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Getting started for new developers
- Ask Ramon to add you
- as a contributor to the GitHub repository
- to both mailing lists, the public ([email protected]) and the private
- Ask support to create an account for you on the private subversion repository (called private-gerardus)
- Any public communications should be carried on the mailing list ([email protected])
- Linux users: git command line client.
- Windows users: [http://msysgit.github.io/ msysgit] (command line) or [https://tortoisegit.org/ TortoiseGit] (GUI)
- Mac OSX users: git command line client.
From http://githowto.com/setup.
Run this with your git client:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
From http://githowto.com/setup.
For Linux/Mac:
git config --global core.autocrlf input
git config --global core.safecrlf true
For Windows:
git config --global core.autocrlf true
git config --global core.safecrlf true
Create directory for Gerardus code
mkdir gerardus
cd gerardus
Say that this directory is going to be under Git control (this creates a hidden .git directory)
git init
Link the directory to the gerardus repository. After this, whenever you need to refer to the URL you can use the label "gerardus"
git remote add gerardus https://github.com/rcasero/gerardus
Download ("pull") the code
git pull gerardus master
Check the status of the repository
git status
To get the most up to date code, run
git pull gerardus status
Create new files, or edit existing ones.
Add an entry to the ChangeLog file explaining the commit that you are about to make. For example:
2015-04-27 Ramon Casero <[email protected]> * matlab/ItkToolbox/elastix_bspline_grid.m: (0.1.3) - Fix bug. The displacement vector was being reshaped in the wrong way. Now it's first reshaped to the elastix grid size, and only then the rows and columns are swapped.
Stage the file(s) that you are going to commit together with the ChangeLog
git add ChangeLog newfunction.m anotherfunction.m
Commit the file(s), writing a meaningful log message (you can copy the one you put in the ChangeLog)
git commit gerardus master
You may want to do more commits (go back to step 2.).
Once you have done all the commits you want, push your changes onto the repository
git push gerardus master
Note: when you push code, you may be told that the repository has changed, and you no longer have the latest version of the code. In that case, you need to pull again and let git merge the repository with your local copy before pushing.
Git is strongly based on "branching", which means that for significant changes, you should not just push your stuff to the master branch. Instead, what you do is the following:
"Branch" the project, i.e. make a copy of the project that you can play with. We are going to call that new branch "replace_scimat_min_by_offset"
git branch replace_scimat_min_by_offset
Switch from the master branch to the new branch
git checkout replace_scimat_min_by_offset
"Fetch" the project, i.e. update the information about the project branching
git fetch gerardus
Switch from the master branch to the new branch
git checkout replace_scimat_min_by_offset
Now make your changes, create new files, delete others, make several commits, push your changes to the respository, etc. This could take a few days.
Once you are done with all your changes, switch back to the master branch
git checkout master
Merge the new branch with the master branch. This will put all your new stuff into the master branch
git merge replace_scimat_min_by_offset
If the merge went well, delete locally the branch you created, as it's no longer needed
git branch -d replace_scimat_min_by_offset
To delete the branch on the github server, you also have to run
git push gerardus --delete replace_scimat_min_by_offset
Basically, the papers directory is an orphan branch. This means that it lives outside of master, i.e. we are going to use a separate directory that is outside of "gerardus".
To clone it,
Create a directory in your computer for the papers, outside of the "gerardus" directory. Otherwise, it won't work because you'll have two separate branches overlapping.
mkdir papers-public
Initialize the directory as a git directory
cd papers-public git init
Associate the URL of the gerardus repository to the "gerardus" label
git remote add gerardus https://github.com/rcasero/gerardus
Pull the papers branch
git pull gerardus papers
Remember that when you commit and push in this directory, you use "papers" instead of "master" as the target branch.
- Here's a good short basic git tutorial
- Nice guided tour of git fundamentals
- A more extensive git course
- Advanced syntax for GitHub wikis (GitHub Favored Markdown)