Questions we have yet to answer
- What kind of structures are we going to hold our data?
- How do we take in input parameters? Files? Add more and more from stdin and user input from command line?
- Collision detection and occupying the same coordinates? (unit collision)
- Inherent velocity?
- When are we initializing threads?
- Do we have particle rotation?
- We will lose accuracy with steps of time
- What libraries are we going to use?
- What norms should we follow as a whole and what kind of coding style will we use?
- What language will we code this in?
- How are we going to designate tasks?
- Final projected destinations?
- Does order of particle processing matter?
- If a group of particles (2 or more) only interact with each other, can we calculate a final trajectory ONCE without recalculating because no outside forces are acting upon them?
- Optimization
- Will we have combinations of particles that occupy the same space?