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FasterTransformer GPT Triton Backend

The FasterTransformer GPT implementation are in

Table Of Contents


This document describes how to serve the GPT model by FasterTransformer Triton backend. This backend is only an interface to call FasterTransformer in Triton. All implementation are in FasterTransformer repo.

Setup Environment

Follow the guide in to setup the environment and prepare docker image. We assume users already build the docker here.

How to set the model configuration

Generally, we need two configuration files to server the FasterTransformer models.

Model Configuration: config.ini generated during converting the model

Normally, this is will be generated automatically when you converting the model checkpoint to FasterTransformer format. However, some configurations (like start_id, end_id) may need to be modified on your own. It is because the converter doesn't know anything about the tokenizer if the original checkpoint configurations don't contain such information.

We provide an example in all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/config.ini.

  • This should be placed in the same directory of model weights
  • This will be loaded by fastertransformers.
  • This mainly describes the model structure and prompt hyperparameters, start_id, end_id, and so on.

The following table shows the details of config.ini:

Classification Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Data Type Description
max_pos_seq_len int maximum sequence length supported for position embedding table (only needed by absolute position embedding)
head_num int the number of head in transformer attention block. A model hyper-parameter
size_per_head int the size of each head in transformer attention block. A model hyper-parameter
inter_size int the intermediate size of FFN layer. A model hyper-parameter
vocab_size int the size of vocabulary.
start_id int the id for start token for un-conditional generation task. In GPT-J, it is often same to end_id
end_id int the id for end token for generation task.
num_layer int the number of transformer layer. A model hyper-parameter
weight_data_type weight_data_type str the weight data type (stored in fastertransformer format), and will be casted when loaded if necessary
prompt_learning_type int the prompt learning type: [0] no prompt [1] soft prompt [2] prefix_prompt [3] p/prompt tuning
prompt_learning_start_id int the prompt learning virtual token start id: only used by p/prompt_tuning to check if id is a prompt or not
task_i the prompt learning task: task Name id = i (0, 1, ....)
task_name str the task_name used to load specific prompt weights
prompt_length int the prompt tokens total length

Fastertransformer-Triton Serving Configuration: config.pbtxt

  • This will be loaded by triton servers
  • This mainly describes the server and fastertransformer inference hyperparameters, like input, output parameters, model type, tensor para size, and so on.

We provide an example in all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/config.pbtxt.

The following table shows the details of config.pbtxt:

