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alghanmi edited this page Nov 1, 2012 · 12 revisions

The Factory Project

The two classes, csci201 and csci200, will cooperate to design and build a manufacturing assembly cell. The csci201 team will do the backend, while the csci200 will do the GUI and animation. The teams will cooperate in the design of the API between the backend and frontend.

The Operational Concepts Description

Please see The Operation Concepts Description

##Requirements Please see The Kitting Cell

eXtreme Programming

You are to use the eXtreme programming methodology. Details of your meetings, schedule and tasks will be maintained online, with specific details to be determined.


Git is a distributed version control system for managing your code. Check the Git Resource Wiki Page for more information on Git.


There will be six deliverables (due dates below):

  1. A design for the v.0 skeleton. This includes interaction diagrams, agent/backend design. The point of v.0 is to get the teams off to a quick start and have some code working without worrying about the full integration.
  2. v.0: A skeleton. This will be stored in the tags part of your repository as KittingCell-v0. Your skeleton will have 3 non-integrated parts:
  • The kit robot picking kits from the agv/conveyor, putting them on the stand, and the reverse.
  • The parts robot picking up parts from the nests and putting them in the kit—includes vision.
  • Parts dumped into bins and fed down the lanes.
  1. A final design that includes both v1 and v2. This includes interaction diagrams, agent/backend design (for csci201), frontend design (for csci200), and the DoXXX() API. The design is a living document for the life of the project. As design decisions change, this document should be updated. The design must handle the non-normative scenarios.
  2. v.1: A working version of the normative scenario for the cell. This will be stored in the tags part of your repository as KittingCell-v1.
  3. v.2: A second and full delivery of the cell with all the non-normative cases handled. This will be stored in the tags part of your repository as KittingCell-v2.
  4. Final Presentations during the last week of classes.
Due Date Deliverable Notes
10/28 Factory Design CS 200
11/04 Factory Skeleton v. 0 CS 200
11/18 Factory v. 1
12/02 Factory v. 2
12/3, 12/5 Final Persentation

As issues come up after deliverables, I will be updating a submission notes page with things teams should pay attention to before submitting their deliverables.