. [Wes Morgan]
Fix multiserver roles bug. [Wes Morgan]
Refactor Cap recipes and add tests for them. [Wes Morgan]
Fix file not found error when running under JRuby. [Wes Morgan]
Stop interpolating template attributes with no corresponding value. [Vincent Boisard]
Support for raw cron separated by tabs. [Étienne Barrié]
Separate Capistrano recipes to allow custom execution. [Bogdan Gusiev]
, notdeploy:restart
. [Michal Wrobel] -
Added a new
job type. [Ján Suchal] -
Use correct path in Cap task. [Alex Dean]
Fix that setup.rb and schedule.rb were eval'd together. [Niklas H]
New Capistrano roles feature. [Wes Morgan]
Stop clearing the crontab during a deploy. [Javan Makhmali]
Bump Chronic gem dependency. [rainchen]
- Make included Capistrano task compatible with both new and old versions of Cap. [Giacomo Macrì]
Accept @reboot and friends as raw cron syntax. [Felix Buenemann]
Fix clear_crontab task so it will work both standalone and during deploy. [Justin Giancola]
Require thread before active_support for compatibility with Rails < 2.3.11 and RubyGems >= 1.6.0. [Micah Geisel]
More advanced role filtering in Cap task. [Brad Gessler]
Added whenever_variables as a configuration variable in Cap task. [Steve Agalloco]
Escape percent signs and reject newlines in jobs. [Amir Yalon]
Escape paths so spaces don't trip up cron. [Javan Makhmali]
Fix ambiguous handling of 1.month with :at. #99 [Javan Makhmali]
Use mojombo's chronic, it's active again. [Javan Makhmali]
Capistrano task enhancements. [Chris Griego]
wheneverize command defaults to '.' directory. [Andrew Nesbitt]
rake job_type uses bundler if detected. [Michał Szajbe]
Indicate filename in exceptions stemming from schedule file. [Javan Makhmali]
Don't require rubygems, bundler where possible. [Oleg Pudeyev]
Documentation and code cleanup. [many nice people]
Convert most shortcuts to seconds. every :day -> every 1.day. #129 [Javan Makhmali]
Allow commas in raw cron syntax. #130 [Marco Bergantin, Javan Makhmali]
Output no update message as comments. #135 [Javan Makhmali]
require 'thread' to support Rubygems >= 1.6.0. #132 [Javan Makhmali]
Fix issue with comment block being corrupted during subsequent insertion of duplicate entries to the crontab. #123 [Jeremy (@lingmann)]
Removed -i from default job template. #118 [Javan Makhmali]
- Fix unclosed identifier bug. #119 [Javan Makhmali]
Preserve whitespace at the end of crontab file. #95 [Rich Meyers]
Setting nil or blank environment variables now properly formats output. [T.J. VanSlyke]
Allow raw cron sytax, added -i to bash job template, general cleanup. [Javan Makhmali]
--clear-crontab option completely removes entries. #63 [Javan Makhmali]
Set default :environment and :path earlier in the new setup.rb (formerly job_types/default.rb). [Javan Makhmali]
Converted README and CHANGELOG to markdown. [Javan Makhmali]
Detect script/rails file and change runner to Rails 3 style if found. [Javan Makhmali]
Created a new :job_template system that can be applied to all commands. Wraps all in bash -l -c 'command..' by default now for better RVM support. Stopped automatically setting the PATH too. [Javan Makhmali]
Added a built-in Capistrano recipe. [Javan Makhmali]
Better regexes for replacing Whenever blocks in the crontab. #45 [Javan Makhmali]
Preserving backslashes when updating existing crontab. #82 [Javan Makhmali]
Quotes automatically escaped in jobs. [Jay Adkisson]
Added --cut option to the command line to allow pruning of the crontab. [Peer Allan]
Switched to aaronh-chronic which is ruby 1.9.2 compatible. [Aaron Hurley, Javan Makhmali]
Lots of internal reorganizing; tests broken into unit and functional. [Javan Makhmali]
New job_type API for writing custom jobs. Internals use this to define command, runner, and rake. [Javan Makhmali - inspired by idlefingers (Damien)]
Jobs < 1.hour can specify an :at. [gorenje]
--clear option to remove crontab entries for a specific [identifier]. [mraidel (Michael Raidel)]
runners now cd into the app's directory and then execute. [Michael Guterl]
Fix STDERR output redirection to file to append instead of overwrite. [weplay]
Move require of tempfile lib to file that actually uses it. [Finn Smith]
bugfix: comparison Time with 0 failed. #32 [Dan Hixon]
exit(0) instead of just exit to make JRuby happy. [Elan Meng]
Fixed activesupport deprecation warning by requiring active_support. #37 [Andrew Nesbitt]
New output option replaces the old cron_log option for output redirection and is much more flexible. #31 [Peer Allan]
Reorganized the lib files (http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2009/9/1/gem-packaging-best-practices) and switched to Jeweler from Echoe.
- No longer tries (and fails) to combine @shortcut jobs. #20 [Javan Makhmali]
- Setting a PATH in the crontab automatically based on the user's PATH. [Javan Makhmali]
Added ability to accept lists of every's and at's and intelligently group them. (ex: every 'monday, wednesday', :at => ['3pm', '6am']). [Sam Ruby]
Fixed issue with new lines. #18 [Javan Makhmali]
Removed activesupport gem dependency. #1 [Javan Makhmali]
Switched to numeric days of the week for Solaris support (and probably others). #8 [Roger Ertesvåg]
- Added ability to set variables on the fly from the command line (ex: whenever --set environment=staging). [Javan Makhmali]
Days of week jobs can now accept an :at directive (ex: every :monday, :at => '5pm'). [David Eisinger]
Fixed command line test so it runs without a config/schedule.rb present. [Javan Makhmali]
Raising an exception if someone tries to specify an :at with a cron shortcut (:day, :reboot, etc) so there are no false hopes. [Javan Makhmali]
- Added ability to update the crontab file non-destuctively instead of only overwriting it. [Javan Makhmali -- Inspired by code submitted individually from: Tien Dung (tiendung), Tom Lea (cwninja), Kyle Maxwell (fizx), and Andrew Timberlake (andrewtimberlake) on github]
- Fixed load path so Whenever's files don't conflict with anything in Rails. Thanks Ryan Koopmans. [Javan Makhmali]
- Added --load-file and --user opts to whenever binary. [Javan Makhmali]
Added 'rake' helper for defining scheduled rake tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
Renamed :cron_environment and :cron_path to :enviroment and :path for better (word) compatibility with rake tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
Improved test load paths so tests can be run individually. [Javan Makhmali]
Got rid of already initialized constant warning. [Javan Makhmali]
Requiring specific gem versions: Chronic >=0.2.3 and activesupport >= 1.3.0 [Javan Makhmali]
- Initial release [Javan Makhmali]