Classification Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Data Type Description
input_ids [batch_size, max_input_length] uint32 input ids after tokenization
input_lengths [batch_size] uint32 real sequence length of each input
request_output_len [batch_size] uint32 how many tokens we want to generate
runtime_top_k [batch_size] uint32 Optional. candidate number for sampling
runtime_top_p [batch_size] float Optional. candidate threshold for sampling
beam_search_diversity_rate [batch_size] float Optional. diversity rate for beam search in this paper
temperature [batch_size] float Optional. temperature for logit
len_penalty [batch_size] float Optional. length penalty for logit
repetition_penalty [batch_size] float Optional. repetition penalty for logit
random_seed [batch_size] uint64 Optional. random seed for sampling
is_return_log_probs [batch_size] bool Optional. flag to return the log probs of generated token or not.
is_return_context_embeddings [batch_size] bool Optional. flag to return the context tokens embeddings or not.
beam_width [batch_size] uint32 Optional. beam size for beam search, using sampling if setting to 1
start_id [batch_size] uint32 Optional. the id for start token for un-conditional generation task. In GPT-J, it is often same to end_id
end_id [batch_size] uint32 Optional. the id for start token for un-conditional generation task. In GPT-J, it is often same to end_id
bad_words_list [batch_size, 2, word_list_len] int32 Optional. List of tokens (words) to never sample. Should be generated with all_models/gpt/preprocessing/1/
stop_words_list [batch_size, 2, word_list_len] int32 Optional. List of tokens (words) that stop sampling. Should be generated with all_models/gpt/preprocessing/1/
prompt_learning_task_name_ids [batch_size] uint32 Optional. task_name_id for each sequence in one batch
request_prompt_lengths [batch_size], uint32 Optional. Length of prefix soft prompt embedding. This describes how many tokens of soft prompt embedding in each sentence.
request_prompt_embedding [batch_size, max_prompt_length, hidden_units] float/half/bfloat16 Optional. FT will concat them with results of embedding lookup kernel. For prefix soft prompt embedding, the type must be float; while for p/prompt tuning, the type is same to weight.
request_prompt_type [batch_size] uint32 Optional. Prompt type of request. This is necessary when user pass the prompt embedding by input
top_p_decay [batch_size] float Optional. decay values for top_p factual-nucleus sampling
top_p_min [batch_size] float Optional. min top_p values for top p factual-nucleus sampling
top_p_reset_ids [batch_size] uint32 Optional. reset ids for reseting top_p values for top p factual-nucleus sampling
output_ids [batch_size, beam_width, -1] uint32 output ids before detokenization
sequence_length [batch_size, beam_width] uint32 final sequence lengths of output ids
response_input_lengths [batch_size, beam_width] uint32 final lengths of input ids in the concatenated output ids
cum_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width] float Optional. cumulative log probability of output sentence
output_log_probs [batch_size, beam_width, request_output_seq_len] float Optional. It records the log probability of logits at each step for sampling.
context_embeddings [batch_size, beam_width, hidden_units] float Optional. Sum of the input token embeddings
tensor_para_size int parallelism ways in tensor parallelism
pipeline_para_size int parallelism ways in pipeline parallelism
model_type string must use GPT
model_checkpoint_path string the path to save weights and configuration of model
int8_mode int int8 weight only quantization mode
enable_custom_all_reduce bool use custom all reduction or not
decoupled bool activate the decoupled (streaming) inference, see #decoupled-mode

Decoupled mode

The backend provides a decoupled mode to get intermediate results as soon as they're ready. You can activate this mode by setting the decoupled switch to True. Then, each time the model has sampled a new token, Triton will send back results. Have a look at the client example in tools/ to see how you can leverage this feature. You can run a test request with python3 tools/ tools/requests/sample_request_stream.json.

Prepare Triton GPT model

Following the guide #setup to prepare the docker image.

Download GPT model checkpoint:

docker run -it --rm --gpus=all --shm-size=1g --ulimit memlock=-1 -v ${WORKSPACE}:${WORKSPACE} -w ${WORKSPACE} ${TRITON_DOCKER_IMAGE} bash
# now in docker

export WORKSPACE=$(pwd)
git clone # Used for convert the checkpoint and triton output
wget -P models
wget -P models
wget --content-disposition -O
mkdir -p ${SRC_MODELS_DIR}/megatron-models/345m
unzip -d ${SRC_MODELS_DIR}/megatron-models/345m
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/FasterTransformer/:$PYTHONPATH
python3 ${WORKSPACE}/FasterTransformer/examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/ \
        -i ${SRC_MODELS_DIR}/megatron-models/345m/release/ \
        -o ${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1 \
        --trained-tensor-parallel-size 1 \
        --infer-gpu-num 8 \
        --head-num 16

We need to convert to format handled by FasterTransformer. If you want to run the model with tensor parallel size 8 and pipeline parallel size 2, you should convert checkpoints with -infer_gpu_num = [tensor_para_size], i.e. -infer_gpu_num = 8. We will convert it directly to directory structure which later we'd use as Triton model store.

Then we will get the model weights (xxx.bin) and the config file of model (config.ini) in the ${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/8-gpu/.

INT8 weight only quantization (Experimental)

To accelerate the inference speed of giant model on small batch size, we add supporting of INT8 weight only quantization. Unlike traditional quantization which quantizes inputs, outputs and weights of GEMM, we only quantize the weight here. So, the model can keep the capability without fine-tune. For GEMM computing, the weight sizes are much larger than the size of inputs and outputs, using INT8 weight can reduce the time of loading weights from global memory. For GPT-175B with batch size 1, this brings about 1.3 ~ 1.4x speedup.

