This is an end to end example that shows how to create a custom Object Detector using GluonCV / PanoramaSDK and using it on the Panorama device
- Lambda (Folder)
- Notebook(Folder)
- pikachu_detection_custom_object_detector.ipynb
- Build a custom object detector that uses transfer learning to detect Pokemon (pikachu) in an image
- Details how to loop in annotations, creating the model and exporting the hybridized model
- The lambda also counts the number of pikachu detected in the frame and displays it on the output HDMI
The included Jupyter Notebook gives a helpful introduction of
- Task at hand
- Step by step walk thru of how to train your own Object Detector
- Exporting the model and creating a tar.gz file with the parameters
- Upload the model to S3 bucket
- Create and publish a lambda function with the included Lambda zip file
An example output display is shown here
The included Lambda function is a zip file that can be directly uploaded to the Lambda console to create a usable Lambda arn.