pragma solidity 0.4.4; pragma solidity ^0.4.4; pragma solidity ~0.4.4; pragma solidity >0.4.4; pragma solidity >=0.4.4; pragma solidity <0.4.4; pragma solidity <=0.4.4; pragma solidity =0.4.4; library a {} library b {} library c {} library f {} contract test { function f(uint a, uint b); function g(uint c); } contract c { event e(uint[10] a, bytes7[8] indexed b, c[3] x); } contract c { function f() { uint8[10 * 2] x; } } contract c { uint[10] a; uint[] a2; struct x { uint[2**20] b; y[0] c; } struct y { uint d; mapping(uint=>x)[] e; } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 x = ([1, 2, 3 + 4][a/=9] - 3) ** 4; } } import "./abc.sol" as x; import * as y from "./abc.sol"; import {a as b, c as d, f} from "./abc.sol"; contract z {} contract A { function f() { uint x = 3 < 0 ? 2 > 1 ? 2 : 1 : 7 > 2 ? 7 : 6; } } contract A { function f() { uint x = true ? 1 : 0; uint y = false ? 0 : 1; } } contract A { function f() { uint y = 1; uint x = 3 < 0 ? x = 3 : 6; true ? x = 3 : 4; } } contract A { function f() { uint x = 3 > 0 ? 3 : 0; uint y = (3 > 0) ? 3 : 0; } } contract A { function f() { uint x = 3; uint y = 1; uint z = (x > y) ? x : y; uint w = x > y ? x : y; } } contract base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract derived is base { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract foo { function fun() { } } contract bar { function fun() { } } contract derived is foo, bar { function fun() { } } contract A { fixed40x40 storeMe; function f(ufixed x, fixed32x32 y) { ufixed8x8 a; fixed b; } } library d {} contract test { function fun(uint256 a) returns (address b) { if (a < 0) b = 0x67; else if (a == 0) b = 0x12; else b = 0x78; } } // contract test {} contract c { enum foo { Foo } } contract test { uint256 stateVar; function functionName(bytes20 arg1, address addr) returns (int id) { } } contract c { enum validEnum { Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4 } function c () { a = validEnum.Value3; } validEnum a; } contract c { event e(); } contract c { event e() anonymous; } contract c { event e(uint a, bytes32 s); } contract c { event e(uint a, bytes32 indexed s, bool indexed b); } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 x = 3 ** a; } } contract c { function x() external {} } contract c { function c() { } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { uint256 x = i; break; continue; } } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 i = 0; for (;;) { uint256 x = i; break; continue; } } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { uint256 i =0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) continue; } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { for (uint256 i = 0; i < 10; i++) { uint256 x = i; break; continue; } } } // contract from { // } contract test { function functionName(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 out); } contract test { string a = hex"00FF0000"; string b = hex'00AA0000'; } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { if (a >= 8) { return; } else { uint32 b = 7; } } } import './abc.sol' as my_abc; contract test {} import { a as my_a, b as my_b } from './abc.sol'; contract test {} import "./abc.sol"; contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } import * as abc from './abc.sol'; contract test {} contract c { uint[] a; function f() returns (uint, uint) { a = [1,2,3]; return (a[3], [2,3,4][0]); } } library Lib { function f() { } } contract test { function test() { a = 1 wei; // a = 2 szabo; szabo and finney removed in 0.7.0 a = 3 gwei; a = 4 ether; a = 1 seconds; a = 2 minutes; a = 3 hours; a = 4 days; a = 5 weeks; a = 6 years; } uint256 a; } contract c { function c () { a = 1 wei * 100 wei + 7 gwei - 3; } uint256 a; } contract Foo { function f() { uint[] storage x; uint[] memory y; } } // contract Foo { // function f(uint[] constant x, uint[] memory y) { } // } contract test { mapping(address => bytes32) names; } contract test { struct test_struct { address addr; uint256 count; mapping(bytes32 => test_struct) self_reference; } } contract test { struct test_struct { address addr; mapping (uint64 => mapping (bytes32 => uint)) complex_mapping; } } contract c { modifier mod { if (msg.sender == 0) _; } } contract c { modifier mod(address a) { if (msg.sender == a) _; } } contract c { modifier mod1(address a) { if (msg.sender == a) _; } modifier mod2 { if (msg.sender == 2) _; } function f() mod1(7) mod2 { } } contract c { mapping(uint => mapping(uint => int8)[8][][9])[] x; } contract C { function f() { (a,b,c) = g(); (d) = 2; (,e) = 3; (f,) = 4; (x,,) = g(); (,y,) = g(); (,,) = g(); } function g() returns (uint, uint, uint) {} } contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract test2 { function fun() { uint64(2); } } import "./abc.sol"; contract test { function fun() { } } contract test2 { function fun() { } } import "./def.sol"; contract foo { function foo(uint a) { } } contract bar { function bar(string a, string b) { } } contract derived is foo(2), bar("abc", "def") { function fun() { } } contract test { function f() returns(bool succeeded) { return false; } } contract test { uint256 stateVar; function functionName() {} } contract test { function fun(int256 a) { int256 x = (1 + 4) * (a - 12) + -9; bool y = true && (a < 6) || false; } } contract test { function fun(uint a) returns(uint r) { return a; } function fun(uint a, uint b) returns(uint r) { return a + b; } } contract c { function fun() returns (uint r) { uint32 _ = 8; return _ + 1; } } pragma solidity ^0.4.4; contract test {} contract test { uint256 stateVar; function functionName(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 out) {} } contract test { uint256 stateVariable1; } contract test { function fun() { uint64(2); } } contract test { uint256 stateVar; struct MyStructName { address addr; uint256 count; } } contract C { function f() { uint a = (1); (b,) = 1; (c,d) = (1, 2 + a); (e,) = (1, 2, b); (a) = 3; } } contract test { function fun() { uint64[] x = new uint64[](3); } } contract test { function f() { uint a = 10; // +integer removed latest version a--; a = ~a; delete a; bool b = !true; } } library Lib { } contract C { struct s { uint a; } using Lib for uint; using Lib for *; using Lib for s; function f() { } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { int b = 5; uint256 c; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; } } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { int b = 2; uint256 c = 0x87; mapping(address=>bytes32) d; bytes32 name = "Solidity"; } } contract c { uint private a; uint internal b; uint public c; uint d; function f() {} function f_priv() private {} function f_public() public {} function f_internal() internal {} } contract test { function fun(uint256 a) { while (true) { uint256 x = 1; break; continue; } x = 9; } } contract test { //anonymous function not allowed in la function x() { assembly { mstore(0x40, 0x60) // store the "free memory pointer" // function dispatcher switch div(calldataload(0), exp(2, 226)) case 0xb3de648b { let r, x := f(calldataload(4)) let ret := $allocate(0x20) mstore(ret, r) return(ret, 0x20) } default { revert(0, 0) } // memory allocator function $allocate(size) -> pos { pos := mload(0x40) mstore(0x40, add(pos, size)) } // the contract function function f(x) -> y { y := 1 for { let i := 0 } lt(i, x) { i := add(i, 1) } { y := mul(2, y) } if gt(y, 2) { revert(0, 0) } } } } } contract test { function f() view { return 2; } function g() pure { return 2; } } contract test { function f() { uint256 a = 2.3e5; } } contract test { function f() { uint256 a; (a,) = g(); (,) = g(); () = (); } } contract test { //from version 0.8.0 byte alias for bytes1 removed function foo() public returns (bytes1 b) { assembly { n := byte(0x0) } } } contract test { function x() { emit EventCalled(1, 2, 3); } } contract test { constructor(uint a, uint b) withModifier {} } contract test { function x() payable { (bytes32 a, uint b) = foo(); } } contract test { uint x = .1 ether; } contract test { function x() { return(); } }