However, there are some limitation for this features.

  1. The INT8 weight only kernel only brings speedup for batch size <= 2 now.
  2. Due to reason 1, we need to maintain both FP16 and INT8 weights at the same time to get better speed. This causes the model memory requirement grows 1.5x.
  3. The results of INT8 and FP16 weights may be little different. But the accuracy of real task are on the same level by our experiments and observation.

Run Serving on Single Node

Run serving directly

Before launching server, we suggest run the gemm test first like what we mention here. The gemm test program is put at /workspace/build/fastertransformer_backend/build/bin/gpt_gemm.

Follow Prepare Triton GPT model to prepare model, and assume we are in docker now.

Set the ${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/config.pbtxt properly, like setting model_checkpoint_path to ${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt/fastertransformer/1/8-gpu/.

/workspace/build/fastertransformer_backend/build/bin/gpt_gemm 8 1 32 16 64 4096 50257 1 1 1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 mpirun -n 1 --allow-run-as-root /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver  --model-repository=${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt &
python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/gpt/

You can modify fastertransformer_backend/tools/gpt/ to have different batch size, start length and output length in requests. When the batch size or start length are different to default, remember to add --random_start_ids to initialize the start ids. For example

python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/gpt/ --batch_size 32 --start_len 40 --output_len 100 --random_start_ids
  • Note: If user encounter [ERROR] world_size (4) should equal to tensor_para_size_ * pipeline_para_size_ (1 * 1 here), please check that the GPU number of your device and set the GPUs you want to use by CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.
  • Recommend modifying the SERVER_TIMEOUT of common/ to longer time

Run GPT end-to-end serving by Triton ensemble

We provide an end-to-end example of GPT at fastertransformer_backend/tools/gpt/ Users can run it by

python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/gpt/

after launching the triton server.

Regarding bad_words_dict and stop_words_dict, they should provide a single CSV-formatted string per item. The string then represents a list of words or expressions and each element is tokenized for further use by the model. Beware of tokenizer subtleties, for example, "word" and " word" are two distinct tokens. You can use the script in all_models/gpt/preprocessing/1/ to help you understand the tokenization.

Evaluate the accuracy of GPT model on LAMBADA.

wget -P models
python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/gpt/ --datasets_dir models/

The results would be like

[INFO] last token accuracy:  xxx% (total token num: 5153)

Run the Squad Evaluation based on NeMo GPT with prompt learning

NeMo Prompt Learning Reference

Note that you need to install NeMo Packages in order to have dataset and tokenizers.

python3 tools/

Issue request directly

python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/ tools/requests/sample_request_ensemble.json

Interactive Text Generation

This is the the feature that processes requests inside a loop and adds content to the context without recomputing what has already been computed, which means we can save significant computing time with the saved contexts + generated tokens' K/V cache.

For example, there is a request with [context_1] which will generate [generated_tokens_1]. After that, we may add new contexts [context_2] to it, so that the whole context would be [context_1, generated_tokens_1, context_2]; based on that, we will generate new tokens [generated_tokens_2]. As a result, saving K/V cache for previous contexts and generated tokens would be beneficial for this case.

In order to support it, we will need addditional inputs besides the default ones shown in How to set the model configuration:

Classification Name Tensor/Parameter Shape Data Type Description Note
session_len [batch_size] uint32 max length of the total session
memory_len [batch_size] uint32 max length of the memory(kv cache) length memory buffer will be a circular buffer, which only store last N tokens' cache
sequence_batching need direct sequence_batching + stateful backend to support interactive text generation


Interactive text generation only works with stateful backend + sequence batching (direct mode). max_batch_size is set to 1 because we need to make sure each request redirected to the model instance exclusively. You only need to set max_sequence_idle_microseconds, which controls the timeout of the session.

