- packaging: pre-built Python 3.11 wheels (7980904b)
- Adapt
to more recent poetry-core so that the source package should work again (58a8c77b)
- Update quirc to v1.2 (9918646d)
- Build dependencies: update cython to 3.0.0b3 and poetry-core to >=1.6.0,<1.7.0 (poetry-core is pinned to a narrow version range to hopefully avoid future breakage) (a625da32, 58a8c77b)
- Don't package dependency source files into bdists (2bc4a61f)
- Linux binary packages are now built to the manylinux_2_28 standard due to the manylinux_2_24 container being deprecated (9b6e42e6)
- Remove use of poetry-dynamic-versioning from the build process. It's convenient, but too flaky. Maintaining the version information in two places is not an unbearable maintenance burden, and CI can check for this (5ea9a83e)
- packaging: distribute Python 3.10 wheels (034f14b3)
- Fixed the sdist so that source-based installs work (note: this was later broken by a Poetry update) (b84b3716)
- Documentation. Things are now more documented than ever before.
- QRdecDecoder now produces bounding box corners in clockwise order.
- [BREAKING] Both decoders try to convert decoded data to reasonable types by default.
- binarize.binarze is now callable from Python code.
- Decoding codes from PIL and bytes objects now actually works.
- The sdist now contains the dependency code so it can be built.
- Quirc decoding failures are now actually handled (by skipping them).
- support more image sources, including PIL and bytes objects.
- package: drop numpy dependency by trying to be clever
- decoders: add image binarization to improve decode rate.
- decoder.qrdec: expose qr code mask type
- decoder.qrdec: compute geometric center of qr code
- decoder.quirc: compute geometric center of qr code
- Basic QR code decoding functionality