The purpose of this document is to analyze a medical appointment dataset. This dataset consists of information from 100k medical appointments in Brazil, mainly focusing on whether or not patients show up for their appointment.
- What factors are important for us to know in order to predict if a patient will show up for their scheduled appointment?
- What is the proportion of men & women who register for medical appointments?
- Which neighbourhoods report the most medical problems?
- Is aging correlated to medical problems such as hypertension, diabetes, etc.?
Link :
Characteristics :
- PatientId : Identification of a patient
- AppointmentID : Identification of each appointment
- Gender : Male or Female
- ScheduledDay : On what day the patient set up their appointment (will always be before or on the appointment day)
- AppointmentDay : The actual appointment date
- Age : How old is the patient.
- Neighbourhood : Location of the hospital
- Scholarship : indicates whether or not the patient is enrolled in Brasilian welfare program Bolsa Família.
- Hipertension : 1 for True and 0 for False
- Diabetes : True or False
- Alcoholism : True or False
- Handcap : True or False
- SMS_received : 1 or more messages sent to the patient.
- No-show : 'No' means patient showed up, and 'Yes' means they didn't show up
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Customization of the seaborn graphs
sns.set(style="whitegrid", color_codes=True)
Note : During loading itself, we are cleaning up the following aspects of the data :
- Data types of the ID columns are set to string (e.g. 'PatientId' and 'AppointmentID' should be of type string)
- Columns containing dates are parsed
- Boolean fields are converted to bool type from the string values
def string_to_bool(value):
'''Type converter for columns to map the value of '1' to boolean True'''
return value == '1'
def no_show_to_bool(value):
'''Type converter for columns to map the value of 'Yes' to boolean True'''
return value == 'Yes'
def sms_received_to_bool(value):
'''Type converter for determing whether one or more SMS has been received by the patient'''
return int(value) > 0
appointment_data = pd.read_csv('noshowappointments-kagglev2-may-2016.csv',
dtype={'PatientId': str, 'AppointmentID' : str},
parse_dates = ['ScheduledDay', 'AppointmentDay'],
converters = {'Scholarship': string_to_bool,
'Hipertension': string_to_bool,
'Diabetes': string_to_bool,
'Alcoholism': string_to_bool,
'Handcap': string_to_bool,
'SMS_received': sms_received_to_bool,
'No-show' : no_show_to_bool},
encoding = "utf8"
# Check the data types (whether loaded correctly or not)
PatientId object
AppointmentID object
Gender object
ScheduledDay datetime64[ns]
AppointmentDay datetime64[ns]
Age int64
Neighbourhood object
Scholarship bool
Hipertension bool
Diabetes bool
Alcoholism bool
Handcap bool
SMS_received bool
No-show bool
dtype: object
Initial Sample data (first 5 rows)
PatientId | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hipertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handcap | SMS_received | No-show | |
0 | 29872499824296 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29 18:38:08 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | True | False | False | False | False | False |
1 | 558997776694438 | 5642503 | M | 2016-04-29 16:08:27 | 2016-04-29 | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
2 | 4262962299951 | 5642549 | F | 2016-04-29 16:19:04 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | MATA DA PRAIA | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
3 | 867951213174 | 5642828 | F | 2016-04-29 17:29:31 | 2016-04-29 | 8 | PONTAL DE CAMBURI | False | False | False | False | False | False | False |
4 | 8841186448183 | 5642494 | F | 2016-04-29 16:07:23 | 2016-04-29 | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | True | True | False | False | False | False |
Check for null values (i.e. NaN) : There are no null values in the dataset as analyzed below :
PatientId False
AppointmentID False
Gender False
ScheduledDay False
AppointmentDay False
Age False
Neighbourhood False
Scholarship False
Hipertension False
Diabetes False
Alcoholism False
Handcap False
SMS_received False
No-show False
dtype: bool
There are still some problems remaining in the dataset that need to be cleaned :
- The columnns that have a typo in their names need to be renamed
- The column 'Age' has erroneous values (negative age) and such rows need to be deleted
- Additional derived columns need to be added for further analysis
- Records having negative Gap Days (i.e. Appointment Date is before the Scheduled Date) need to be removed
The details are as follows :
1. Rename columns having typos
appointment_data.rename(columns={'PatientId':'PatientID', 'Hipertension':'Hypertension','Handcap':'Handicap'}, inplace = True)
2. Remove row(s) having negative age
print 'Initial row count : ', len(appointment_data.index)
appointment_data = appointment_data[appointment_data['Age'] >= 0]
print 'Final row count after cleaning negative age records : ', len(appointment_data.index)
Initial row count : 110527
Final row count after cleaning negative age records : 110526
3. Add additional derived columns
- GapDays : This column (int64) denotes the interval (in days) between between the appointment day and the scheduled day.
