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Getopt.PHP allows for easy processing of command-line arguments. It is a more powerful, object-oriented alternative to PHP's built-in getopt() function.


  • Supports both short (eg. -v) and long (eg. --version) options
  • Option aliasing, ie. an option can have both a long and a short version
  • Collapsed short options (eg. -abc instead of -a -b -c)
  • Cumulative options (eg. -vvv)
  • Options may take optional or mandatory arguments
  • Two alternative notations for long options with arguments: --option value and --option=value
  • Collapsed short options with mandatory argument at the end (eg. -ab 1 instead of -a -b 1)


0. Include the package

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ulrichsg\Getopt;

1. Create a Getopt object

There are two ways to construct a Getopt instance:

Short options only

The first way uses the very compact notation used by PHP's getopt() (and the original GNU getopt), but cannot be used to declare long options:

$getopt = new Getopt('ab:c::');

Each letter (or digit) declares one option. Letters may be followed by either one or two colons to determine if the option can or must have an argument:

  • No colon - no argument
  • One colon - argument required
  • Two colons - argument optional

Short and long options

The second way is used to harness the full power of Getopt.PHP. In this case, the argument passed to the constructor must be an array of arrays. Each of the inner arrays represents one option and must have exactly three fields, in this order:

  • The option's short name, or null if the option should only have a long name
  • The option's long name, or null if the option should only have a short name (note that it is not permitted to set both names to null)
  • The option's argument mode. Getopt defines three constants for use here: Getopt::NO_ARGUMENT, Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT and Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT.


$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    array('a', null, Getopt::NO_ARGUMENT),
    array(null, 'bravo', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),
    array('c', 'charlie', Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT)

Adding more options after the Getopt object has been created

The method addOptions() can be called with the same arguments as __construct(). Options passed that way are merged with the existing ones.


$getopt = new Getopt;
    array('a', null, Getopt::NO_ARGUMENT),
    array(null, 'bravo', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),
    array('c', 'charlie', Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT)

Leaving out some array elements

When using the array method shown above, it is not always necessary to pass all three elements. The following rules apply:

  • You can omit either the short or the long option. Getopt will then detect whether the first element of your array is a short or a long option, and set the other one to null.
  • You can omit the argument mode, in which case the default mode is assumed. The default mode is NO_ARGUMENT, but you can change it through an optional second argument to the Getopt constructor.


$getopt = new Getopt(null, Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT);
    array('a', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT),  // short option only, required argument
    array('bravo'),                         // long option only, optional argument (default mode set by constructor)
    array('c', 'charlie')                   // short and long option, optional argument (as above)


You can optionally pass descriptions to arguments:

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
	array('a', 'alpha', Getopt::NO_ARGUMENT, 'Short and long options with no argument'),
	array(null, 'beta', Getopt::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, 'Long option only with an optional argument'),
	array('c', null, Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, 'Short option only with a mandatory argument')

These can then be used by showHelp() to print a help message:

Usage: script.php [options] [operands]
  -a, --alpha             Short and long options with no argument
  --beta [<arg>]          Long option only with an optional argument
  -c <arg>                Short option only with a mandatory argument

If you don't want to output the usage information text directly, you can use the output of the getHelpText() method to add e.g. usage examples.

Additionally, as of v1.3.0 the setTitle() method can be used to specify the program's name, which will then be included in the help message.

Default values

It is also possible to specify default values for options. If an option with a default value does not occur in the argument string, it is automatically set to the default.

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
	array('a', null, Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, '', 'foo');

echo $getopt->getOption('a'); //prints "foo"

2. Invoke the parser

After constructing the Getopt object, a call to parse() will evaluate the arguments and store the result for retrieval. parse() can be invoked with or without argument. In the usual case where you want to parse the calling script's command-line arguments (in the global PHP variable $argv), the argument can be omitted. Passing any string or array to the method will make it interpret that value instead.

3. Retrieve the values

Getopt.PHP has multiple methods for retrieving data:

  • getOptions(),
  • getOption($name) and
  • getOperands().


$getopt->getOption($name) returns the value associated with the option name. The value can be one of the following:

  • null, if the option does not occur in the parsed arguments and has no default value
  • the default value, if the option does not occur in the parsed arguments but has a default value
  • an integer, if the option occurs without argument. The actual value is the number of occurrences. In most cases this will be 1, only in case of a cumulative option it can be greater than that (eg. for -vvv a call to getOption('v') will return 3).
  • a string, if the option occurs with an argument. The actual value is, of course, that argument.

Note that, if an option has both a short and a long name, it can be retrieved using either name regardless of which name is used in the parsed data:

$getopt = new Getopt(array(
    array('o', 'option', Getopt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
$getopt->parse('-o value');
echo $getopt->getOption('option')); // value


$getopt->getOperands() returns the (possibly empty) array of operands. Operands are arguments that are neither options nor option values. Getopt determines the operands using the following rules:

  • If a double hyphen -- occurs in the list of arguments, everything after it is considered an operand.
  • If an argument is encountered that does not start with a hyphen, but cannot be an option value (because the preceding option does not support arguments or already has a value, or because it is the first argument), then it and everything after it is considered an operand.
  • If an argument is encountered that starts with one or two hyphens, but is not a known option, it is not considered an operand, but an error is thrown.

There are additional methods for accessing operands that encapsulate the array:

  • $getopt->getOperand($index)
  • $getopt->hasOperands()
  • $getopt->getOperandCount()

Syntactic sugar through PHP interfaces

The Getopt class implements a number of PHP's "magic interfaces":

  • Countable: count($getopt) returns the number of arguments given (not counting operands, but including default values).
  • ArrayAccess: $getopt[$name] is an alias for $getopt->getOption($name).
  • Traversable: A Getopt object can be iterated over with foreach as if it was an array of the form $optionName => $value. Again this includes default values. Options that have both a short and a long name only occur once, using the short name.

Error handling

Getopt.PHP uses two types of exceptions (both from the PHP standard library) to indicate errors. In both cases, the exception's message contains details about the exact cause of the error.

  • InvalidArgumentException is thrown when the argument passed to the constructor is not well-formed.
  • UnexpectedValueException is thrown when the argument list processed by parse() is not well-formed, or does not conform to the declared options.


  • Short option names must be letters from the set [A-Za-z]. Long option names may also contain digits, hyphens and underscores.
  • Avoid option values that start with a hyphen. For instance, an argument string such as -a -b is always interpreted as two separate options a and b, never as an option a with the value -b. The only valid way to pass option values starting with a hyphen is to use long options with an equals sign: --option=-value works, whereas --option -value does not.

Composer support

Getopt.PHP is available as a Composer package on Packagist.


The composer.json file specifies PHPUnit as a development requirement. To install composer and the required development dependencies to enhance Getopt.PHP just run: make install-dev-dependencies and then run the tests via make test.

To get a list of make target just run make without any command line arguments.


License and Credits

Getopt.PHP is (c) 2011-2013 Ulrich Schmidt-Goertz. It is published under the MIT License.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project (in chronological order): @avargas, @CHH, @christiaan, @kler, @alexkappa, @graste, @geoffroy-aubry, @misterion and @patinthehat. Your pull requests are most welcome.

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