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UX Rocket Select

UX Rocket Select plugin is designed for styling and enhancing the user experience capabilities of native html select. You can search, select multiple options, limit max selection in multiple selects etc. It is also easily themable. By default, its styles only defined for properly working. You need minimum amount of overwrite for defining your own theme for the select.


Select can directly install your project by copying the contents of dist folder to your assets, and npm or bower packages. All dependent libraries will also installed with the packages. Just run, with npm;

npm install

or with Bower

bower install

Then, import files to your HTML

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<path-to-bower_components>/" />

<script src="<path-to-jquery"></script>
<script src="<path-to-bower_components>/uxrocket.factory/dist/uxrocket.factory.min.js"></script>
<script src="<path-to-bower_components>/"></script>
        $('.select').select(); // for default settings

if you want to use plugin in development mode, you can import _uxrocket-select.scss file under <path-to-bower_components>/ to your Sass

Select plugin is designed to enhance native select, so in your HTML, you only need to have a normal select to bind the plugin.

<select class="select">
    <option value="">Please select one</option>
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="3">Option 3</option>
    <option value="4">Option 4</option>
    <option value="5">Option 5</option>


Property Default Description
wrapper null Wrapper class for your theme. Wrapper is the parent element which wraps both original select and uxrSelect's selection item. Plugin also adds uxr-select-wrap for internal usage.
opened null Open indicator class for your theme. Added to wrapper. Plugin also adds uxr-select-opened for internal usage.
current null Selection class for your theme. It is the element where the selected option is showed. Plugin also adds uxr-select-selection for internal usage.
arrow null Arrow class for your theme. It is the part where select triangle shown. Plugin also adds uxr-select-arrow for internal usage.
drop null Drop class for your theme, which holds the search and list. Plugin also adds uxr-select-drop for internal usage.
list null Unordered option list class for your theme. Plugin also adds uxr-select-list for internal usage.
option null Class for each option in the list. It is the anchor element in each li Plugin also adds uxr-select-option for internal usage.
selected null Selected option class for your theme. It is applied to li items in the list. Plugin also adds uxr-select-selected for internal usage.
disabled null Disabled option class for your theme. It is applied to li items in the list. Plugin also adds uxr-select-disabled for internal usage.
search true Indicates whether list is searchable or not.
searchItemLimit 10 Defines the search box is visible or not. Usefull for small list. Search list will be visible even if its set to true when options are more than searchItemLimit
searchType starts (starts or contains) Defines the search lookup. If set to starts then it looks up if option's text or value starts with search term, otherwise, looks up if it contains the term.
minLetters 2 Minimum letter required for search to start.
maxSelection 0 For multiple mode, restrict maximum selectable option count. If 0 or lower, no restriction applied.
maxSelectionWarn Text Shows a user friendly alert when reached maximum selection. Default text is "You have reached allowed maximum selection".
numeric false On handheld devices, controls to numeric or classic keyboard view when search field focuses
displayType tags For multiple mode, displays selection as tags or text
multipleInfoMessage 'Seçilen Kayıt:' For multiple and text mode, this will be the selection prefix
placeholder null Adds a placeholder text on multiple selects
onReady false Calls a function when plugin is ready.
onOpen false Calls a function when droplist opened
onClose false Calls a function when droplist closed.
onSelect false Calls a function when option is selected.
onChange false Calls a function when original select's value changed.
onUpdate false Calls a function when plugin options are updated.
onDestroy false Calls a function when select is removed.
Data Attribute  
wrapper Wrapper class for your theme. Wrapper is the parent element which wraps both original select and uxrSelect's selection item.
opened Open indicator class for your theme. Added to wrapper. Plugin also adds uxr-select-opened for internal usage.
current Selection class for your theme. It is the element where the selected option is showed.
arrow Arrow class for your theme. It is the part where select triangle shown.
drop Drop class for your theme, which holds the search and list.
list Unordered option list class for your theme.
option Class for each option in the list. It is the anchor element in each li.
selected Selected option class for your theme. It is applied to li items in the list.
search Indicates whether list is searchable or not.
search-item-limit Defines the search box is visible or not. Usefull for small list. Search list will be visible even if its set to true when options are more than searchItemLimit
search-type Defines the search lookup. If set to starts then it looks up if option's text or value starts with search term, otherwise, looks up if it contains the term.
min-letters Minimum letter required for search to start.
max-selection For multiple mode, restrict maximum selectable option count. If 0 or lower, no restriction applied.
max-selection-warn Shows a user friendly alert when reached maximum selection. Default text is "You have reached allowed maximum selection".
numeric on handheld devices, controls to numeric or classic keyboard view when search field focuses
placeholder Adds a placeholder text on multiple selects
on-ready Calls a function when plugin is ready.
on-open Calls a function when droplist opened
on-close Calls a function when droplist closed.
on-select Calls a function when option is selected.
on-change Calls a function when original select's value changed.
on-update Calls a function when plugin options are updated.
on-destroy Calls a function when select is removed.
select-all Boolean. Enable select all feature for multiple selectboxes.
onReady Calls a function when plugin is ready.
onOpen Calls a function when droplist opened
onClose Calls a function when droplist closed.
onSelect Calls a function when option is selected.
onChange Calls a function when original select's value changed.
onUpdate Calls a function when plugin options are updated.
onDestroy Calls a function when select is removed.

Event Hooks

Plugin uses both generic events and custom events. All events triggered in uxrSelect namespace. Rather than firing a function/method via callback you can attach your own method to plugin events.

$('.select').on('uxrselect.uxrSelect', function(){
    form.submit(); // any method, function you want to define
Event Name  
uxrready triggers when uxrSelect binds to element for the first time
uxropen triggers when selection droplist opened
uxrclose triggers when selection droplist closed
uxrselect triggers when an option selected
change triggers when the selected option value set to Native select.
uxrupdate triggers when plugin settings updated
uxrdestroy triggers when uxrSelect unbinds from the element.

All these custom events also hooked the element itself when plugin is binded, and fires the callback options when triggered. Note: When you watch the uxrselect.uxrSelect event, you get the Native selects previous with this.$el.value() method. In order to get the new value, you should watch the change.uxrSelect or change events

Public Methods

Method Description
$(selector).select(options) Binds the plugin
$.uxrselect.update(el, opt) Updates the settings on the element
$.uxrselect.destroy(el) Removes plugin from element. If el is undefined, removes from all elements
$.uxrselect.remove(el) Removes plugin from element. If el is undefined, removes from all elements. Same as destroy method.
$.uxrselect.close Closes the select list
$.uxrselect.getFocusedInstance() Shows the active and previous instance
$.uxrselect.version Shows the plugin version
$.uxrselect.settings Shows the default settings