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180 lines (126 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (126 loc) · 4.94 KB
#Install Github for Windows
#Install Github for Mac

#Install Github for all platforms

#Creates a new local repo.
       	git init
#Shows changes not yet staged 
       	git diff

#Show what files are changed, staged etc
	git status

#Add files that are new, updated etc
	git add <filenames>
		Tip: git add . adds all files in the current directory.
		Tip: git add fil* adds all files starting with "fil" in the current directory.

#Add patches of a file
	git add <filename> -p  #this command adds a specific file
	git add . -p  #this command adds patches from all files within directory

#Commits files added with a message ready to be pushed.
	git commit -m "add message here"

#Commit files to the last commit and edit commit message.
	git commit --amend

#Commit files to the last commit and keep the original commit message.
	git commit --amend --no-edit

#Display record of commits made
	git log
		Tip: git log -p shows the commit's history including all files and their changes

#List branches.
	git branch
#List git branch with last commit info.
	git branch -v
#List git branch with last commit and remote branch info.
	git branch -vv
#Create a new branch.
	git branch <branch_name>

#Creates branch and changes to it.
	git switch -c <branch_name>
	git checkout -b <branch_name>

#Change to specified branch.
	git switch <branch_name>
	git checkout <branch_name>

#Change to last branch used.
	git switch -

#Show tracked repos.
	git remote -v	
#Add new origin
	git remote add origin [email protected]:User/UserRepo.git
#Change url of existing repo
	git remote set-url origin [email protected]:User/UserRepo.git

#Push changes to the default remote repo.
	git push
#Push local branch code to the remote master branch of the repository
	git push -u origin master

#Push changes a specified branch.
	git push <branch_name>
		Tip: You can add a '+' before the branch name to force push the changes.

#Pull changes from default remote repo and merges them into local.
	git pull

#Pull changes from default remote repo but do not merge into local.
	git fetch
#Remove Files from Working Directory
	git rm
	Tip: use rm -rf to remove all files forcefully
#Clone or download a repo that already exists on github, including all of the files, branches and commits
	git clone <github_repo_url>

#Roll back and reset the last staged commit.
	git reset HEAD~1
		Tip: The number specifies how much commits to reset by, git reset HEAD~2 rolls back 2 commits etc.

#Perform interactive rebase.
	git rebase -i

#Peform interactive rebase on the last 'N' commits.
	git rebase -i HEAD~<N>

#Squash multiple commits into one commit.
	squash last 4 commits:
		git rebase -i HEAD~4
			Note: This command will open up default editor then replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash".
#Squash all commits:
		git rebase --root -i
			Note: This command will open up default editor then replace "pick" on the second and subsequent commits with "squash".

#Stash the current state of the working directory
	git stash

#Remove the stashed code and apply it in the current working directory
	git stash pop

#Remove all stashed entries
	git stash clear

#Remove new/existing files from staged files
	git restore --staged <file_name>
#Cherry Pick enables arbitrary Git commits to be picked by reference and appended to the current working HEAD.  
           cherry pick a commit on to main branch:
                    git cherry-pick commitSHA

#Command to merge a specific branch into the current branch
	git merge <branch_name>

#To resolve merge conflict manually open the merge tool
	git mergetool

#To remove untracked files from the working directory
	git clean 

#Command to configure your username
	git config --global "your name"
#Command to configure your email-id
	git config --global "your email address"

#Command to enable helpful colorization of command line output
	git config --global color.ui auto

#To see all configurations
	git config --list

#Add origin/upstream remote
	git add origin/upstream <git_url>
		Note: Upstream refers to the original repo that you have forked. Origin refers to your fork on the original repo.

#Fetch changes from upstream of all the branches.
	git fetch upstream
		Note: You first need to add the upstream remote.

#Sync local branch with the upstream branch.
	git rebase upstream/<branch_name>
		Note: Use this command only after fetching the changes from the upstream.

#Command to delete specified branch
	git branch -d <branch_name>

#Delete remote branch
	git push origin --delete <remote branch name>

#Reapply previously stashed changes and keep the stash
	git stash apply

#Dropping changes in the stash
	git stash drop

#Stashing everything (including ignored files)
	git stash --all