Optimus 3.0 has one big feature release
- Supports iOS parallelisation
- Resolved appium log path issue on windows
- Resolved issue when capabilities are passed as an array.
Optimus 2.3.3-beta upgrades to latest version of underlying new features
- Optimus-Services will handle all CRUD operations. This will help in writing to cloud
- User can define their own db name or start services on multiple ports for handle multi app products.
- Intents will cascade exception to steps revealing cause of failure in reports.
- Fixed swipe and scroll to latest changes from cucumber.
Optimus 2.2.1 upgrades to latest version of underlying softwared plus a few bug fixes
- udpated to version 5.0.4
- implentation of swipe updated based on the latest java client
- updated to version 2.1.0
- reporting updated wrt new cucumber implementation
- update net.masterthought plugin version 3.11.0
- No More mdb logs filling up your console
- Introducing DevMode that would allow users to not reset the app everytime while developing test script
- Can run any OS version, there is no constraint over it as long as it is supported by Appium
- Intents - Can pass specific params to DataIntent
- Stepdefs - Can override default explicit wait time
- 17 - Cucumber reporter failed to embed screen capture to the final report
- 14 - Android 8.0 SDK API 26 Failed to Execute