The fair ML paper by Scutari et al is extremely heavy in abstruse linear algebra. Here we distill it (and the previous work by Komiyama et al) down to a few main points.
Y: outcome data, what we want to predict
X: matrix of feature data
S: matrix of sensitive data
First, they fit a linear model to predict X from S
X = B'S + U
U is the matrix of prediction errors, the residuals.
Here B is like the β vector in a usual linear model, but now is a matrix, one column for each feature in X.
Here are the main points:
This may seem odd--aren't we trying to use X to predict something, rather than now having X itself predicted by something else?
However, the point is to decompose X into a sum of a sensitive component B'S and a nonsensitive one U.
One can show that these two components are uncorrelated, a very desirable property for a decomposition. It is not quite the same as saying the two components are independent, but close.
We will still use S, but in a way in which we can limit its impact.
B is a population quantity, and its estimate after fitting to the data is denoted Bhat; the resulting residuals matrix is then denoted by Uhat.
We then fit a linear model for predicting Y from Uhat and S,
Y = S α + Uhat β + ε
but with a ridge regression-like constraint on the size of α. This gives us our desired Fairness-Utility Tradeoff:
Smaller α gives us more Fairness.
Large α gives us more Utility.