- MedicalCondition : This column (boolean) denotes whether or not the patient suffers from one of the four medical conditions - Hypertension, Diabetes, Alcoholism, or Handicap.
appointment_data['GapDays'] = (appointment_data['AppointmentDay'] - appointment_data['ScheduledDay']
appointment_data['MedicalCondition'] = appointment_data['Hypertension'] | appointment_data['Diabetes'] | appointment_data['Alcoholism'] | appointment_data['Handicap']
4. Remove erroroneous 'GapDays' records
Appointment date cannot be before the schedule date. Hence, these records are removed.
The following are the erroneous records :
appointment_data[appointment_data['GapDays'] < 0]
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handicap | SMS_received | No-show | GapDays | MedicalCondition | |
27033 | 7839272661752 | 5679978 | M | 2016-05-10 10:51:53 | 2016-05-09 | 38 | RESISTÊNCIA | False | False | False | False | True | False | True | -1 | True |
55226 | 7896293967868 | 5715660 | F | 2016-05-18 14:50:41 | 2016-05-17 | 19 | SANTO ANTÔNIO | False | False | False | False | True | False | True | -1 | True |
64175 | 24252258389979 | 5664962 | F | 2016-05-05 13:43:58 | 2016-05-04 | 22 | CONSOLAÇÃO | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | -1 | False |
71533 | 998231581612122 | 5686628 | F | 2016-05-11 13:49:20 | 2016-05-05 | 81 | SANTO ANTÔNIO | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | -6 | False |
72362 | 3787481966821 | 5655637 | M | 2016-05-04 06:50:57 | 2016-05-03 | 7 | TABUAZEIRO | False | False | False | False | False | False | True | -1 | False |
# Remove the erroneous records
appointment_data = appointment_data[appointment_data['GapDays'] >= 0]
Final sample data after cleaning (first 6 rows)
print appointment_data.dtypes
PatientID object
AppointmentID object
Gender object
ScheduledDay datetime64[ns]
AppointmentDay datetime64[ns]
Age int64
Neighbourhood object
Scholarship bool
Hypertension bool
Diabetes bool
Alcoholism bool
Handicap bool
SMS_received bool
No-show bool
GapDays int64
MedicalCondition bool
dtype: object
PatientID | AppointmentID | Gender | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handicap | SMS_received | No-show | GapDays | MedicalCondition | |
0 | 29872499824296 | 5642903 | F | 2016-04-29 18:38:08 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 0 | True |
1 | 558997776694438 | 5642503 | M | 2016-04-29 16:08:27 | 2016-04-29 | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0 | False |
2 | 4262962299951 | 5642549 | F | 2016-04-29 16:19:04 | 2016-04-29 | 62 | MATA DA PRAIA | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0 | False |
3 | 867951213174 | 5642828 | F | 2016-04-29 17:29:31 | 2016-04-29 | 8 | PONTAL DE CAMBURI | False | False | False | False | False | False | False | 0 | False |
4 | 8841186448183 | 5642494 | F | 2016-04-29 16:07:23 | 2016-04-29 | 56 | JARDIM DA PENHA | False | True | True | False | False | False | False | 0 | True |
5 | 95985133231274 | 5626772 | F | 2016-04-27 08:36:51 | 2016-04-29 | 76 | REPÚBLICA | False | True | False | False | False | False | False | 2 | True |
correlation_matrix = appointment_data.corr()
mask=np.zeros_like(correlation_matrix, dtype=np.bool), cmap=sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True),
Age | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handicap | SMS_received | No-show | GapDays | MedicalCondition | |
Age | 1.000000 | -0.092469 | 0.504599 | 0.292398 | 0.095811 | 0.081815 | 0.012629 | -0.060320 | 0.034813 | 0.509312 |
Scholarship | -0.092469 | 1.000000 | -0.019738 | -0.024899 | 0.035019 | -0.009139 | 0.001182 | 0.029166 | -0.030435 | -0.009966 |
Hypertension | 0.504599 | -0.019738 | 1.000000 | 0.433082 | 0.087967 | 0.081187 | -0.006285 | -0.035662 | -0.017236 | 0.887052 |
Diabetes | 0.292398 | -0.024899 | 0.433082 | 1.000000 | 0.018471 | 0.054499 | -0.014561 | -0.015158 | -0.027200 | 0.497951 |
Alcoholism | 0.095811 | 0.035019 | 0.087967 | 0.018471 | 1.000000 | 0.003125 | -0.026154 | -0.000181 | -0.038527 | 0.316864 |
