MCMCLib is a lightweight C++ library of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
Parallelized C++11 implementations of several well-known MCMC methods, including:
- Random Walk Metropolis-Hastings (RWMH);
- Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA);
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC); and
- Riemannian Manifold HMC.
Samplers designed for multi-modal distributions:
- Equi-Energy sampling; and
- Differential Evolution (DE).
Built on the Armadillo C++ linear algebra library for fast and efficient matrix-based computation.
Released under a permissive, non-GPL license.
The library is actively maintained, and is still being extended.
MCMCLib functions are generally defined as
algorithm(<initial values>, <draws output>, <log kernel target distribution>, <optional: data for target distribution>, <optional: algorithm settings>)
where the inputs, in order, are:
- a vector of initial values that define the starting point for the algorithm, and will contain the solution vector at completion;
- the objective function to be minimized (or zeroed-out);
- (optional) any additional parameters passed to the objective function; and
- (optional) control and tuning parameters for the MCMC algorithms.
For example, the RWMH algorithm is called using:
bool rwmh(const arma::vec& initial_vals, arma::mat& draws_out, std::function<double (const arma::vec& vals_inp, void* target_data)> target_log_kernel, void* target_data);
The library can be installed on Unix-alike systems via the standard ./configure && make
# clone MCMCLib into the current directory
git clone ./mcmc
# build and install
cd ./mcmc
./configure -i "/usr/local" -p
make install
The last line will install MCMCLib to /usr/local
There are several configure options available (./configure -h
a coverage build (used with Codecov)-d
a 'development' build-g
a debugging build (optimization flags set to-O0 -g
print help-i
install path; default: current directory.-m
specify the BLAS and Lapack libraries to link against; for example,-m "-lopenblas"
or-m "-framework Accelerate"
compiler optimization options; defaults to-O3 -march=native -ffp-contract=fast -flto -DARMA_NO_DEBUG
enable OpenMP parallelization features (recommended)
MCMCLib is built on the Armadillo C++ linear algebra library. The build script will search for Armadillo files in the usual places: /usr/include
, /usr/local/include
, /opt/include
, /opt/local/include
. If the Armadillo header files were installed to a different location, set:
export ARMA_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/armadillo
before running ./configure
. Otherwise the build script will download the required files from the Armadillo GitHub repository.
Objective: Sample the mean parameter from a normal distribution.
#include "mcmc.hpp"
struct norm_data {
double sigma;
arma::vec x;
double mu_0;
double sigma_0;
double ll_dens(const arma::vec& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
const double mu = vals_inp(0);
const double pi = arma::datum::pi;
norm_data* dta = reinterpret_cast<norm_data*>(ll_data);
const double sigma = dta->sigma;
const arma::vec x = dta->x;
const int n_vals = x.n_rows;
const double ret = - ((double) n_vals) * (0.5*std::log(2*pi) + std::log(sigma)) - arma::accu( arma::pow(x - mu,2) / (2*sigma*sigma) );
return ret;
double log_pr_dens(const arma::vec& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
norm_data* dta = reinterpret_cast< norm_data* >(ll_data);
const double mu_0 = dta->mu_0;
const double sigma_0 = dta->sigma_0;
const double pi = arma::datum::pi;
const double x = vals_inp(0);
const double ret = - 0.5*std::log(2*pi) - std::log(sigma_0) - std::pow(x - mu_0,2) / (2*sigma_0*sigma_0);
return ret;
double log_target_dens(const arma::vec& vals_inp, void* ll_data)
return ll_dens(vals_inp,ll_data) + log_pr_dens(vals_inp,ll_data);
int main()
const int n_data = 100; // simulated data length
const double mu = 2.0; // true mean
norm_data dta;
dta.sigma = 1.0;
dta.mu_0 = 1.0;
dta.sigma_0 = 2.0;
arma::vec x_dta = mu + arma::randn(n_data,1);
dta.x = x_dta;
arma::vec initial_val(1);
initial_val(0) = 1.0;
arma::mat draws_out;
return 0;
See for a detailed description of each algorithm, and more examples.
Keith O'Hara
Apache Version 2