This context allow you to handle web Api features for your applications.
You can create a request with the following steps:
Given I prepare a GET request on "/users" # prepare a get request on '/user'
Given I prepare a POST request on the user create page # prepare a POST request on the user create page (see Page context)
Given I prepare a PUT request on the /users resource # Like the first one but a little more verbose
You can pass a full set of parameters into your created request with the following steps
# Specified some headers
Given I specified the following request headers:
| Accept | text/html |
# Specified queries
Given I specified the following request queries:
| q | my search field |
# Specified request data (like POST or PUT data)
Given I specified the following request data:
| my_form[name] | George ABITBOL |
# Specified cookies
Given I specified the following request cookies:
| my_option | some data here |
# Specified request options
Given I specified the following request options:
| my_option | some data here |
To send the request just use the following step:
When I send the request
To test the request response you have the choice between all this steps:
# Assert the response and content type
Then I should receive a 200 response # Assert that the response code is 200
Then I should receive a 200 json response # Assert that the response code is 2OO and the content type is a valid json
# assert headers, and data content
Then the response should contains the following headers:
| Cache-Control | max-age=21600 |
Then the response should contains the following json:
"plop": {
"plip": 13,
"foo": "bar"
Then the response should contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plip type="integer">13</plip>
Actually the friendly context can handle two kind of http security:
- Http basic
- OAuth 1
To create a secured request, just use the following steps:
# Http basic
Given I specified the following request http basic credentials:
| username | |
| password | johnpass |
# Oauth 1
Given I specified the following request oauth credentials:
| consumer_key | my_key |
| consumer_secret | my_secret |
| token | my_token |
| token_secret | my_secret_token |
Note that you can write a short content-type syntax according to the matching table.