This project has the goal to add a remote interface to LeoCAD. It should be possible to add and remove (some) bricks.
With this version, LeoCAD starts a TCP server on port 29994. Since the interface is textual, a client like telnet is all you need.
Line = Command Newline
Command = Nop | Hello | Clear | Add
Nop =
Hello = "hello" Plate Color Server
Plate = "plate12x12"
Server = String
Clear = "clear"
Add = "add" Type Color Position Angle
Type = "3001" | "3003"
Color = "black" | "blue" | "green" | "red" | "brown" | "yellow" | "white"
Angle = "0" | "90" | "180" | "270"
String = Symbol { Symbol }
Symbol = 'a..z' | 'A..Z' | '0..9' | "-" | "_" | "." | "*" | "@" | "%" | "&"
Newline = "\n" | "\r" | "\n\r" | "\r\n"
Connect to the running LeoCAD server:
telnet 29994
Add a 4*2 brick at the center with a rotation of 90 degree:
add 3001 red 0 0 0 90
Add a 2*2 brick on top of the last:
add 3003 blue -1 0 1 0
And remove all
Only a subset of bricks are supported. These are:
- 3001, 2*4
- 3003, 2*2
Only a subset of colors are supported. These are
- black
- blue
- green
- red
- brown
- yellow
- white
The position is in "brick coordinates". It is:
^ +------------+
1 | | o o o o |
0 | | o o o o |
y +------------+
0 1 2 3
1 ^ _-__-__-__-_
| | |
0 | |____________|
The angle is in degrees, only 0, 90, 180 and 270 is officially supported.