Handicap | 0.081815 | -0.009139 | 0.081187 | 0.054499 | 0.003125 | 1.000000 | -0.023890 | -0.008017 | -0.020314 | 0.245392 |
SMS_received | 0.012629 | 0.001182 | -0.006285 | -0.014561 | -0.026154 | -0.023890 | 1.000000 | 0.126502 | 0.398128 | -0.019694 |
No-show | -0.060320 | 0.029166 | -0.035662 | -0.015158 | -0.000181 | -0.008017 | 0.126502 | 1.000000 | 0.186320 | -0.032401 |
GapDays | 0.034813 | -0.030435 | -0.017236 | -0.027200 | -0.038527 | -0.020314 | 0.398128 | 0.186320 | 1.000000 | -0.033690 |
MedicalCondition | 0.509312 | -0.009966 | 0.887052 | 0.497951 | 0.316864 | 0.245392 | -0.019694 | -0.032401 | -0.033690 | 1.000000 |
correlation_matrix['No-show'].drop('No-show').sort_values(ascending = False, inplace = False)
GapDays 0.186320
SMS_received 0.126502
Scholarship 0.029166
Alcoholism -0.000181
Handicap -0.008017
Diabetes -0.015158
MedicalCondition -0.032401
Hypertension -0.035662
Age -0.060320
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Exploration of Factor 1 : Age
# Plot the age distribution graph
sns.distplot(appointment_data['Age'], kde=False)
plt.title('Age distribution in the entire dataset')
print 'Overall Age Distribution statistics :'
Overall Age Distribution statistics :
count 110521.000000
mean 37.089386
std 23.109885
min 0.000000
25% 18.000000
50% 37.000000
75% 55.000000
max 115.000000
Name: Age, dtype: float64
# Plot the no-show v/s age graphs
age_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('Age')['No-show'].mean() * 100
# Joint plot
grid = sns.jointplot(y=age_noshow_data, x=age_noshow_data.index)
plt.suptitle('Plot of No-show rate v/s Age', y=1)
grid.ax_joint.set_ylabel('No-show rate (in %)')
# Bar Plot
ax = sns.barplot(x=age_noshow_data.index, y = age_noshow_data.values)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate v/s Age', xlabel='Age', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across ages'
print age_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across ages
count 103.000000
mean 19.268425
std 6.703958
min 0.000000
25% 16.156191
50% 18.867925
75% 22.858630
max 60.000000
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Age' factor :
- Overall, the distribution of age-groups in the data-set is positively skewed. In other words, there is less data available in the data-set for the higher age groups(70+), which is expected.
- There seems to be a relatively higher rate of no-show between the ages of 12-25.
- Also, in the higher age groups (90+) it seems that there is again an increase of no-show. However, there are relatively very few records in this age group (which is expected).
- The lowest no-show rates are in the group of 60-80 year olds.
Exploration of Factor 2 : Gender
# Plot the Gender distribution graph
plt.title('Gender distribution in the entire data-set')
PatientID | AppointmentID | ScheduledDay | AppointmentDay | Age | Neighbourhood | Scholarship | Hypertension | Diabetes | Alcoholism | Handicap | SMS_received | No-show | GapDays | MedicalCondition | |
Gender | |||||||||||||||
F | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 | 71836 |
M | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 | 38685 |
# Plot the no-show v/s Gender graph
gender_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('Gender')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
ax = sns.barplot(x=gender_noshow_data.index, y = gender_noshow_data)
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate v/s Gender', xlabel='Gender', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across Genders'
print gender_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across Genders
count 2.000000
mean 20.137677
std 0.245884
min 19.963810
25% 20.050743
50% 20.137677
75% 20.224610
max 20.311543
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Gender' factor :
- Overall, there are 1.85 times more female applicants than male applicants, which is quite surprising.
