John M. chaired the meeting. Andy could not attend because of travel.
See Roman's slides for details.
AR: Projects send 1 or 2 names to Roman
- Starting a new work package for security. Need to establish UXL processes for reporting, handling vulnerabilities, SDL, etc.
- Roman has been looking at security procesess of open source projects and is responsible for Intel security processes for some of the UXL projects.
- Roman has agreed to lead subgroup to work on this. He needs 1-2 people from each project. Anyone is welcome to join. It is not limited to people with a defined role in a project. Short term the effort will be in setting up processes, longer term effort will be about tools.
- Security group members will be added to private slack channel. Long term could be both private/public channel
AR: Review checklist for your project and consider addressing issues.
- Using Red Hat open source checklist, Rod looked at the UXL project repos to see what can be improved. It is summarized in a spreadsheet and detailed reports. oneTBB report is missing. Some people had trouble accessing the links. Robert verified that the links below do not require a google login:
- We reviewed the oneMKL report, but discussed the issues for all
projects. Most of the discussion was about communication:
- report recommended slack, concern about having too many communication tools and drawbacks of slack (e.g. 90 history). preference for mailing list, github discussions, and other means.
- slack is a recommendation, not a mandate.
- concern about the need to keep some information private (e.g. discussion of unannounced products)
- discussion about the different tools, they support different communication styles
- recommendation to understand where a project is looking for more contributors, and how more communication can further that goal, letting people know how to communication with other developers
- Identifying project roles
- Seemed to be general agreement that this was good and can be done
- Public decision making
- projects are doing this to varying degrees
- would like to hear about what other projects are doing and share their experiences in future meeting
- Other topics had less discussion, but should be reviewed
- Discuss in slack channel or raise in next meeting