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File metadata and controls

100 lines (74 loc) · 5.98 KB

###Big Data Analytics - Assignment 1 : Data Collection and Persistence This project is the first assignment of Big Data Analytics course in NTUST CSIE department.

  • Name: 羅智晟
  • Student ID: M10415010

#Using the Logstash to get data from Twitter, and output to Elasticseach and JSON file

This project is using the Logstash to get data from Twitter. It tracks the Twitter Streaming API for keywords and directly indexes the documents in Elasticsearch and output the JSON file at the same time.

##Data Source The data source is from the Twitter Streaming API.

##Topic The topic is Panama Papers.

##Search Keywords

  1. "#panamapapers"
  2. "panamapapers"
  3. "panama paper"
  4. "the panama paper"

##Data Format The data set is using the JSON format.

##Dataset Size The total data size is 2.1 GB.

##JSON Schema

Field Type Description
created_at String UTC time when this Tweet was created.
id Int64 The integer representation of the unique identifier for this Tweet.
id_str String The string representation of the unique identifier for this Tweet.
text String The actual UTF-8 text of the status update.
source String Utility used to post the Tweet, as an HTML-formatted string. Tweets from the Twitter website have a source value of web.
truncated Boolean Indicates whether the value of the text parameter was truncated.
in_reply_to_status_id Int64 Nullable. If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet’s ID.
in_reply_to_status_id_str String Nullable. If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet’s ID.
in_reply_to_user_id Int64 Nullable. If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the integer representation of the original Tweet’s author ID.
in_reply_to_user_id_str String Nullable. If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the string representation of the original Tweet’s author ID.
in_reply_to_screen_name String Nullable. If the represented Tweet is a reply, this field will contain the screen name of the original Tweet’s author.
user Users The user who posted this Tweet. More details.
geo Object Deprecated. Nullable. Use the “coordinates” field instead.
coordinates Coordinates Nullable. Represents the geographic location of this Tweet as reported by the user or client application. More details.
place Places Places Nullable. When present, indicates that the tweet is associated (but not necessarily originating from) a Place. More details.
contributors Collection of Contributors Nullable. An collection of brief user objects (usually only one) indicating users who contributed to the authorship of the tweet, on behalf of the official tweet author.
retweeted_status Tweet Users can amplify the broadcast of tweets authored by other users by retweeting. Retweets can be distinguished from typical Tweets by the existence of a retweeted_status attribute. This attribute contains a representation of the original Tweet that was retweeted.
retweet_count Int Number of times this Tweet has been retweeted.
favorite_count Integer Nullable. Indicates approximately how many times this Tweet has been “liked” by Twitter users.
entities Entities Entities which have been parsed out of the text of the Tweet. More details.
favorited Boolean Nullable. Perspectival. Indicates whether this Tweet has been liked by the authenticating user.
retweeted Boolean Perspectival. Indicates whether this Tweet has been retweeted by the authenticating user.
possibly_sensitive Boolean Nullable. This field only surfaces when a tweet contains a link. The meaning of the field doesn’t pertain to the tweet content itself, but instead it is an indicator that the URL contained in the tweet may contain content or media identified as sensitive content.
filter_level String Indicates the maximum value of the filter_level parameter which may be used and still stream this Tweet. So a value of medium will be streamed on none, low, and medium streams.
lang String Nullable. When present, indicates a BCP 47 language identifier corresponding to the machine-detected language of the Tweet text, or “und” if no language could be detected.

Reference from Twitter Developer Document.



Required configuration options in "/crawler/twitter2elastic_and_json.conf" file:

twitter {
    consumer_key => ...
    consumer_secret => ...
    oauth_token => ...
    oauth_token_secret => ...

Set up the JSON output file path:

	file {
		codec => "json"
		path => ["JSON output file path"]

You need to create an application on Twitter, and paste the key on it. For more informations, you can follow the link:

##Running Command

logstash -f twitter2elastic\_and\_json.conf

(Note: -f, it means that load the Logstash config from a specific file, directory. )