All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- #3 (Bug): Vendors with "," in their name weren't being returned correctly
- Get-MACVendor -Vendor now returns a nice table! -- Table is grouped by vendor name (ex. MACs pertaining to Dell and Dell Inc. will be returned but grouped into separate tables.)
- Readme updated to show actual output of commands
- New feature! Get-MACVendor -Vendor to return MACs registered to given vendor
- Configuring Travis CI build to align with Pester's Travis CI config
- Allow users to enter MAC w/out ':' or '-'
- Added unit tests and Travis CI build
- Added proper doc to module function
- Created an actual changelog
- Name now follows PS naming standards: getMACVendor --> Get-MACVendor
- Output is now '' instead of 'The vendor is: '
- Changed output when updating vendor list to Write-Host instead of Write-Debug
- Only allow one parameter at a time (-MAC or -Action)
- Converted script into a module
- Added ability to update OUI list
- Various bug fixes
- Ability to pass in a MAC and return vendor