ROS and MoveIt! are very powerful tools for industrial manipulators. Many people use ROS packages to control their own industrial manipulators. You can see many manipulators are available on ROS-Industrial project.
However, ROS has several missing features for industrial usage. The one is "jogging". Jogging is to make the actual robot move by small amount of distance. We can repeat jogging to adjust the robot to teach target position and posture.
Most commercial industrial robots have their own jog control in the teaching pendants. Some ROS oriented robot has no teaching pendant and no jog control, so it can be a big barrier to use ROS for industrial usage.
This jog_control
repositry has packages for jog control
(reasonably). You can jog your robot by rviz jog panel, joypads,
keyboards, and teaching pendants using these packages.
You can see the idea of jog_control package by demo in jog_launch
package. It uses simulation and MoveIt!. Some robots are from
ROS-Industrial repositry, which
you need to build from source code.
This package is not released yet. When it is released, you can install by apt command.
$ apt install ros-kinetic-jog-control
$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ws/src
$ cd ws
$ wstool init src
$ wstool set -t src jog_control --git
$ wstool update -t src
$ rosdep install -r --from-path src --ignore-src
$ catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash
Launch simulation and MoveIt! (Replace ur5 to ur3 if you need)
$ roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5_joint_limited.launch
$ roslaunch ur5_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
$ roslaunch ur5_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch ur5.launch
You can use fake_joint
package to use the perfect joint
controller. Just launch:
$ roslaunch jog_launch ur5.launch use_fake_joint:=true use_moveit:=true use_rviz:=true
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch simulation:=true
$ roslaunch tra1_bringup tra1_moveit.launch
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch tra1.launch
You can use fake_joint
package to use the perfect joint
controller. Just launch:
$ roslaunch jog_launch tra1.launch use_fake_joint:=true use_moveit:=true use_rviz:=true
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch denso_launch denso_vs060_moveit_demo_simulation.launch
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch vs060.launch
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ rtmlaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_simulation.launch
$ roslaunch nextage_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch nextage.launch
You can use fake_joint
package to use the perfect joint
controller. Just launch:
$ roslaunch jog_launch nextage.launch use_fake_joint:=true use_moveit:=true
(CAUTION: The model of this robot is a bit strange in joint limits. The jog may not move because of joints flipping.)
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch abb_irb2400_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch abb_irb2400.launch
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch motoman_sia20d_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch motoman_sia20d.launch
This is another dual arm robot by Yaskawa MOTOMAN.
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch motoman_sda10f_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch motoman_sda10f.launch
The CRANE-X7 package is here.
Launch simulation and MoveIt!
$ roslaunch crane_x7_gazebo crane_x7_with_table.launch
And launch jog nodes.
$ roslaunch jog_launch crane_x7.launch
You ca add new panel JogFramePanel in rviz.
You can also use a joypad. Please consult jog_controller/
You can also use a SpaceMouse. Please consult jog_controller/
You can also use a teaching pendant. TBA.
is a ROS message package for jog control.
contains ROS nodes for jog control.
- Please take extra care when you use this package with real robot, seriously!
- You need to launch MoveIt! before start jog_controllers
- Wiser target picking (group name, target link, etc)
- Marker visualization for target link and base link
- Dynamic reconfigure for jog_controller