There will be a phesudo batch dimension (always be 1) in order to support interactive text generation. The input shape will change from [batch_size, ....] to [1, batch_size, ...]. As a result, refer to all_models/gpt-interative-text-generation and tools/interactive_text_generation/ The commonly used all_models/gpt would not work for interactive text generation.


We have an example here (tools/interactive_text_generation/

  • session_len and memory_len are the same configurations described above.
  • session_i [integer, > 0] is used to distingusish different sessions so that the triton server can redirect them to different model instances exclusively.
  • num_session_steps controls how many steps for the interactive session.

For example, python ${WORKSPACE}/tools/interactive_text_generation/ --session_id 1 --num_session_steps 2. The workflow would be [context_1], [generated_tokens_1], [context_2], [generated_tokens_2]. Contexts come from the requests.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 mpirun -n 1 --allow-run-as-root /opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver  --model-repository=${WORKSPACE}/all_models/gpt-interactive-text-generation/ &
python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/interactive_text_generation/ --session_id 1 --num_session_steps 2


git lfs clone
PYTHONPATH=$PWD/../ python3 ../examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/ -o /data/hf/tmp/  -i ./xglm-564M/ -i_g 1
# Note that change `model_checkpoint_path` of `config.pbtxt` to `./tmp/1-gpu/`.


We provide an end-to-end example of BLOOM at all_models/bloom and tools/gpt/, which are almost the same with GPT. A user can prepare a pretrained checkpoint of BLOOM by

git lfs clone
python3 {FT_DIR}/examples/pytorch/gpt/utils/ -o /data/hf/tmp/ -i ./bloom-560m/ -tp 1
# Note that change `model_checkpoint_path` of `config.pbtxt` to `/data/hf/tmp/1-gpu/`.

and then similar to GPT we can run an example by

python3 ${WORKSPACE}/tools/gpt/ --model-variant bloom

Run Triton server on multiple nodes

Prepare Triton model store for multi-node setup

For this experiment you need to prepare Triton GPT model:

  • properly convert Megatron checkpoint to FasterTransformer format
  • update Triton model configuration

We do suggest:

  • tensor_para_size = number of gpus in one node (e.g. 8 for DGX A100)
  • layer_para_size = number of nodes

Other Triton model configuration parameters should be updated as for single node setup.

Model store should be placed on network file system available for all cluster nodes on which Triton will run.

Run on cluster with Enroot/Pyxis support

First allocate two nodes:

salloc -A account_name -t 10:00:00 -N 2

Then run the script shown below to start two nodes' server. -N and -n should be equal to the number of nodes because we start one process per node. If you need to run on two nodes, then -N 2 and -n 2. Remember to change tensor_para_size and pipeline_para_size as suggested in MPI Launching with Tensor Parallel size/ Pipeline Parallel Size Setting if you run on multiple nodes.

WORKSPACE="/workspace" # the dir you build the docker
CMD="/opt/tritonserver/bin/tritonserver --model-repository=$WORKSPACE/fastertransformer_backend/all_models/gpt"
srun -N 2 -n 2 --mpi=pmix -o inference_server.log \
               --container-mounts /home/account/your_network_shared_space/triton:/workspace \
               --container-name multi-node-ft-triton \
               --container-image $IMAGE \
               bash -c "$CMD"

Then, you need to run the server on the background since it will not detach by itself. You can enter and commands ctrl D and bg or run the script above with sbatch.

Next, enter the master triton node (the node where MPI_Rank = 0, normally it is the allocated node with the smallest id) when servers have been started shown in the inference log:

srun -w master-node-name --overlap --container-name multi-node-ft-triton --container-mounts /home/account/your_network_shared_space/triton:/workspace --pty bash # --overlap may not be needed in your slurm environment

Finally, run the client in the master triton node:

python3 fastertransformer_backend/tools/gpt/

You can refer to inference_server.log on the login-node for the inference server log.