fixed issue with --solid-color treating hex code as image
unfortunately had to use a third level of indentation (sorry Mr. Torvalds for skirting the line)
fixed bugs (very, very rare) caused by hash marks in cli arguments when re/storing
now adds a backslash to escape the hash marks in.setroot-restore
currently does not escape backslashes on their own… if anyone complains i’ll add it :)
handle spaces, special characters, allows you to set wallpaper in advance for unconnected monitors
making libxinerama an optional dependency
clamped a bunch of bugs and headaches
stable, but am planning to add ability to specify monitor before moving to v1.0
added image manipulation option brightness and contrast
added ability to specify bg color of blank walls
added image manipulation option tint
fixed some more bugs with memory
to another file
revamped the sizing algorithms, much faster now, cutting down SLOC
started version numbering :)