- There doesn't seem to be much of a difference in the no-show rate with respect to gender (less than half a percent).
Exploration of Factor 3 : Neighbourhood location
# Plot the Neighbourhood distribution graph
ax = sns.countplot(appointment_data['Neighbourhood'])
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
plt.title('Neighbourhood distribution in the entire data-set')
# Plot the No-show v/s Neighbourhood graph
neighbourhood_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('Neighbourhood')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
# Filter the neighbourhood outliers: the no. of appointments coming from there should be at least 100
neighbourhood_noshow_data = neighbourhood_noshow_data[appointment_data.groupby('Neighbourhood')['No-show'].sum() >= 100]
ax = sns.barplot(x=neighbourhood_noshow_data.index, y = neighbourhood_noshow_data.values, orient = 'v')
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate in different Neighbourhood locations (min. 100 appointments)', xlabel='Neighbourhood Location', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across Neighbourhood locations (min. 100 appointments)'
print neighbourhood_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution across Neighbourhood locations (min. 100 appointments)
count 54.000000
mean 20.424881
std 2.831800
min 15.841584
25% 18.326799
50% 20.040373
75% 21.918459
max 28.918495
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Neighbourhood' factor :
- Overall, there is a big variation in the appointment applications from different neighbourhoods. The majority of applications come from places like Jardim Camburi, Maria Ortiz, and Resistência. At the same time, there are a lot of neighbourhoods from where very few people apply for appointments.
- In the no-show distribution in different neighbourhoods, there are only 2 records for 'ILHAS OCEÂNICAS DE TRINDADE' and both are no-show. Hence, the percentage is abnormally high (i.e. as much as 100%). Hence, outlier neighbourhoods have been filtered (with minimum no. of appointments set to 100) before plotting the graph.
- Essentially, some neighbourhoods seem to have a much larger no-show rate than average. A possible reason could be that these regions are farther away from the hospital, making it more difficult for patients to reach there.
Exploration of Factor 4 : Scholarship
# Plot the Scholarship distribution graph
ax = sns.countplot(appointment_data['Scholarship'])
plt.title('No. of scholarships in the entire data-set')
# Plot the No show rate v/s Scholarship graph
scholarship_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('Scholarship')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
ax = sns.barplot(x=scholarship_noshow_data.index, y = scholarship_noshow_data.values, orient = 'v')
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate for scholarships', xlabel='Scholarship', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for scholarships'
print scholarship_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for scholarships
count 2.000000
mean 21.769818
std 2.781032
min 19.803331
25% 20.786575
50% 21.769818
75% 22.753061
max 23.736304
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Scholarship' factor :
- Overall, there are 10 times as many patients who haven't got a scholarship compared to those who have. This seems to be normal.
- In the no-show distribution, surprisingly, people who have a scholarship have a higher no-show rate than those who don't (23.74% vs 19.8%).
Exploration of Factor 5 : SMS received by patients
# Plot the SMS received distribution graph
ax = sns.countplot(appointment_data['SMS_received'])
plt.title('Count of patients receiving SMS in the entire data-set')
# Plot the No-show rate v/s SMS received graph
sms_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('SMS_received')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
ax = sns.barplot(x=sms_noshow_data.index, y = sms_noshow_data.values, orient = 'v')
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate for SMS receipts', xlabel='SMS Received', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for SMS receipts'
print sms_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for SMS receipts
count 2.000000
mean 22.136264
std 7.690890
min 16.697984
25% 19.417124
50% 22.136264
75% 24.855405
max 27.574545
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'SMS Received' factor :
- Overall, there are twice as many patients who haven't received an SMS compared to those who have.
- Very surprisingly, sending an SMS doesn't seem to influence patients to show up for the appointment. In fact, no-show rates are much higher when patients receive SMS (27.6% vs 16.7%).
