Decrypt information (like password) stored on the Eclipse Secure Storage. This version is for windows 64, but may work for other version if you have the master
java EclipseSecureStorageDecoder
java EclipseSecureStorageDecoder
The tools is inspired by the equinox secure storage source code. I remove all dependencies by copying revelant part of the source code, and tweaking some part of the code. This also use a well known powershell trick to decode the master key with the DPAPI
For pentesting a devops company, getting eclipse paswword can help during lateral movement phase. Ideally you should have a small powershell script that read the secure storage file, get the crypted master, decrypt it, then sent the file and the password back for safe decrypting.
Lot of devops tools/plugins use the secure storage to save the credentials like the CxSAST Eclipse Plugin of Checkmarx.
If the target tools are connected to a LDAP (which is often the case you get password to reuse on the pentest