You can also use
to check the device type iPhone.
CheckDevice is support cocoaPods and SPM.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Xcode projects. To use CheckDevice with CocoaPods simply add the following lines to your PodFile:
pod 'CheckDevice'
And then run: $ pod install
The Swift Package Manager automates the distribution of Swift code. To use CheckDevice with SPM, add a dependency to your Package.swift
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", ...)
Carthage is unsupported.
Detect a current device and write log:
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the device version ***/
switch CheckDevice.version() {
/*** iPhone ***/
case .iPhone4: print("It's an iPhone 4")
case .iPhone4S: print("It's an iPhone 4S")
case .iPhone5: print("It's an iPhone 5")
case .iPhone5C: print("It's an iPhone 5C")
case .iPhone5S: print("It's an iPhone 5S")
case .iPhone6: print("It's an iPhone 6")
case .iPhone6S: print("It's an iPhone 6S")
case .iPhone6Plus: print("It's an iPhone 6 Plus")
case .iPhone6SPlus: print("It's an iPhone 6 S Plus")
case .iPhoneSE: print("It's an iPhone SE")
case .iPhone7: print("It's an iPhone 7")
case .iPhone7Plus: print("It's an iPhone 7 Plus")
case .iPhone8: print("It's an iPhone 8")
case .iPhone8Plus: print("It's an iPhone 8 Plus")
case .iPhoneX: print("It's an iPhone X")
case .iPhoneXS: print("It's an iPhone Xs")
case .iPhoneXS_Max: print("It's an iPhone Xs Max")
case .iPhoneXR: print("It's an iPhone Xr")
case .iPhone11: print("It's an iPhone 11")
case .iPhone11Pro: print("It's an iPhone 11")
case .iPhone11Pro_Max: print("It's an iPhone 11 Pro Max")
case .iPhone11Pro_Max: print("It's an iPhone 11 Pro Max")
case .iPhoneSE2: print("It's an iPhone SE 2 Gen")
case .iPhone12Mini: print("It's an iPhone 12 Mini")
case .iPhone12: print("It's an iPhone 12")
case .iPhone12Pro: print("It's an iPhone 12 Pro")
case .iPhone12ProMax: print("It's an iPhone 12 Pro Max")
/*** iPad ***/
case .iPad1: print("It's an iPad 1")
case .iPad2: print("It's an iPad 2")
case .iPad3: print("It's an iPad 3")
case .iPad4: print("It's an iPad 4")
case .iPad5: print("It's an iPad 5")
case .iPad6: print("It's an iPad 6")
case .iPad7: print("It's an iPad 7")
/*** iPadAir ***/
case .iPadAir: print("It's an iPad Air")
case .iPadAir2: print("It's an iPad Air 2")
/*** iPadMini ***/
case .iPadMini: print("It's an iPad Mini")
case .iPadMini2: print("It's an iPad Mini 2")
case .iPadMini3: print("It's an iPad Mini 3")
case .iPadMini4: print("It's an iPad Mini 4")
/*** iPadPro ***/
case .iPadPro9_7Inch: print("It's an iPad Pro 9.7 Inch")
case .iPadPro10_5Inch: print("It's an iPad Pro 10.5 Inch")
case .iPadPro12_9Inch: print("It's an iPad Pro 12.9 Inch")
/*** iPod ***/
case .iPodTouch1Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 1")
case .iPodTouch2Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 2")
case .iPodTouch3Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 3")
case .iPodTouch4Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 4")
case .iPodTouch5Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 5")
case .iPodTouch6Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 6")
case .iPodTouch7Gen: print("It's a iPod touch generation 7")
/*** Watch ***/
case .WatchOriginal38mm: print("It's a Apple Watch Original 38MM")
case .WatchOriginal42mm: print("It's a Apple Watch Original 42MM")
/*** All watch alternative included... Some examples ***/
case .Watch1Gen38mm: print("It's a Apple Watch 1 38MM")
case .Watch2Gen42mm: print("It's a Apple Watch 2 42MM")
case .Watch4Gen40mm: print("It's a Apple Watch 4 38MM")
case .Watch6Gen40mm: print("It's a Apple Watch 6 40MM")
case .WatchSE44mm: print("It's a Apple Watch SE 44MM")
/*** Simulator ***/
case .Simulator: print("It's a Simulator")
/*** Unknown ***/
default: print("It's an unknown device")
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the device screen size ***/
switch CheckDevice.size() {
case .screen3_5Inch: print("It's a 3.5 inch screen")
case .screen4Inch: print("It's a 4 inch screen")
case .screen4_7Inch: print("It's a 4.7 inch screen")
case .screen5_4Inch: print("It's a 5.4 inch screen")
case .screen5_5Inch: print("It's a 5.5 inch screen")
case .screen5_8Inch: print("It's a 5.8 inch screen")
case .screen6_1Inch: print("It's a 6.1 inch screen")
case .screen6_5Inch: print("It's a 6.5 inch screen")
case .screen6_7Inch: print("It's a 6.7 inch screen")
case .screen7_9Inch: print("It's a 7.9 inch screen")
case .screen9_7Inch: print("It's a 9.7 inch screen")
case .screen10_5Inch: print("It's a 10.5 inch screen")
case .screen12_9Inch: print("It's a 12.9 inch screen")
default: print("Unknown size")
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the device type ***/
switch CheckDevice.type() {
case .iPod: print("It's an iPod")
case .iPhone: print("It's an iPhone")
case .iPad: print("It's an iPad")
case .Watch: print("It's an Apple Watch")
case .Simulator: print("It's a Simulated device")
default: print("Unknown device type")
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the device type ***/
if (CheckDevice.isPad()){
print("It's an iPad")
else if (CheckDevice.isPhone()){
print("It's an iPhone")
else if (CheckDevice.isPod()){
print("It's an iPod")
else if (CheckDevice.isWatch()){
print("It's an Apple Watch")
else if (CheckDevice.isSimulator()){
print("It's a Simulated device")
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the mac version ***/
switch CheckDevice.type() {
case .iMac: print("It's an iMac")
case .macBook: print("It's a MacBook")
case .macBookAir: print("It's a MacBook Air")
case .macBookPro: print("It's a MacBook Pro")
default: print("Unknown device type")
func myFunc() {
/*** Display the mac screen size ***/
switch CheckDevice.size() {
case .screen11Inch: print("It's a 11 inch screen")
case .screen12Inch: print("It's a 12 inch screen")
case .screen13Inch: print("It's a 13 inch screen")
case .screen15Inch: print("It's a 15 inch screen")
case .screen17Inch: print("It's a 17 inch screen")
case .screen21_5Inch: print("It's a 21.5 inch screen")
case .screen27Inch: print("It's a 27 inch screen")
default: print("Unknown size")
func myFunc() {
/*** Helpers ***/
if CheckDevice.size() == Size.screen4Inch {
print("It's a 4 inch screen")
if CheckDevice.size() > Size.screen4_7Inch {
print("Your device screen is larger than 4.7 inch")
if CheckDevice.size() < Size.screen4_7Inch {
print("Your device screen is smaller than 4.7 inch")
if CheckDevice.size() == Size.screen27Inch {
print("It's a 27 inch screen")
if CheckDevice.size() > Size.screen15Inch {
print("Your mac screen is larger than 15 inch")
if CheckDevice.size() < Size.screen15Inch {
print("Your mac screen is smaller than 15 inch")
if CheckDevice.isRetina() {
print("It's a retina display")
Uğur Ethem AYDIN, [email protected] @ugurethemaydin
CheckDevice is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.