Exploration of Factor 6 : Gaps in days between Appointment Day and Scheduled Day
# Plot the Gap days distribution graph
sns.distplot(appointment_data['GapDays'], kde=False)
plt.title('Gap days distribution in the entire dataset')
print 'Overall Gap Days distribution statistics'
Overall Gap Days distribution statistics
count 110521.000000
mean 10.184345
std 15.255153
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 4.000000
75% 15.000000
max 179.000000
Name: GapDays, dtype: float64
# Plot the No-show rate v/s Gap Days graph
gapdays_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('GapDays')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
# Joint plot
grid = sns.jointplot(y=gapdays_noshow_data, x=gapdays_noshow_data.index)
plt.suptitle('Plot of No-show rate v/s no. of Gap Days', y=1)
grid.ax_joint.set_xlabel('No. of Gap Days')
grid.ax_joint.set_ylabel('No-show rate (in %)')
# Bar Plot with filtered data (no. of applications >= 10 for that gap day)
filtered_gapdays_noshow_data = gapdays_noshow_data[appointment_data.groupby('GapDays')['No-show'].sum() >= 10]
ax = sns.barplot(x=filtered_gapdays_noshow_data.index, y = filtered_gapdays_noshow_data.values)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate v/s Gap Days (min. 10 applications)', xlabel='Gap Days', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for Gap Days (min. 10 applications)'
print filtered_gapdays_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for Gap Days (min. 10 applications)
count 82.000000
mean 31.209141
std 5.893434
min 4.647062
25% 28.812985
50% 31.624451
75% 34.758142
max 44.954128
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Gap Days' factor :
- The overall distribution of Gap Days in the data-set is positively skewed. It ranges from 0 to 179 days.
- The no-show rate is lowest when the gap days is 0, i.e. when appointment day is same as scheduled day.
- When there is a greater gap, the no-show rate tends to increase.
Exploration of Factor 7 : Medical condition
# Plot the Medical Condition distribution graph
ax = sns.countplot(appointment_data['MedicalCondition'])
plt.title('Count of patients suffering from a medical condition in the entire data-set')
# Plot the No-show rate v/s Medical Condition graph
medcond_noshow_data = appointment_data.groupby('MedicalCondition')['No-show'].mean() * 100.0
ax = sns.barplot(x=medcond_noshow_data.index, y = medcond_noshow_data.values, orient = 'v')
ax.set(title = 'No-show rate for Medical Conditions', xlabel='Medical Condition', ylabel='No-show rate (in %)')
# Show statistics for the above
print 'Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for Medical Conditions'
print medcond_noshow_data.describe()
Statistics of the no-show rate distribution for Medical Conditions
count 2.000000
mean 19.389543
std 2.159651
min 17.862439
25% 18.625991
50% 19.389543
75% 20.153095
max 20.916647
Name: No-show, dtype: float64
Observations for the 'Medical Condition' factor :
- Overall, there are thrice as many patients who don't seem to have any medical condition compared to those who have.
- There is only a 3% increase in no-show rates when patients do not suffer from any of the medical conditions.
medcond_age_data = appointment_data.groupby('Age')['MedicalCondition'].mean() * 100.0
# Filter outliers : ignore ages having appointment count of at least 10
medcond_age_data = medcond_age_data[appointment_data.groupby('Age')['AppointmentID'].count() >= 10]
# Joint plot
grid = sns.jointplot(y=medcond_age_data, x=medcond_age_data.index, kind = 'reg')
plt.suptitle('Plot of No-show rate v/s no. of Gap Days', y=1)
grid.ax_joint.set_ylabel('Percentage of people suffering from medical condition')
sns.plt.ylim(0, 100)
sns.plt.xlim(0, None)
(0, 150.0)
Observation : There is a very strong correlation between age and medical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, alcoholism and handicap).
Name: AppointmentID, dtype: int64
The analysis of medical appointments dataset obtained from Brazilian Hospitals has revealed some very interesting points :
1. Factors that can be useful for prediction of showing up for medical appointments
- The most important factors are - Gap Days (interval between scheduled date and appointment date), Age and Neighbourhood location.
- Gender and medical condition of the patient do not seem to be very useful for use as factors for prediction.
- Scholarships and SMS received surprisingly appear to be counterproductive in reducing no-shows. Hospitals may consider further analysis with some controlled experiments in order to save costs on SMS.
Of course, these results are based only on correlations and this does not imply causation. There could be hidden/lurking variables in the data-set and it requires controlled experiments and hypothesis testing to conclusively prove the causations.
2 . Proportion of men & women who register for medical appointments
Very surprisingly, there are almost twice as many female patients compared to male patients.
3. 'Unhealthy' neighbourhoods
The top 5 most 'unhealthy' neighbourhoods are : Jardim Camburi, Maria Ortiz, Resistência, Jardim Da Penha, and Itararé.
4. Correlation of aging with medical problems
There is a very strong correlation between age and medical problems such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Alcoholism, etc.