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Apartment Leasing System - Full Stack Home Assignment

A full-stack application for managing apartment leases using React Remix (SSR), GraphQL, and PostgreSQL.

🎯 Task Overview

Create a leasing management system with two main features:

  1. Lease Listing Page

    • Paginated list view (25 items per page)
    • Search functionality
    • Drag and drop reordering (Bonus)
  2. New Lease Form Multi-step form with the following steps:

    • Property Details (address, type, rent)
    • Tenant Information (name, email, phone)
    • Lease Terms (start date, end date, security deposit)

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React Remix with SSR
  • API: GraphQL with graphql-yoga
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Type Safety: TypeScript
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS
  • GraphQL Client: genql

🚀 Getting Started


  • Node.js (v18+)
  • pnpm
  • Docker and Docker Compose

Installation & Setup

  1. Install dependencies

    pnpm install
  2. Start the development environment

    docker-compose up --build
  3. Initialize the database

    # In a new terminal
     pnpm --filter api migrate
     pnpm --filter api seed

The application will be available at:

📝 Development Tasks

Backend Requirements

  1. Database Schema

    • Set up proper indexes for efficient querying
  2. GraphQL API

    • Implement the lease query with pagination and search
    • Implement the create lease mutation
    • Implement the update lease order mutation (Bonus)

Frontend Requirements

Main Page

  1. Lease List Page (/leases)
    • Implement paginated list with 25 items per page (Display Active/Inactive status based on the lease dates)
    • Implement search by address or tenant name
    • Add drag and drop reordering functionality (Bonus)

New 2. New Lease Form (/leases/new)

  • Create a multi-step form
  • Implement form state persistence between steps
  • Add validation for all required fields
  • Show progress indicator

📁 Project Structure

├── docker/
│   ├── Dockerfile.api
│   ├── Dockerfile.web
│   └── docker-compose.yml
├── packages/
│   ├── api/
│   │   ├── src/
│   │   │   ├── db/
│   │   │   ├── resolvers/
│   │   │   └── schema.graphql
│   │   └── package.json
│   └── web/
│       ├── app/
│       │   ├── routes/
│       │   ├── styles/
│       │   └── lib/
│       └── package.json

💻 Development Commands

# Start development environment
docker-compose up

# Generate GraphQL types
pnpm --filter web generate:gql

# Run database migrations
docker-compose exec api pnpm migrate

# Seed database
docker-compose exec api pnpm seed

📊 Database Seeding

The seed script will populate the database with 100,000 sample lease records. This helps in testing:

✨ Bonus Points

  • Drag & Drop with persistent ordering
  • Adding comprehensive test coverage
  • Implementing advanced search filters
  • Adding performance optimizations

📋 Evaluation Criteria

  1. Code Quality

    • Clean, maintainable code
    • Proper TypeScript usage
    • Error handling
  2. Functionality

    • Working pagination
    • Smooth drag and drop
    • Form validation
    • Data persistence
  3. Performance

    • Efficient database queries
    • Client-side optimization
  4. UX Considerations

    • Loading states
    • Error feedback
    • Form progression
    • Responsive design

📝 Submission Guidelines

  1. Click the green "Use this template" button at the top right
  2. Choose "Create a new repository"
  3. Set the following options:
    • Owner: Your GitHub account
    • Repository name: apartment-leasing-YOUR_NAME
    • Set visibility to "Private"
    • Click "Create repository from template"
  4. Include:
    • Setup instructions
    • Any additional features implemented
    • Architectural decisions made
    • Performance considerations
  5. Once you've completed the assessment, add the following GitHub accounts as collaborators to your private repository:
    • @Yoni-venn
    • @SegevHaviv

🔒 License

This project is provided for interview purposes only.