- Added modal to display configuration JSON of order items
- Added the Promotions (incl. Rules/Actions) & Coupons CRUD
- Moved the Orders menu item to the top in the Shop section
- Added input validation at Property Value assignment
- Added the configuration widget, that can handle JSON config samples
- Fixed master products not being listed on the Channel show page
- Changed the product/master product creation so that the record creation and channel assignment are in a single transaction
- Added the touching of the parent model (product/master/variant) at:
- property assignment,
- channel assignment,
- taxon assignment
- variant write operations.
- Added editing of billpayer details for orders
- Added editing of shipping address details for orders
- Added the state select to the variant form
- Added the missing order status
enum icon - Fixed the invalid icons on carrier and shipping method forms
- Fixed the impossibility to fold out subtaxons
- Added language field to the channel form
- Added the new v4.1 taxon content fields (
) to the taxon form - Added the link editing feature on product forms
- Added the
helper function - Added JSON-capable handling of order index, along with
filter - Added JSON-only payment index, querying by
filter - Changed the minimum Vanilo requirement to v4.1
- Added Vanilo v4 support
- Added PHP 8.3 support
- Added Laravel 11 support
- Dropped Vanilo v3 support
- Dropped PHP 8.0 & 8.1 support
- Dropped Laravel 9 support
- Upgraded to AppShell 4, Bootstrap 5.3 and to Konekt Components v3
- Upgraded migrations to ACL v2
- Upgraded to Laravel Media Library v11
- Changed minimally required Laravel version to v10.43
- Changed minimally required Gears version to v1.12
- Changed minimally required Concord version to v1.15
- Changed the image index to use thumbnails instead of the carousel
- Changed most of the common CRUD components to use the generic AppShell components
- Changed the order list side menu item to include
- Removed the implicit
filter from '/manage/order' if no explicit status query was given - Improved the UI
- Fixed the link to master products on the order item list
- Added the JSON variant of product index responses
- Added updating the sort order when setting the primary image (uses MediaLibrary default sorting facility)
- Added Tax Category CRUD
- Added optional pricelist plugin support to channel form
- Added the
field to the channels form (VFW 4 feature) - Added the
field to property screens - Added the
field to product and variant forms (VFW 4 feature) - Added tax category editing to product forms
- Added multichannel editing features to products, shipping methods and payment methods
- Added the emission of
event when changing the order status (forward port from v3.7) - Added the listing of order item adjustments
- Added the
field to the channel form - Added billing and shipping zones to the channel form
- Added zone support to payment methods
- Added an alternative route
that shows a variant, but doesn't require passing the master id
- Added PHP 8.3 support
- Added the emission of
(added in v3.7) event when changing the order status - Fixed the link to master products on the order item list (backport from v4-dev)
- Added Laravel 10 support
- Added Zone CRUD
- Added zone and calculator editing option to shipping methods
- Added zone to shipping method list
- Added the payment
field to the order/payments list - Added adjustments (like shipping fee, promotion, etc.) to the bottom of the order item list
- Added alternate color to the new
order status - Changed minimum Vanilo requirement to v3.6.2
- Changed minimum AppShell requirement to v3.9
- Changed minimum Address module requirement to v2.7
- Fixed the product index pagination bug due to the multi-model collection
- Added the
field to the master product variant screen - Added filters widget on top of the order list
- Added number filter to the order list
- Added the enhanced status filter to the order list
- Added shipping method and shipment lists to the order page
- Removed the "Show closed orders"/"Hide closed orders" button in favour of the new status filter
- Changed the status badge color to
for cancelled orders in the order list - Changed minimum Vanilo requirement to v3.5.1
- Changed minimum AppShell requirement to v3.7
- Fixed broken pagination links on product admin
- Added Carrier CRUD
- Added Shipping method CRUD
- Changed minimal Vanilo requirement to v3.4.1
- Added listing of Master products along with classic products
- Added
field to the product form - Added webp image support
- Added master product variant CRUD
- Changed minimal Media Library requirement from 10.0 to v10.3.6 (for webp support)
- Changed minimal Vanilo requirement to v3.3
- Changed minimum Concord requirement to v1.12
- Fixed master product creation & edit form (fields were missing)
- Fixed missing Media for/forId validation messages
This release was skipped in order to keep version parity match with Vanilo Framework.
- Added Master product CRUD
- Added link to product when listing order items
- Added Channel to order show page (if an order has an assigned one)
- Added Enum v4 support
- Changed minimum Laravel requirement to 9.2
- Changed minimum AppShell requirement to v3.3
- Fixed Payment method listing error in case of unconfigured gateways
- Fixed Order display error for orders without shipping address
- Fixed invalid route error after assign categories to product
- Extracted from Vanilo Framework, the Admin is now a standalone and optional module
- Changed route names from
- Upgrade to AppShell 3.0 (vuejs -> alpinejs)
- Fixed missing payment methods breadcrumbs
The Changelog of earlier versions can be found at Changelog.old.md.