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Docker Persistent Container

Komal Sharma edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

Get started with Uvdesk now by using the docker container persistent.

To setup with docker container persistent then first you will be install the uvdesk community helpdesk project using composer (recommended), use the following commands:

$ composer create-project uvdesk/community-skeleton

If you don't wish to use composer, you can just download the zip of the project.

Dockerize your Helpdesk

Now you can dockerize your helpdesk project to easily deploy your setup from within a docker container.

To build an image, simply switch to your project's directory and run the following command:

$ docker build -t {IMAGE_NAME} .


Upon successfully execution, this will create a docker image with the specified tag using the -t option. You can use this image to deploy your helpdesk project.

For check your docker images list then run the below command:

$ docker images


Deploying Container with persistent mount volumes:

  • If you want to persist mysql database setup locally within container use the below line:

uvdesk_db (/var/lib/mysql) [You can use the any name of volume: uvdesk_db ]

  • If you want to persist the entire app and associated data including configurations, logs, and any changes to source code:

uvdesk_app (/var/www/uvdesk)

  • If you want to persist only the app and related environment configurations:

uvdesk_config (/var/www/uvdesk/config)

${PWD}/.env (/var/www/uvdesk/.env)

Now create a container using the mount volumes follow the below deploy container command:

Create container with mounted volumes:

docker run -dit -p 82:80 -p 3306:3306 \
-v uvdesk_app:/var/www/uvdesk \
-v uvdesk_db:/var/lib/mysql \
--name <your-container-name> <your-build-image-name>;


docker run -dit -p 82:80 -p 3306:3306 \
-v uvdesk_config:/var/www/uvdesk/config \
-v uvdesk_db:/var/lib/mysql \
-v ${PWD}/.env:/var/www/uvdesk/.env \
--name <your-container-name> <your-build-image-name>;


docker run -dit -p 82:80 -p 3306:3306 \
-v uvdesk_config:/var/www/uvdesk/config \
-v uvdesk_db:/var/lib/mysql \
-v ${PWD}/.env:/var/www/uvdesk/.env \
--name <your-container-name> <your-build-image-name>;

For Reference check the below screenshot:


Setup your project using web interface

Now setup your docker project using the port number like this:


Note: At this moment here shows an error while you will setup of mysql setup, so you will be first create mysql database credentials on your created container.


Access Docker Container

Follow the below command:

$ docker exec -it <your-container-name> /bin/bash


After that you will be access your mysql terminal in your created container using the below command:

$ mysql


$ mysql -u root

Configure mysql credentials in created container

After access mysql terminal now you will be configure mysql credentials and use containerized database.

Manage and update user credentials & privileges

mysql> ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '{MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}';

mysql> CREATE USER {MYSQL_USER}@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '{MYSQL_PASSWORD}';

mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* To uvdesk@localhost;

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET host='%' WHERE user='{MYSQL_USER}';


For Exit mysql terminal & back to container shell terminal using the below command:

mysql> exit


Now Setup your project again now add the same mysql DB details you have created, after setup you will be shows your helpdesk

Admin Panel:


Front-end Panel:


Additional Notes for docker and mysql commands:

After create mysql credentials access for mysql:

$ mysql -u root -p [Then enter your password]

For Restart mysql service:

$ service mysql restart

For check mysql status:

$ service mysql status

For apache service restart:

$ service apache2 restart

For check apache status:

$ service apache2 status

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